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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Operative Healing in 2.0 (PvP)


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Hi all,


after the bolster bug has finally been resolved, I did a few PvP matches as healer on the PTS. I'm not an experienced or regular healer in PvP, so I'm looking for input from veteran healing operatives here.


Is it possible that the buffs took us a little too far? Not that I don't like it, but with the speed boost on shiv, the roll, the new energy-neutral Kolto Probe, another added hot from Kolto Infusion, the heal on Shield Probe collapse, the TA stacks on stealth exit, the new Stim Boost and of course our old toys like Cloaking Screen, Flash Bang, Debilitate etc. make it pretty hard for people to pin us (me) down.

I'd hate to see Exfiltrate or Hit and Run nerfed because of that, but I also can't really judge how powerful those tools are going to be in reality. I don't play the spec on a regular basis, after all. So the question to seasoned PvP healing operatives: Do we need those tools to survive and do our job in 2.0? Are other healers competitive?


I'd appreciate input from PvE players as well, of course. Are the changes integral to the performance?


I just have a feeling that if this goes live unchanged, we might be hit unproportionally hard with a nerf bat in the near future.

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I see sorcs got boost to hps and survival too, so I guess it's fine, if not, it may be balanced.


But yeah, buffs on quality of live (2TA after stealth, probe lol energy, cloud heal twice as main heal, that usless skill I never used now being superb aswell) made me undust my operative healer and cap him with comms till 2.0 comes...


can't bloody wait.

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Can you explain these 2 changes? I think i missed them when i read the patch notes.


probe cost has been reduced to 9 energy, cloud got buffed extra 3 seconds (so extra 50% healing) and both got +9% heal bonus.


in addition, alacrity buffs CGC so you can probe whole team quicker (and actually will have energy to do it now)

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Med shield is still terrible, at 2209 cunning it heals for 1200. From what little warzones I did we pretty much play the same.


Well going from what it is now, it protects more and a talent not normally taken in pvp now adds 1200 to it according to your figures. It is a good change IMO. With our other buffs, you can't over tune abilities like this without going into the realm of OP.

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