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Rated Question?


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I don't feel like reading this, and I didn't even attempt to read the novel that the poster above you wrote. But didn't Jinx post a thread in the forums saying "Uncensored is going to queue every night, and you kickballers can either accommodate or get ready to be plowed by our marauders duel-wielding plows. Farm time commence!"? In all fairness, the part after the comma was more the gist of the thread after Jinkx made that post and of pubpvp chat every time uncensored would get dissatisfied with their team and group up, but I think the point was still appropriate.


And Barbie, i'm gonna either be driving to tampa or at Universal later on friday/saturday, so you guys would probably need Phyneas or Dargh as meat shields.


Hey I will not be here either!!! Only tonight and I am not sure Friday but I am gone starting Saturday -Thursday. PD can form without us lol!

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Yes, he did make that post. After a month of having absolutely zero communication between our guild and the kickball teams.


I'll summarize as my post with a quote from that post you didn't want to read:




Now then -- off to watch the Islanders lose!


There was communication almost ever night :p


Most nights it was:

Random Person: Hey, Uncensored, we've been talking in ops chat for hours about the pug ranked and we run on a very consistent schedule/basis. Do you really need to beat pug groups for fun?"

Uncensored: Yes

Random Other Person: Why

Uncensored: Blunti got his 2400 and we all need it too.



Other nights it went like:

Random Person: Hey, Devil, just because you lost twice doesn't mean you need to ragequit your group and form an Uncensored team.

The Brown Suede Ryan Gosling: Yes it does


Edited by Carter_Mathis
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There was communication almost ever night :p


Most nights it was:

Random Person: Hey, Uncensored, we've been talking in ops chat for hours about the pug ranked and we run on a very consistent schedule/basis. Do you really need to beat pug groups for fun?"

Uncensored: Yes

Random Other Person: Why

Uncensored: Blunti got his 2400 and we all need it too.



Other nights it went like:

Random Person: Hey, Devil, just because you lost twice doesn't mean you need to ragequit your group and form an Uncensored team.

The Brown Suede Ryan Gosling: Yes it does



Do not put Ryan Gosling in that jacket! Anyways well it seems Uncensored will talk about it now to arrange days:) lets see how it works!

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One thing I certainly enjoy about the pvp community on Jedi Covenant is deep down, regardless of guild, skill level, etc., everyone is willIng to help one another because WE all are looking for the answer to the same question....how do get the rated scene viable!


As I saId earlier, I do not believe any guild should be excluded from rated's for any reason! Just because they may be better organized, geared, or difficult to beat? They pay the same amount monthly as I do and have every right to participate when they want! Any restrictions are absurd! I know I would rather play and beat the best!


Chaotic will be rolling again Saturday night! Ohhh yea!


Hopefully by then, I will have been able to have spoken with some of you and the pixels will make a better showing!

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Whoa, whoa, whoa.



Random Person: Hey, Uncensored, we've been talking in ops chat for hours about the pug ranked and we run on a very consistent schedule/basis. Do you really need to beat pug groups for fun?"

Uncensored: Yes

Random Other Person: Why

Uncensored: The Brown Suede Ryan Gosling got his 9001 and we all need it too.



Ok, proceed.

Edited by SpaniardInfinity
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Correction: Combatmedicjr killed kickball.


Uncensored tried to accomodate it. We tried to work out a schedule so that we either a) would not queue as a full guild on those designated nights or b) on nights where we would queue as a guild, we would hold off on queueing until after 10pm so kickball would have a 2 hour headstart before we jumped in the pool. Nothing was stopping you guys from taking all that pool of talented PvP players and making a super-team if you thought Uncensored was too difficult to beat. Also, nothing was stopping anyone from kickball from asking myself or any other officer in Uncensored what nights were designated for kickball and which were not. So when we received no answer, we queued when we had the people available. We even respected the two hour head-start until LD50 started queuing a full team again.


(What we have here is a failure to communicate)


With that out of the way, I know I personally have no problems with there being designated nights for developing teams. You do learn from playing better teams, but not from being blown out. I'm sure something can be worked out that everyone can agree on.

dude, there's a pvp channel on both factions. it was patently obvious when kick-ball was in session. the only "communication" that ever took place was that Unreal would tell us if <uncensored> was thinking about queueing. and if they did, then he'd have to leave and we'd give up on putting the teams together.


you seem like a good guy. jinks seems like a good guy. I think that what you say is level-headed and considerate as a general rule, and that's pretty exceptional for top players in top guilds. however, combatmedic did not kill kickball. yes, I saw him freak out in pvp chan a few weeks ago. no, I don't know what started it, but I think it's safe to assume that <uncensored> put together a real team while cm was organizing a bunch of kickball teams. whatever.


kb didn't have set in stone times; they were usually Th, Fr and Sat. but A) Jinks declared that <uncensored> would queue every day; B) the 10pm thing is bogus since it takes at least an hour just to get the kb teams straightened away, which means they don't hit their first WZ until ~9pm; C) as much as I deplore the d-bag behavior of <unicorn stampede>'s superQs, toth did a solid by setting Weds as the day that his guild would field a real ranked team whenever they could. ok. that's fine. if you kb at that time, then you know you may hit a real team. we don't need to shoot PMs back and forth to "make a deal" or accommodate so on and so forth. Wed's were open season.


what happens when you do stomp the kber's anyway? the LD50s say screw this and form their own squad, and you two get to jerk each other off while the other 20-30 ppl are left with their diks if their hands. gee thanks. glad we wasted an hour of our lives setting up teams.


on another note: protecting one's rating has nothing whatsoever to do with queue dodging <uncensored> (or any elite guild). I know this because the vast majority of ppl who won't queue up against <uncensored> are the same ppl who played kb. kb teams are designed to be relatively equal and facilitate close matches. it also randomizes wins/losses, so there's no way to "protect" one's rating if s/he participates in kb.


finally, the most I ever learned in one sitting about ranked play was imp side kb with unreal talking strats. the second most I ever learned was jumping into a rated Q with far superior teams leads to spawn camping and the least fun experience(s) in a game. winning is fun. sure. but I don't need to win all the time. having a shot, or feeling like I do, is a reasonable prerequisite. sorry. it just is. so yeah, I learned not to Q. awesome, eh?

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Random Person: Hey, Uncensored, we've been talking in ops chat for hours about the pug ranked and we run on a very consistent schedule/basis. Do you really need to beat pug groups for fun?"


You guys did run on a consistent basis, every night. So were we suppose to just never queue? I know most of you would have liked this but that's a little unrealistic, don't you think? Like Spaniard said, we did what we could given the circumstances, short of not ever queuing.


Over the past few months of ranked I can think of at least 10 guilds/teams that have made an attempt at putting out a ranked team. If all these teams were able to queue up more often, it wouldn't be Uncensored vs the same team and there would be a lot more variation. But for whatever reason this isn't the case and players don't have enough interest or incentive to do ranked and keep up with it.


I'm all for teams of equivalent skill level playing each other and working with each other to get better and if there is a way for this to happen which doesn't try to completely exclude Uncensored from ranked then I'd like to see it happen.

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CM ran more like 3 nights a week but 3 roughly equals 7....... I guess.


Thanks to everyone who participated on 12/30/12 was a very successfull turn out we had 4 teams going at one point. We're gonna try to make this a regular thing everyday at 8 pm eastern just /cjoin pubpvp . Everyone is welcome to participate , you can message me in game ( combatmedicjr / rippernine ) for details or ask in channel for info. Let's keep this a positive thing , no crap talking and hopefully other teams participating will understand we're introducing new players to ranked and will not "pug stomp" so let's keep it clean. Thanks again


I know CM eventually said he would not be organizing it everyday, but at the start it was an everyday thing. And on the days he wasn't organizing it someone else was. There were obviously days that it didn't happen, but they were far fewer than the times kickball was running.

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I know CM eventually said he would not be organizing it everyday, but at the start it was an everyday thing. And on the days he wasn't organizing it someone else was. There were obviously days that it didn't happen, but they were far fewer than the times kickball was running.


Here is the thing I think the guilds who have their own ranked teams need to set up days and times and let it be known when they are queing. If people want to do KB again set aside separate days for it. This going back and forth thing is not proving anything but pointing fingers and so on. Now everyone drink milk! It makes things better:)

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<The Einherjar> are queing on Fridays ~8:45 EST. We had some fun games last week against Uncensored and Unicorn Stampede. We are planning to group up again this week. With our raid schedule being Sun/Tue/Thurs, we could try to group up on another off-night if there are more guilds queing.
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It doesn't matter either way. Remember the other night? We were queuing up, Uncensored had no plans to run. Magically after 3 games, they're ready to go. They lose, they re-tool, bring 2 smashers = GG, my a s s hurts. I'm not here to be the "PD Defense Force", and I also respect Uncensored, but there is no need to queue every night. If you're not playing LD, you know you're not going to have a fair game. What do you gain from it? I'm just curious. Edited by Milly_
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It doesn't matter either way. Remember the other night? We were queuing up, Uncensored had no plans to run. Magically after 3 games, they're ready to go. They lose, they re-tool, bring 2 smashers = GG, my a s s hurts. I'm not here to be the "PD Defense Force", and I also respect Uncensored, but there is no need to queue every night. If you're not playing LD, you know you're not going to have a fair game. What do you gain from it? I'm just curious.


What makes you think we had no plans to run? As long as we have people on, we'll most likely be in the queue. And as for "re-tooling" because we got beat, 2 members had to go, so we replaced them with what was available. We queue because we enjoy playing, simple as that. And what do you mean if we're not playing LD, it's not a fair game? When we play you guys + Cap they're pretty good games. We've had other guilds give us good games as well.

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What makes you think we had no plans to run? As long as we have people on, we'll most likely be in the queue. And as for "re-tooling" because we got beat, 2 members had to go, so we replaced them with what was available. We queue because we enjoy playing, simple as that. And what do you mean if we're not playing LD, it's not a fair game? When we play you guys + Cap they're pretty good games. We've had other guilds give us good games as well.


When I'm told "Uncensored is not running tonight", I think I'm supposed to take it how it's told to me... Right? Not that I care that you did queue up, I was just under the impression it was not going to happen. Well, all I remember is Odyssius went Smash, Blunti was Combat, and I think you had Guts? Can't remember if he was in the Novare or not... You enjoy playing, but to what extent? You're going to win 100% of your games against pugs, so I don't see how you could have had "good games against other teams" That Novare? It was a blowout against us IMO. And who else really queues that has given you a good game? I'm just not seeing it, knowing who is on this server.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again: PD would have not beaten Uncensored 3/4 times had we not had Caprica with us. It does not help we have not had our solid 8 any time we've played you, but I think we could give you a good run if we had them.


Every Uncensored member was "banned" from doing kick ball by CMjr, so we were only left with queueing as a guild. Idk... I guess we should have just quit pvp or something :rolleyes:


I don't think anyone is asking that, :lol. People just want days to "get better", is all I'm seeing.

Edited by Milly_
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When I'm told "Uncensored is not running tonight", I think I'm supposed to take it how it's told to me... Right? Not that I care that you did queue up, I was just under the impression it was not going to happen. Well, all I remember is Odyssius went Smash, Blunti was Combat, and I think you had Guts? Can't remember if he was in the Novare or not... You enjoy playing, but to what extent? You're going to win 100% of your games against pugs, so I don't see how you could have had "good games against other teams" That Novare? It was a blowout against us IMO. And who else really queues that has given you a good game? I'm just not seeing it, knowing who is on this server.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again: PD would have not beaten Uncensored 3/4 times had we not had Caprica with us. It does not help we have not had our solid 8 any time we've played you, but I think we could give you a good run if we had them.




I don't think anyone is asking that, :lol. People just want days to "get better", is all I'm seeing.


I agree having Cap there leading helps! We do lack a strong leader for ranked. I know decimate does not mind but he is busy with school. Our main core is not always on or at least the main 6-7 people. But either way it's fun but hate how some guilds complain about smashers and stun bubbles yet every guild uses them...

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I agree having Cap there leading helps! We do lack a strong leader for ranked. I know decimate does not mind but he is busy with school. Our main core is not always on or at least the main 6-7 people. But either way it's fun but hate how some guilds complain about smashers and stun bubbles yet every guild uses them...


All I'm getting from this is that we either need a new tank so I can dps and call things out, or one of the dps need to step up. Voice activation/clicking a push-to-talk button isn't hard.

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When I'm told "Uncensored is not running tonight", I think I'm supposed to take it how it's told to me... Right? Not that I care that you did queue up, I was just under the impression it was not going to happen. Well, all I remember is Odyssius went Smash, Blunti was Combat, and I think you had Guts? Can't remember if he was in the Novare or not... You enjoy playing, but to what extent? You're going to win 100% of your games against pugs, so I don't see how you could have had "good games against other teams" That Novare? It was a blowout against us IMO. And who else really queues that has given you a good game? I'm just not seeing it, knowing who is on this server.


I honestly forget who exactly we had in which games but that sounds right. Players chose the specs that we thought would give us the best chance to win.


Not sure what claiming you won by a blowout has anything to do with this though.


We've had good games vs you guys, LD, RSB and Bad Rep.

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When I'm told "Uncensored is not running tonight", I think I'm supposed to take it how it's told to me... Right? Not that I care that you did queue up, I was just under the impression it was not going to happen. Well, all I remember is Odyssius went Smash, Blunti was Combat, and I think you had Guts? Can't remember if he was in the Novare or not... You enjoy playing, but to what extent? You're going to win 100% of your games against pugs, so I don't see how you could have had "good games against other teams" That Novare? It was a blowout against us IMO. And who else really queues that has given you a good game? I'm just not seeing it, knowing who is on this server.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again: PD would have not beaten Uncensored 3/4 times had we not had Caprica with us. It does not help we have not had our solid 8 any time we've played you, but I think we could give you a good run if we had them.




I don't think anyone is asking that, :lol. People just want days to "get better", is all I'm seeing.


so many epeens.so little time

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When (or more like "if") Season 1 comes along, there will be a ladder system in place in Rateds.


Meaning teams with higher ratings will be pitted against a team near their rating, provided enough teams are in the queue. One of the main reasons Rankeds have flopped, is not having this mechanic in place, and of course skill level. If they were to release the ladder based system, more teams would probably take part in rankeds.


Sadly, we're on month #8 with no information regarding Season 1.


: l

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