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Star Wars Vs Halo - Need Confirmation


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So I was on another forum and someone posted a topic called, "The Covenant (Halo) Vs The Empire, Who Would Win?" Well, the debate got heated and while I knew the Empire could crush the Covenant, I didn't have any hard facts to prove my statements. Then someone comes and posts this:


"Why does it seem that we have to constantly establish that the Star Wars universe is the most overpowered Sci-Fi universe available?


With the statistical numbers of the Empire's weaponry, shielding, etc., a single Tie-Fighter could solo an entire Covenant Fleet. Each one of those laser shots from their guns is the equivalent of 2 kilotons of explosives, and they can fire 480 times per minute. And that's just a Tie-Fighter, to which the Empire has thousands.



"The covenant can glass planet! Blah blah blah"


Some of the weaponry on bigger ships in Star Wars get to be as powerful as over 90 GIGAtons of explosives.

To put it this way, if something like that hit the Earth it would turn Europe into a crater. The blast would kill everything within 4000 miles of the impact site instantly, and would inflect third-degree burns on anything within 21,000 miles of the impact site.

A single shot from one of those ships would make a planet uninhabitable. And these guns can fire every 2 seconds.


And then the Death Star's laser fires with the force of a small Supernova. Not only would it destroy a planet, but realistically it could destroy a large Star and it would destroy a entire Solar System if fired.


And then just the ability to travel quickly is in favor of the Empire, because all of their ships can make FTL jumps over any distance in the blink of an eye, and it doesn't take days or weeks in Slipspace to travel the distance like it does for the Covenant.



"The covenant could kill Stormtroopers hur dur dur"


In terms of ground forces, each one of the Star Wars blaster pistols could one-shot an aircraft carrier and their armor could deflect a hit from a Spartan Laser. Blaster Pistols basically carry the force of a ship's cannons in Halo.


The covenant would get stomped, completely. Humanity would get stomped completely. The Forerunners would get stomped completely. There is no correct argument that can say otherwise. And the only people who say otherwise are people who don't understand the argument at all.

We have (stupidly) been given hard numbers for all the weaponry in Star Wars, and it is extremely bull**** overpowered. But that is what it is. Not even the Warhammer 40k universe, which is intentionally overpowered, can hold a candle to it."


Now, that all sounds great and makes perfect sense. However, I would like to know if there are any sources for his information out there? Like Star Wars Weapons Danage Scales in real life or something. Or if anyone can confirm that he was correct? Or, if anyone has there own thoughts on who would win, feel free to post them.

Edited by CephalicRex
Need to make topic title suit actual opening post
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To my knowledge, there are technical manuals giving the details of most Star Wars ships and weapons (from the films, at least). However, I don't have any on hand.


I do know that a lot of fans have extrapolated most of the technical information on the Star Wars universe over time, and while many things in Star Wars are technically overpowered, that's mostly because the authors working on the EU/Films are scientifically illiterate and don't have any idea of the meaning behind the numbers they rattle off.


I mean, parsecs as a unit of time? That single statement from A New Hope involved the most complicated retcon/explanation I can think of, and resulted in the Maw being placed around Kessel.


So, while there are numbers available on Star Wars vehicles, it's best to ignore them. Use reason when dealing with imaginary comparisons (or at least, as much reason as seems... reasonable). A TIE fighter would probably get wrecked by a Covenant Seraph fighter, because the Seraph has shields, plasma cannons, and torpedoes. An X-Wing would probably stand more of a chance.


Stormtroopers vs. Elites? The Elites probably have that one hands down, since the Human ODSTs (probably the equivalent of elite stormtroopers) have a hard time when its 4 vs. 1


Now, a Star Destroyer against a Covenant cruiser? I'd pay to see that fight.

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25,000 Imperial Star Destroyers, that is JUST the Imperial-II class as well, that does not account for all the other classes.


I think the Empire wins, just a hunch.


Also, Warhammer 40,000 trashes everything, as far as Star Wars goes, one Daemonic Incursion Maximus in the core worlds and the galaxy falls to pieces.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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We're never really sure of the scale of the Covenant. They comprise multiple species, they've been around hundreds, if not thousands of years. We know that they have numerous fleets and were easily able to beat down the UNSC during their war with us. Aside from the issue of scale, Covenant ground armaments might actually be better than those seen in Star Wars.


Wraith tanks would kick the heck out of AT-STs, and Covenant troops are much better armed than Stormtroopers. Their Elites have shielding, cloaking devices, and plasma swords. Their troops are supported by flying drones, armored Hunters, and Jackal scout/snipers. Overall, they have a better integrated war machine than the Empire.


Their space fleets would probably take a beating in terms of numbers, however, fleet actions in Halo take place at considerably longer range than those in Star Wars. The fighter battle would be a toss up, probably favoring the Empire's numbers. However, Covenant cruisers could probably engage ISDs long before their turbolasers were in range.

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"Why does it seem that we have to constantly establish that the Star Wars universe is the most overpowered Sci-Fi universe available?


Because it isn't? I'll take the Lensmen universe of EE 'Doc' Smith, with interGALACTIC travel, mobile planets, negative matter bombs, primary beams and powered armour over Star Wars any day of the week.

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Because it isn't? I'll take the Lensmen universe of EE 'Doc' Smith, with interGALACTIC travel, mobile planets, negative matter bombs, primary beams and powered armour over Star Wars any day of the week.


If you want the best powered armor in the sci-fi multiverse, look no further than the original Starship Troopers novel. Those guys didn't even bother with firearms, they just lobbed nukes and missiles, alongside the occasional hand flamer or bunker busting grenade.

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If you want the best powered armor in the sci-fi multiverse, look no further than the original Starship Troopers novel. Those guys didn't even bother with firearms, they just lobbed nukes and missiles, alongside the occasional hand flamer or bunker busting grenade.


If we're going on pure ground combat, I'll take the Imperial Marines from various iterations of Traveller. Their small arms demolish walls, heavy weapons include nukes, and their vehicles are flying APCs with long range nuclear weapons and fusion guns that turn everything within 50 metres of the impact to liquid - except that the armour on the vehicles can survive that pretty well. They're supported by meson artillery that can fire through a kilometre of rocks and set off a small nuclear detonation inside a target.


Their space technology is not so powerful.

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We're never really sure of the scale of the Covenant. They comprise multiple species, they've been around hundreds, if not thousands of years. We know that they have numerous fleets and were easily able to beat down the UNSC during their war with us.


Official sources state the covenant held control of large areas of the Orion arm, which is a small small arm part of the larger Sagittarius, one of the four large arms of the milky way galaxy


As for the strength of their weaponry, at least what's on the ground is at least not overly powerful when compared to UNSC weapons, though that might be because of game balance issues rather than actual power

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If we're going on pure ground combat, I'll take the Imperial Marines from various iterations of Traveller. Their small arms demolish walls, heavy weapons include nukes, and their vehicles are flying APCs with long range nuclear weapons and fusion guns that turn everything within 50 metres of the impact to liquid - except that the armour on the vehicles can survive that pretty well. They're supported by meson artillery that can fire through a kilometre of rocks and set off a small nuclear detonation inside a target.


Their space technology is not so powerful.


Heh, I had forgotten about Traveller. I laughed when I read your description of their weaponry, I felt like I was reading an exerpt from "Physicists Gone Wild: Military Edition".

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Ok, other Sci-Fi universes aside, we're talking Halo Vs. Star Wars (in a broad sense) and Covenant Vs Empire (in a specific sense).


To be quite honest, I think both universes are quite comperable. For example:


Both have superweapons: Halo has the Halos an the Composer while Star Wars has the Death Star and the Suncrusher, among other things.


Both have highly sophisticated "warriors classes", so to speak. Halo has the Spartans and Star Wars has the Mandalorians.


Both have highly mysterious and ancient cultures. Halo has the Forerunners while Star Wars has the Rakata.


Both have supernatural beings of great power. Halo has the forerunners, (particularly the Didact or those of your who have played Halo 4. He was able to use many powers that some would call comparable to a Jedi's force powers. One could infer that this ability was not exclusive to the Didact himself. Meanwhile, Star Wars has... Well, Jedi.


Both have "laser swords". Halo has energy Swords while Star Wars has has everyone's favorite weapon: The lightsaber.


Both feature hyperspace travel. The covenant are able to go through slipspace while Star Wars ships have hyperspace drives...


I could go on, but I won't.


As you can see, bot universes feature many similar aspects and comparisons can be drawn. I don't think it would be a far stretch of the imagination--especially since sci-fi is all a stretch of it in the first place--to actually have a reasonable discussion involving the parallels we can draw from these two separate, but similar universes.


Also, I have always wanted to know who would win in a fight: Mandalorians or Spartans. That one seems like it has potential to be interesting.

Edited by CephalicRex
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They're quite similar, and comparisons are possible due to the similar level of technological capabilities possessed in each universe.


I'm not sure I'm really with you on the "warrior caste" comparison there. The Mandalorians are much more like the Covenant Elites than the SPARTANs. Maybe check out some of the comparison threads like Master Chief vs. Boba Fett/Delta Squad to see the ongoing discussions on this note.

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They're quite similar, and comparisons are possible due to the similar level of technological capabilities possessed in each universe.


I'm not sure I'm really with you on the "warrior caste" comparison there. The Mandalorians are much more like the Covenant Elites than the SPARTANs. Maybe check out some of the comparison threads like Master Chief vs. Boba Fett/Delta Squad to see the ongoing discussions on this note.


Not according to the clones wars seeing as how they could be put down and cowed by the republic might.

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