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Maul, Tyranus, Ventress, Grievous & Oppress vs Obi-Wan, Anakin, Plo Koon, Fisto & Ti


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The Jedi win. Shakk-Ti is that awesome. Plus Ventress would be too busy trying to get even with Dooku (Tyranus). Maul would get owned by Kenobi, again. Grievious would be too busy running fron Anakin and Plo while Fisto dances circles around Oppress. Shaak-Ti might help chase Grevious just out of boredom. Or maybe she whips out a bucket of popcorn and joins Palpy to watch the show.
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The only real threats here are Maul and Dooku, Grevious can be taken by Fisto, Obi-Wan takes Ventress. Anakin takes Dooku while Koon deals with Maul(or you can switch Obi-Wan and Koon) and Ti takes Oppress. The weak links here realistically are Ventress and Oppress for the sith, Oppress never really impressed me he was more of a brute strength guy with no real style which is gonna be his downfall. With Ventress, she isn't gonna be able to defend for long with her style, sure she can get more attacks in but eventually Obi-Wan is gonna get her. Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Erm, last I saw was that Ventress almost choked out and out-duelled BOTH Obi-Wan and Anakin whilst delirious and injured(Tano even admits that no one of those Jedi with them including Unduli could take Ventress alone), Grievous took down Shaak Ti and Fisto on separate occasions, beating them both.


Savage Oppress also defeated Ventress, Dooku, Obi-Wan and Anakin in separate encounters, not to mention the fact he killed Adi Gallia.


Also as far as Dooku vs Anakin goes, in TCW we see that Anakin can certainly apply pressure on Dooku but Dooku still wins handily, it isn't until way later on when he is trying to convert Anakin above Coruscant that Anakin and Obi-Wan's excellent mental trap beats Tyranus.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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(Tano even admits that no one of those Jedi with them including Unduli could take Ventress alone), Grievous took down Shaak Ti and Fisto on separate occasions, beating them both.


Seems Ahsoka didn't hear about Khorm. Ventress could not have had more advantages against Plo Koon and she was still defeated.


Didn't Kit Fisto beat (or atleast come close to beating) Grievous in the first season of TCW?


Savage Oppress also defeated Ventress, Dooku, Obi-Wan and Anakin in separate encounters, not to mention the fact he killed Adi Gallia.


Shouldn't underestimate Savage, that's for sure.


Also as far as Dooku vs Anakin goes, in TCW we see that Anakin can certainly apply pressure on Dooku but Dooku still wins handily, it isn't until way later on when he is trying to convert Anakin above Coruscant that Anakin and Obi-Wan's excellent mental trap beats Tyranus.


That's true. I think Dooku could beat any of the Jedi in this match-up in single combat.


However, I don't think we will see much single combat in a battle of this scale. There will most likely be 'team ups' occurring throughout the battle. We should also remember how great of a team Anakin and Obi-Wan made.

Edited by Aurbere
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Erm, last I saw was that Ventress almost choked out and out-duelled BOTH Obi-Wan and Anakin whilst delirious and injured(Tano even admits that no one of those Jedi with them including Unduli could take Ventress alone), Grievous took down Shaak Ti and Fisto on separate occasions, beating them both.


Savage Oppress also defeated Ventress, Dooku, Obi-Wan and Anakin in separate encounters, not to mention the fact he killed Adi Gallia.


Also as far as Dooku vs Anakin goes, in TCW we see that Anakin can certainly apply pressure on Dooku but Dooku still wins handily, it isn't until way later on when he is trying to convert Anakin above Coruscant that Anakin and Obi-Wan's excellent mental trap beats Tyranus.


In terms of the team here, them two are the weak links out of the 4. But when did Oppress beat Dooku and Anakin? That I call some serious BS on(I did miss a few episodes at one point), Adi Gallia never really impressed me either tbh.


Are we going with everyone in their prime? Or are we just using the feats we see off TCW show? If just sticking to the show, then yes there is some challenges. But if we incorporate other things from the EU, then its gonna be different.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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In terms of the team here, them two are the weak links out of the 4. But when did Oppress beat Dooku and Anakin? That I call some serious BS on(I did miss a few episodes at one point), Adi Gallia never really impressed me either tbh.


Are we going with everyone in their prime? Or are we just using the feats we see off TCW show? If just sticking to the show, then yes there is some challenges. But if we incorporate other things from the EU, then its gonna be different.

It wasn't all out or anything, but he kicked their *** for a good three or four minutes.


We are going with the Clone Wars for all these characters.

Seems Ahsoka didn't hear about Khorm. Ventress could not have had more advantages against Plo Koon and she was still defeated.


Didn't Kit Fisto beat (or atleast come close to beating) Grievous in the first season of TCW?


Ventress in the earlier seasons does get her fair share of defeats but as the show goes on she really starts owning the jedi masters.


Fisto does very well, as only Kit can, but he shows no signs of actually beating Grievous.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Seems Ahsoka didn't hear about Khorm. Ventress could not have had more advantages against Plo Koon and she was still defeated.


Didn't Kit Fisto beat (or atleast come close to beating) Grievous in the first season of TCW?




Shouldn't underestimate Savage, that's for sure.




That's true. I think Dooku could beat any of the Jedi in this match-up in single combat.


However, I don't think we will see much single combat in a battle of this scale. There will most likely be 'team ups' occurring throughout the battle. We should also remember how great of a team Anakin and Obi-Wan made.

Indeed, Plo went full ****** in that fight.... He beat her down, completely and utterly, with all odds stacked against him...

Oh and Rayla, couple things:


Fisto was beating grievious, however he was overwhelmed when grievious re-activated the magnagaurds.... Even Kit can't stand against him and 6 of the most powerful AI at grievious' disposal...


Savage didn't beat dooku.... As I recall savage managed to choke him for a few seconds and run, the rest of the fight dooku kept him out completely by zapping him every few seconds.

He certainly didn't hold out for long against Anakin and Kenobi, barging Into them at full strength. And knocking them down isn't a big deal, in any real prolonged fight that wouldn't last long.

Kenobi also brought round a new definition of Whoop *** when he managed to chop off Opress' hand during the first episode of season 5 whilst facing against both Maul and Savage...


Oh and ventress didn't beat Obi wan and Skywalker, she was moments from capture when she escaped, she managed to hold them off but she was about to be defeated...

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Indeed, Plo went full ****** in that fight.... He beat her down, completely and utterly, with all odds stacked against him...


You bet he did. Just an example of his awesomeness. Only sad thing is, he doesn't have much else to show for his saber skill.


Personally, I think Grievous and Fisto will be major players here. Their ability to engage multiple enemies (Grievous with the four arms, Fisto with Shii-Cho) changes the playing field. There won't be many one v one moments with those two.

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Oh and ventress didn't beat Obi wan and Skywalker, she was moments from capture when she escaped, she managed to hold them off but she was about to be defeated...

Not so sure about that. she was interrupted by dooku betrayal. Otherwise Obi wan and Anakin had actualy no escape i can think of.

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Gonna go with the Jedi for this one. The "Sith", know they're not all Sith, I use the term lightly, would be too busy to be checking in on each other for possible weaknesses as well. They wouldn't just be fighting the Jedi but like 2,3/5 of their own "team" as well. Obi-Wan & Anakin are an excellent team, adding Kitt and Plo and it's a done deal.


I never really had a good impressive of Ti, am not done reading the books and comics yet, her death-scene in the deleted scenes of Episode III, lol, just lol. I think after a few minutes, it'll just be Tyranus and Grievous, maybe Maul against 5 Jedi, assuming Ti is still alive! :D

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The Sith/Separatists win. Why? Allow me to explain:



  • Maul, I assume we are talking about Maul with his mechanical legs (that is arguably Maul at the height of his power during the Clone Wars), he absolutely owned Obi-Wan Kenobi with those legs. Sure, Obi Wan was beat up, but he is a Jedi and his performance in that battle was pretty terrible, what's more Dun Moch is going to very effective against him. I'm also sure Maul will go straight for Obi Wan.
  • Tyranus, he could be the weak link believe it or not. Despite his excellent command of Makashi it was inefficient against multiple opponents, however I think Dooku is skilled enough to keep the duels one-on-one. And one-on-one he bests all of his Jedi opponents.
  • Ventress, a very powerful apprentice of Dooku who has been known to take on Obi-Wan and Anakin - granted in such a battle she would likely lose but not without a considerable fight. Let's also remember that Ventress defeated and almost killed Fisto in a duel - Makashi counters Shii-Cho.
  • Grievous, this guy definitely needs to be reassessed, despite having been defeated by the likes of Fisto (possibly) and Obi-Wan, his true abilities lie in multiple opponent combat, because he becomes so difficult to pin down. This will give him the advantage in such a battle if he manages to draw the attention of more than one Jedi, and allow an ally to exploit their weaknesses while occupied.
  • Oppress, another underrated character, remember
    ? And this? And this? Savage is a tanking, juggernaut, monster and more than capable of taking on more than one opponent.


So, with this in mind this is how I see the fight panning out. Grievous and Oppress charge in first and target say Anakin, Koon and Shaak Ti - keeping them busy with aggressive attacks. Maul and Ventress quickly move in behind, Maul takes Obi-Wan and Ventress takes Kit Fisto. Tyranus tag-teams with Maul/protects his allies if they get in danger. Soon enough Obi-Wan and Fisto are dead - and the rest will follow.

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The Sith/Separatists win. Why? Allow me to explain:



  • Maul, I assume we are talking about Maul with his mechanical legs (that is arguably Maul at the height of his power during the Clone Wars), he absolutely owned Obi-Wan Kenobi with those legs. Sure, Obi Wan was beat up, but he is a Jedi and his performance in that battle was pretty terrible, what's more Dun Moch is going to very effective against him. I'm also sure Maul will go straight for Obi Wan.
  • Tyranus, he could be the weak link believe it or not. Despite his excellent command of Makashi it was inefficient against multiple opponents, however I think Dooku is skilled enough to keep the duels one-on-one. And one-on-one he bests all of his Jedi opponents.
  • Ventress, a very powerful apprentice of Dooku who has been known to take on Obi-Wan and Anakin - granted in such a battle she would likely lose but not without a considerable fight. Let's also remember that Ventress defeated and almost killed Fisto in a duel - Makashi counters Shii-Cho.
  • Grievous, this guy definitely needs to be reassessed, despite having been defeated by the likes of Fisto (possibly) and Obi-Wan, his true abilities lie in multiple opponent combat, because he becomes so difficult to pin down. This will give him the advantage in such a battle if he manages to draw the attention of more than one Jedi, and allow an ally to exploit their weaknesses while occupied.
  • Oppress, another underrated character, remember
    ? And this? And this? Savage is a tanking, juggernaut, monster and more than capable of taking on more than one opponent.


So, with this in mind this is how I see the fight panning out. Grievous and Oppress charge in first and target say Anakin, Koon and Shaak Ti - keeping them busy with aggressive attacks. Maul and Ventress quickly move in behind, Maul takes Obi-Wan and Ventress takes Kit Fisto. Tyranus tag-teams with Maul/protects his allies if they get in danger. Soon enough Obi-Wan and Fisto are dead - and the rest will follow.




This duel can't just come down to 'the Jedi win' or 'the Sith win', it's going to take a far more indepth look at the characters than that.


Most likely scenario wins boys.

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The Sith/Separatists win. Why? Allow me to explain:



[*]Maul, I assume we are talking about Maul with his mechanical legs (that is arguably Maul at the height of his power during the Clone Wars), he absolutely owned Obi-Wan Kenobi with those legs. Sure, Obi Wan was beat up, but he is a Jedi and his performance in that battle was pretty terrible, what's more Dun Moch is going to very effective against him. I'm also sure Maul will go straight for Obi Wan.


And then Obi-Wan beat both him and Savage on Florrum. However, a one on one battle plays more to Maul's strengths in my opinion, which will most likely occur between the two.


[*]Tyranus, he could be the weak link believe it or not. Despite his excellent command of Makashi it was inefficient against multiple opponents, however I think Dooku is skilled enough to keep the duels one-on-one. And one-on-one he bests all of his Jedi opponents.


Except Dooku mastered Makashi to the point where he eliminated that weakness.


But you are right. Dooku can handle all of the above Jedi in single combat. I think only Plo Koon and Anakin (ROTS of course not TCW) would prove difficult, but not extremely difficult.


[*]Ventress, a very powerful apprentice of Dooku who has been known to take on Obi-Wan and Anakin - granted in such a battle she would likely lose but not without a considerable fight. Let's also remember that Ventress defeated and almost killed Fisto in a duel - Makashi counters Shii-Cho.


And she was given the beat down by a handicapped Plo Koon.


Not intending to draw away from her strengths, because she can handle herself just fine.


[*]Grievous, this guy definitely needs to be reassessed, despite having been defeated by the likes of Fisto (possibly) and Obi-Wan, his true abilities lie in multiple opponent combat, because he becomes so difficult to pin down. This will give him the advantage in such a battle if he manages to draw the attention of more than one Jedi, and allow an ally to exploit their weaknesses while occupied.


Hypori, anyone? :p


So, with this in mind this is how I see the fight panning out. Grievous and Oppress charge in first and target say Anakin, Koon and Shaak Ti - keeping them busy with aggressive attacks. Maul and Ventress quickly move in behind, Maul takes Obi-Wan and Ventress takes Kit Fisto. Tyranus tag-teams with Maul/protects his allies if they get in danger. Soon enough Obi-Wan and Fisto are dead - and the rest will follow.


Unfortunately, I may have to agree with the above scenario. :(:(:(

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I feel as if this was a spite....I mean Koon, Fisto and Ti(has she even had any appearances at all in terms of saber/force combat??) haven't really been shown doing much of anything note worthy, in terms of fighting. At least the point of, continuously showing Koon and Fisto their skill at length in various episodes. Whereas for the other side, we see all them plenty in their showings while with Obi-Wan and Anakin they are really only ones with lengthy showings of their combat skills.


But again, as said haven't been really keeping up until recently so if Koon, Fisto and Ti have been shown more then I withdraw my comment here.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I feel as if this was a spite....I mean Koon, Fisto and Ti(has she even had any appearances at all in terms of saber/force combat??) haven't really been shown doing much of anything note worthy, in terms of fighting. At least the point of, continuously showing Koon and Fisto their skill at length in various episodes. Whereas for the other side, we see all them plenty in their showings while with Obi-Wan and Anakin they are really only ones with lengthy showings of their combat skills.


But again, as said haven't been really keeping up until recently so if Koon, Fisto and Ti have been shown more then I withdraw my comment here.


You're absolutely right. Plo Koon, Ti, and Fisto haven't done very much in terms of fighting. Whereas the others have, which is unfortunate because Plo Koon, Ti and Fisto are great fighters. They just don't get much attention. That's understandable, I guess.


But one thing I don't like is when a popular character is voted to beat a more unknown character simply because they have done more. That's a bit off topic, but it kind of applies here.

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Unfortunately, I may have to agree with the above scenario. :(:(:(


Dont give in dammit!!!!!


The Scenario revolves around Maul engaging kenobi alone in my opinion.... Which i think, wouldnt happen. Heres why:

Savage Oppress had his hand chopped off by Kenobi right? Exactly, he's going to want revenge. And as we have seen Many Many Many times, Savage is not that intelligent, and is mainly Driven by rage, anger, and revenge. He shows that in his Saber styles as much as everything else. He is very irrational, and i think if it came down to seeing Kenobi again, he wouldn't think of the better outcome in this duel, he would go right for revenge thinking he could achieve it.


This could Destroy the entire battle for the Sith.


With both Maul and Savage engaging Kenobi, he has the upper hand. If anyone knows how to successfully move opponents around the field, getting them in each others way, its Obi-Wan. With the 4 Jedi against the 3 remaining sith, i think it would go a'sommin like this:


Skywalker engages Tyrannus, with the aim to just keep his guard up and keep Tyrannus out of the fray until the end.

Koon would Woop down Ventress again...

This leaves fisto and Ti to face Grevious, Grevious is good against multiple Opponents but i think against these two he would not be able to use the normal tactics.

We have seen Shak Ti face Grevious before, and lose. Pretty badly, but that was different, he had broken her, she knew if she beat the General she would still die.... She was also tired and not at full strength.

Even though Grevious is good against multiple opponents, i think these two could take him...


From there, the duel just goes in the favour of the Jedi.

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And then Obi-Wan beat both him and Savage on Florrum. However, a one on one battle plays more to Maul's strengths in my opinion, which will most likely occur between the two.
Kenobi by no means 'won' that battle - he escaped. For one the only reason he survived was because his mastery of Soresu allowed him to hold the defensive, and he had two lightsabers, an advantage he would not have here. And secondly, yes he defeated Savage but not Maul. He only managed to escape because Maul feared for his brothers life and blasted Kenobi away. So that battle is inconclusive. If anything the previous battle, where he had Ventress to back him up yet still lost implies that Kenobi would have been killed by Maul.


Selenial makes a good point however, a Maul/Savage tag-team on Kenobi is likely. However there is no surrender or escape in this scenario, so even if Kenobi wounds Savage, Maul will keep pressing the offense just all the more aggressively. Which will greatly augment his ability in Juyo = dead Obi-Wan. So even if that comes about, Obi Wan dies. And lets remember that Maul and Savage work very well together, I saw no evidence of disharmony when they dueled Sidious. Lets also remember that Obi-Wan's last fight with the deadly duo didn't exactly go smoothly, he was hardly dancing around them - more like fighting for his life. Imagine that but with one saber!


Also I give the advantage of 'pick and choose' to the Sith, Grievous is a spinning pinwheel of doom and will sow chaos in the Jedi ranks. He is literally a wall of lightsabers, the Jedi will be forced to fight on his terms. So if he engages Ti and Koon, there's nothing they can do but fight. Pair that with Ventress' agility and they will dance around their Jedi opponents and get the matchup they want i.e. Ventress vs Fisto which = dead Fisto.


Lets also remember that Dooku has Force lightning, and if he brings that to bear he can literally control the battlefield. He has done it in the past and he will no doubt do it again. Oh and by the way Selenial if there's anyone who knows how successfully move his opponents around the field, its Dooku. Just take a look at almost ever fight he's been in, Dooku has always manipulated the battlefield so they fight on his terms.


P.S. I don't think Dooku completely overcame this deficiency in Makashi Aurbere, what I've come to notice is that in all his battles with multiple opponents Dooku ensures one remains incapacitated.

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P.S. I don't think Dooku completely overcame this deficiency in Makashi Aurbere, what I've come to notice is that in all his battles with multiple opponents Dooku ensures one remains incapacitated.


Meh, I think Obi-Wan did pretty good in that battle.


IIRC, Dooku managed to hold his own against Ventress and two nightsisters, and even beat them. Going off of memory, of course. And you're right that he does incapacitate opponents, but he has fought multiple (more than two) enemies and held his own successfully. This indicates that he has eliminated Makashi's weakness to multiple opponents.


You are correct on the point that Dooku will be manipulating the battle. It comes naturally to him (as Qui-Gon Jinn said). So he can maneuver the battle in his own way. Not to mention that he is a telepath so he could communicate with he allies mentally.


Of course, Plo Koon is also a telepath and could do the same.

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Selenial makes a good point however, a Maul/Savage tag-team on Kenobi is likely. However there is no surrender or escape in this scenario, so even if Kenobi wounds Savage, Maul will keep pressing the offense just all the more aggressively. Which will greatly augment his ability in Juyo = dead Obi-Wan.

How will Maul pressing the offensive "augment" his Juyo? He's already going to be fighting offensively, there's nothing that would make him better because Savage is out of the fight. He might get mad, but that would just make him more prone to being sloppy/arrogant (kind of how he got killed the first time around). And Obi-Wan is not likely to end up fighting alone, Anakin will almost certainly back him up. Between Kenobi's superb defense and Anakin's aggressive offense, Maul and Savage will be hard pressed to stay alive.

So even if that comes about, Obi Wan dies. And lets remember that Maul and Savage work very well together, I saw no evidence of disharmony when they dueled Sidious. Lets also remember that Obi-Wan's last fight with the deadly duo didn't exactly go smoothly, he was hardly dancing around them - more like fighting for his life. Imagine that but with one saber!

There's really no advantage to picking up a second saber. Kenobi's Soresu will be better for it if he sticks with a single saber, allowing him to maintain a solid defense and keep Maul and Savage pinned down while Anakin cuts Savage to ribbons.

Also I give the advantage of 'pick and choose' to the Sith, Grievous is a spinning pinwheel of doom and will sow chaos in the Jedi ranks. He is literally a wall of lightsabers, the Jedi will be forced to fight on his terms. So if he engages Ti and Koon, there's nothing they can do but fight. Pair that with Ventress' agility and they will dance around their Jedi opponents and get the matchup they want i.e. Ventress vs Fisto which = dead Fisto.

This is true, the Sith and their allies will have more offensive options. And Fisto is hopelessly outmatched here, I don't know why he was included as a combatant. The kid is useless and retarded (I mean, who specializes in Shii-Cho? That's like writing code to run on MS DOS when it's 2013.)

Lets also remember that Dooku has Force lightning, and if he brings that to bear he can literally control the battlefield. He has done it in the past and he will no doubt do it again. Oh and by the way Selenial if there's anyone who knows how successfully move his opponents around the field, its Dooku. Just take a look at almost ever fight he's been in, Dooku has always manipulated the battlefield so they fight on his terms.

Also quite true, but on the other hand, Kenobi is quite the tactician. He also is familiar with Dooku's tactics and has demonstrated that you can quite easily block Dooku's lightning if you're paying attention for it.

P.S. I don't think Dooku completely overcame this deficiency in Makashi Aurbere, what I've come to notice is that in all his battles with multiple opponents Dooku ensures one remains incapacitated.

IIRC, Dooku managed to hold his own against Ventress and two nightsisters, and even beat them. Going off of memory, of course. And you're right that he does incapacitate opponents, but he has fought multiple (more than two) enemies and held his own successfully. This indicates that he has eliminated Makashi's weakness to multiple opponents.

Just because Dooku can fight multiple opponents doesn't mean he's eliminated Makashi's weaknesses. You can't fundamentally change a form's nature, Makashi is not optimal for fighting against multiple enemies. Now, Dooku is extremely proficient at parrying and his knowledge of other forms gives him insight into his enemies' attacks, so he quite adroitly outmaneuvers them.


However, he is still compensating for Makashi's natural inclination towards single saber combat in a duel. He can't really come into his own until he's going one on one with an adversary.

Edited by Ventessel
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How will Maul pressing the offensive "augment" his Juyo? He's already going to be fighting offensively, there's nothing that would make him better because Savage is out of the fight. He might get mad, but that would just make him more prone to being sloppy/arrogant (kind of how he got killed the first time around). And Obi-Wan is not likely to end up fighting alone, Anakin will almost certainly back him up. Between Kenobi's superb defense and Anakin's aggressive offense, Maul and Savage will be hard pressed to stay alive.
Juyo relies on emotions to fuel it, and I think Maul has the discipline to keep his emotions in check and use his new found rage to channel his ablities. After all he hates Obi-Wan in every respect and yet still managed to fight him effectively without succumbing to rage. And seeing your brother cut down is hardly going to make him arrogant.


And if Anakin is fighting Maul and Savage with Obi Wan then Dooku has nobody to confront him (Shaak Ti, Koon and Fisto will be forced to take Grievous and Ventress) leaving him free to cut down whomever he pleases. Basically bad idea. Nonetheless Dooku will probably force Anakin into a confrontation, both are losing propositions so Obi Wan and Anakin will be half concentrating on eachothers fights in case assistance is needed and make them more prone to attack. The Jedi's weakness will be there downfall.

There's really no advantage to picking up a second saber. Kenobi's Soresu will be better for it if he sticks with a single saber, allowing him to maintain a solid defense and keep Maul and Savage pinned down while Anakin cuts Savage to ribbons.
Really? Then why did Kenobi do exactly that? And why did Sidious do the same? It seems that the combined aggressive fighting style of Savage and Maul requires multiple blades.
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How will Maul pressing the offensive "augment" his Juyo? He's already going to be fighting offensively, there's nothing that would make him better because Savage is out of the fight. He might get mad, but that would just make him more prone to being sloppy/arrogant (kind of how he got killed the first time around). And Obi-Wan is not likely to end up fighting alone, Anakin will almost certainly back him up. Between Kenobi's superb defense and Anakin's aggressive offense, Maul and Savage will be hard pressed to stay alive.


I see this favoring the Jedi, and it isn't simply skill with a blade here, it is the ability to work together as a team, something that I don't see the "Sith" doing as effectively.


There's really no advantage to picking up a second saber. Kenobi's Soresu will be better for it if he sticks with a single saber, allowing him to maintain a solid defense and keep Maul and Savage pinned down while Anakin cuts Savage to ribbons.


No argument there.


This is true, the Sith and their allies will have more offensive options. And Fisto is hopelessly outmatched here, I don't know why he was included as a combatant. The kid is useless and retarded (I mean, who specializes in Shii-Cho? That's like writing code to run on MS DOS when it's 2013.)


It is said that true masters of Shii-Cho can be extremely dangerous opponents, fact of the matter is that Kit Fisto may be more of a threat to the "Sith" in this fight than you think. Since hardly anyone has bothered to master that form (since it is the "youngling" form), he actually may be one of the most dangerous people on the field, simply because he's using a style that none of the "Sith" would be used to facing on the battlefield.


Also quite true, but on the other hand, Kenobi is quite the tactician. He also is familiar with Dooku's tactics and has demonstrated that you can quite easily block Dooku's lightning if you're paying attention for it.


I will also point out flinging lightning around like an idiot is liable to hit friend as well as foe.


Just because Dooku can fight multiple opponents doesn't mean he's eliminated Makashi's weaknesses. You can't fundamentally change a form's nature, Makashi is not optimal for fighting against multiple enemies. Now, Dooku is extremely proficient at parrying and his knowledge of other forms gives him insight into his enemies' attacks, so he quite adroitly outmaneuvers them.


However, he is still compensating for Makashi's natural inclination towards single saber combat in a duel. He can't really come into his own until he's going one on one with an adversary.


Agreed, as I mentioned above this favors the Jedi because they can coordinate their attacks as a team, while I doubt the sith can do the same. Additionally Maul (assuming he uses a Saber staff), is likely just as dangerous to his allies as he is to his enemies because he has to be careful he doesn't hit an ally on accident with that thing.

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