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Ok, so I have always been a pvp'er and have a very high valor rank... but recently left pvp for a few weeks and did operations. Now I have come back to pvp in raid gear and am constantly being cussed out about not having expertise.

(I want to say that the first battle I went into with pve gear was simply out of experiment to see how bad it would be)


However this was not the case.... I have been pvp'ing now for 3 days with pve gear (and 358 expertise only) and I am awesome. I have been getting in the top 5 or better in most matches (I have easily played over 60 matches in 3 days)... I even got #2 in a match against a very well known pvp pre-made group. I am doing very high dps. I do not die very often. I go into each match solo. I average 300k to 495k dmg per match....which is very good for me.


I guess this leads me to ask a few things...


1. Why do the people get sooo angry and rude when I don't have expertise if I am beating them in pvp?...and why should I bust my butt to get pvp gear again when I am doing so well in this gear already?

2. Why is it that I am able to do so good....doesn't expertise matter?....or is it just that my other stats are so large that it evens it out?

3. How will the changes in 2.0 change this?


Thanks in advance to the people who actually read this and answer nicely!!!

Edited by Malckiah
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Well, I think I am on your server and was in a few of the matches you have been in. I did think people were being very mean to you (if that was even you) and thought it funny when you placed 1st over everyone else. I would like to see what others have to say about this also since I am kind of a min/max-er.


I was always told expertise was everything, but apparently it is not. Maybe a bug?


Anyway, good luck to you! :)

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I guess this leads me to ask a few things...


1. Why do the people get sooo angry and rude when I don't have expertise if I am beating them in pvp?...and why should I bust my butt to get pvp gear again when I am doing so well in this gear already?

2. Why is it that I am able to do so good....doesn't expertise matter?....or is it just that my other stats are so large that it evens it out?

3. How will the changes in 2.0 change this?


Thanks in advance to the people who actually read this and answer nicely!!!

1. You don't play by "their" rules. Whatever those are.


2. Expertise does matter, definitely. But it's also a matter of the quality level of your equipment (BH gear > recruit gear in PvP) and knowing your rotations. Yes, rotations matter in PvP as much as they do in PvE. A skilled PvP-er has rotations too, though he will know when to change his own rotation, and will also recognize an enemy's rotations and break those apart. Many people think Expertise is a crutch to beat everybody without it. While Expertise makes a difference, it still doesn't quite work like that. Expertise is just a stat, just like any other stat. Having 20% more damage and protection from expertise or 20% more damage and protection through other stats doesn't matter: it's still a 20% increase.


3. I think they're staying with the current design there: PvP tier X performs similar to PvE tier (X-1) in PvE, while PvE tier X performs similar to PvP tier (X-1) in PvP. At least, that seems Biowares' overall intention.

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As far as getting sweared at op, people get really really pissed in mmos, when other people do the unexpected. Or they dont go with the trend. Its kinda like its alright for everyone to have a different look, but the end of world will come, if a bunch of people look the same lol.


As far as expertise, I honestly wish they would get rid of the whole pvp stat all together. At the same time keeping two sets of gear, but the pvp set no longer having a special stat.. So a person can earn there gear pve or pvp. Before someone says pvp is too easy to do that, try doing warzone after warzone, and watch all the rookies rage on everyone in sight. Then tell me its easy and stress free lol. I honestly think if they found a way to get rid of a special stat for pvp, it would go a long way to launching swtor past other mmos. I love pvp but I dont need some stat to feel special especially when it interferes with game play. Let me give you an example. In swg the guild I be longed to loved dueling each other. We had a great deal of fun doing that. Now if someone looses a duel, while not having a expertise stats, you will hear all well its because I had no expertise. From there the environment of the setting goes right down hill. The other interference is the obvious. If you want to enjoy the game fully you need to grind to have two sets of gear. Wheres the fun in that. I think it would do good if they mixed things up. I think some pvpers would find pve more relaxing for a good break. I know I do.


Lets look at it another way. If they wake up and start cross faction quest zones ever, and we actually start interacting with the other faction on a grand scale, it would allow people to jump into world pvp without fear. It would also allow rpers to set up some events. Of course this is more for the future, as ti stands right now, the two factions are split apart in nearly every way.

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First off....Thank you everyone for being so kind in your responses!


One thing I am really wondering about though is when 2.0 comes out. I pretty much intend to gear up with the 2.0 pvp gear after I hit 55, but I wonder if with the changes they are making to expertise and the like if I should be getting pvp gear again now...or just do it then?


again thanks!

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I think it "depends" on what class you run and how you run it. For the most part you become a glass cannon but can hit pretty hard compared to a full geared pvp set. I know my PT in 63 pve gear hits like a train but when you get attacked you go down quicker than with straight pvp gear.


I've heard the same complaints when I did it on my PT and after the match was over and I had the most kills/dmg I just usually say, "Top DPS/DMG in PVE gear? Looks like the rest of my team needs to L2P." Usually that gets them even more angry but thats when you exit the wz. haha

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First off....Thank you everyone for being so kind in your responses!


One thing I am really wondering about though is when 2.0 comes out. I pretty much intend to gear up with the 2.0 pvp gear after I hit 55, but I wonder if with the changes they are making to expertise and the like if I should be getting pvp gear again now...or just do it then?


again thanks!

It's a personal decision really. I know I'm probably holding onto the 4500 Ranked comms on my lvl 48 smuggler until she's lvl 55. The amount of expertise is going up a LOT, and the EWH gear will be outperformed very quickly once I reach lvl 55. So I might as well save them and settle with WH gear for now. I'd probably pick Tionese, if only the bonusses were on the armorings, but I really don't want to change the looks on my smuggler, no matter how much I'd prefer the Tionese 4-piece bonus over the WH Field Tech bonusses put together.

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As for 2.0, they are tweaking the bolster system so no one really knows what will be BIS, full pve or full pvp gear as top tier pvp gear is 63 and top tier pve gear is 72 but expertise gives the player 60 percent more damage (and also damage reduction / healing bonus) so there are alot of variables to be played out.
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