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Replayed Kotor Rakata Prime and the Star Maps.


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To be perfectly honest, the moment a gaming company, movie company or any media company takes on the guise of starwars - they have ZERO right to play the 'Waa, we only want English' in our 'insert'...


Starwars, although all languages are made up, still contains multiple languages over many different made up worlds - to neglect not only planets but playable alien species just because they don't speak English is just plain wrong.


Kashyyyk, was the spelling you was looking for ... and Wookiee is the name of the species, 2 e's not 1 for anyone wondering.


That said, I'd love them to include more "Section X" style zones, either attached to a planet we can already visit or unlockable after doing a relatively easy 8-16 man raid.


The idea of using shuttles to skip "planets" sounds good too! Easy and fun. EA, should try this! Keyword... EASY.


Just to be clear, they never said that they wouldn't do planets because of that.

Only playable species, and that's because they'd have to replace ALL the dialogue for the player with some alien gibberish. And they'd have to make sure they had enough varied sentences for it not to be repetetive (which they already don't for NPC's). And then theres the fact that anyone who doesn't just spacebar through the conversations would go nuts after a while of just listening to gibberish.


I have a hard enough time already not skipping when I speak to an NPC that doesn't speak basic in the game, having a player character speak it all the time would be horrid.


Sure, there are a few who wouldn't mind simply because they want that species so intensely that no obstacles are too great.

But bioware isn't making this game for those few people, it's making it for the majority of the players so they chose to stick to "only species that speak basic" instead. (and without an accent or dialect I might add since that would require new voice actors and new dialogue recordings).

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I'd love to see Telos actually. Since KOTOR2's story was light-side based, canon-wise (Legends blah blah) it'd be awesome to see what it's now like if the Ithorian reconstruction project worked out for the better.
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