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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I like pvp but i would like a domination warzone


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I enjoy all the warzones bar voidstar but bar huttball they are all samey can we have a domination based warzone with a area to stand in to cap. Or maybe a threeway fight. Out of curiosity what do people least enjoy i dislike how zergy void is its just res die res die there isnt much else to it.
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Out of curiosity what do people least enjoy i dislike how zergy void is its just res die res die there isnt much else to it.


You could say the same about the other WZ. But yes, another different type of WZ would be nice. I'd like to see one straight deathmatch-type WZ as well.

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You could say the same about the other WZ. But yes, another different type of WZ would be nice. I'd like to see one straight deathmatch-type WZ as well.


some new maps for HB would be nice, maybe some other layout for VS, but as for pure death match, we have one, Ancient Hyper gates.

unless 2 pylons is to much of an objective ;-)


also, isn't CW and Novare 'hold the point/domination' kinda map?

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