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Quitting in middle of WZ and consequences


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Wrong, statistics don't mean you want get the title bad.


Anyone that quits for elitist egotistical reasons is a bad.




If Kobe Bryant in any game threw his hands up and walked out the LA stadium, then tells the media he quits cause the other team was better, or his team wasn't good enough, the whole NBA and the world would call him a lazy egotistical bum knowing he was still a Hall of Fame Champion.


Quitters are bums, it don't matter who you are or what you have done in your life.


Those facts are undisputed.


using your analogy, Kobe Bryant plays in the ranked queue, against other opponents that team-wise are on an equal playing field in terms of resources (communication, etc). he doesnt play again college scrubs or people off the street like a pug is.


Here's a better analogy, especially as it applies to out-of-game communication. Try football. Do you see one team having the advantage of using audio to call the plays to the QB and the other team only being able to use hand signals? No. And if one team has issues with that audio, the NFL makes the other team stop using the audio and use hand signals to for the rest of the game as well (check rulebook, and i've seen it in some games).


That analogy is perfect when comparing it to the vent communication premades have over pugs...

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That analogy is perfect when comparing it to the vent communication premades have over pugs...


Your in wrong thread, crying about premades is here,




This topic is about consequences for quitting, I don't want to hear excuses why you quit, I want people to get punishment for quitting.


So please, if you want to talk to me about anything other than that, don't make a post.



I'm glad to see that you nominated yourself to make sure other people take pride in something you want them to.


I guess I will be the front leader that speaks up about quitters, I'll take the title sure, fact is I am right and people hate it when I am.


Haters will be haters, and quitters will be quitters.


I can't control neither, but I can least speak up about it.


Somebody has to do it.

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If I'm in a warzone where the time I stay alive in a fight is something like 5 seconds, I leave. The team's better off without me anyway, might even get some better player/better geared player in exhange. I have also won some matches that looked like sure losses simply because the old players quit in the middle and got replaced by better players. This is especially in voidstar, where people who join for the second round have no idea how the first round went and don't just think "oh, I joined a lost wz, better not to even try".
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The metaphoric of Kobe Bryant I used don't mean make a excuse that he gets payed, its about the game.


You people can't understand jack **** when you make excuses for the actual reasoning of something.




Have you watched the Lakers of late, he has no quit in his bone.


I envy his heart and determination, people need to actually play competitive sports to understand what I mean about dignity to never quit and a drive to win.


Micheal Jordan is another example, watch this film Phil Jackson talking.


A will to win http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX33tc3rCqg


This type of play flows in my veins and makes me sick watching other people take a competitive nature for granted.


I hope some of you learn from me, maybe a spark will fuse in your heart and you will understand my meanings.


I can only hope.


Remember, you win from within.


A professional paid sports star is not equivalent to some average joe playing a video game. That analogy is awful. KB knows every time he steps on the court his team has a fair chance of winning, if not an excellent chance. He is also paid millions to "not quit".


No one here is looking at Kobe Bryant for inspiration. That has it be one of the worst analogies I've seen in this forum yet.



I play ice hockey every week. I know competitive sports and joining a PUG queue is NOTHING like competitive sports. Not in the less bit.

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I know competitive sports and joining a PUG queue is NOTHING like competitive sports. Not in the less bit.


But your wrong, a competitive drive to succeed is carried in all things in life in competitive people.


Some people take it to a extreme, then there is some like me that lives with sports and other competitive things in life like golf, baseball, and skydiving.


I question the nature of PvP quitters, and this thread has produced nothing but a bunch of quitter excuses which unravel itself with my blunt approach and pretty much when I wave my personality at people here in these threads.


Sure people should do what they please with the game time they pay, but when you quit you mess others peoples time up at the quitter expense.


And that expense and attitude makes games suffer, makes players upset, hence why punishment and repercussion needs in order for quitters that do this to other players.


A eye for a eye, you quit you pay for ruining others peoples time.

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Some people take it to a extreme, then there is some like me that lives with sports and other competitive things in life like golf, baseball, and skydiving.


I gotta ask, is competetive skydiving competition on who hits ground faster and harder?

Is wearing a helmet cheating?

bet you'r the best.


(yes, I know it's to land on red dot)

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I gotta ask, is competetive skydiving competition on who hits ground faster and harder?

Is wearing a helmet cheating?

I free fall and I dive with my friends, we do some fun formation type stuff while falling.




It's competitive in some sense, more extreme than anything.


And we wear all the safety gear, when you free fall you don't want to dive without all the protocol stuff.


Hope I answered your question, completely off-topic though. :)

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Nearly half of the warzones it looks like it:


Enemy gets 2 turrets or goals or advance fast... and 2,3,4 people quit. Another are joining. They quit too, cursing for joining lost WZ ... etc. So, maybe add a penalty for quitting warzone in middle? Like 10-15 minute ban for entering another warzone?

I understand that people does not want to play when they're losing due to incompetent team (sometimes I have the urge to quit as well). Quitting in middle, though, severely cripple the rest of the team.


I propose this:


Penalty for not achieving or meeting the average DPS in a WZ (beeing below 20%) = 1 week ban from PvPQ

Penalty for not achievieng or meeting the average HPS in a WZ (beeing below 20%)= 1 week ban from PvPQ

Penalty for not achieving or meeting the 30% protection on ur healer damage taken= 1 week ban from PvPQ

Penalty for not been objective foused (aka running like a headless chiken shooting auto attacks) = 1 week ban from PvPQ

Penalty for not call incs while guarding a node = 3 weeks ban

Penalty for leaving an objective unguarded = 3 weeks ban

Penalty for blaming others for ur badness = 3 weeks ban

Penalty for at least NOT using a decent rotation in ur toon that procs the more elemental advantage said that Heals, DPS or TANK = lifetime ban

Penalty for calling the others bad and blaming them for a defeat = u give all ur stuff to the other 7 guys that had to read ur QQ during that WZ


Feels good?

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But your wrong, a competitive drive to succeed is carried in all things in life in competitive people.


Some people take it to a extreme, then there is some like me that lives with sports and other competitive things in life like golf, baseball, and skydiving.


I question the nature of PvP quitters, and this thread has produced nothing but a bunch of quitter excuses which unravel itself with my blunt approach and pretty much when I wave my personality at people here in these threads.


Sure people should do what they please with the game time they pay, but when you quit you mess others peoples time up at the quitter expense.


And that expense and attitude makes games suffer, makes players upset, hence why punishment and repercussion needs in order for quitters that do this to other players.


A eye for a eye, you quit you pay for ruining others peoples time.


It's not an issue of people trying harder. You simply don't understand the problem. It's an issue of a WZ starting and some people being armed with sticks and the others have rocket launchers.


If you don't get that, then you don't get the core of the problem.


And sorry to burst your bubble but no one cares if they waste your time. No one.

Edited by Arkerus
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29 pages!!!! Wow.


The only two truths I find here are:


1) Certain players among us cannot abide quitters. It reminds them of the guy who explodes during a game of Monopoly, flinging the board into the air and scattering the pieces. When you leave a war zone, we have to pick up the pieces.


2) Certain players among us realize that this is just a game, for which many of us pay to play, and not only are we allowed to leave war zones (for WHATEVER reason), but we can re-queue and hope for a better match. If you're playing a game, you want to have fun and it's not very fun when your teammates suck.


For what little it is worth, in my opinion the quitters take most of the fun from the match with them when they quit. I'll take a "bad" over a quitter. I wish more people would just gut it out. How will the bad's get better? How are they going to earn enough comm's to gear up and trade in their sticks for rocket launchers? IMO, not by repeatedly quitting. And as the saying goes, "You can't win 'em all."


But in the end, if that guy wants to throw a tantrum, and fling the gameboard into the air, who are we to stop him? After all, it's just a game. And if the elitists among us want to bench the lesser's among them (ironically by leaving the bad's in the game while the elitists quit), that's fine. It's just a game.


It would be great if some rule could suddenly impose a certain ethic upon all players. But then, what would all the so-called cheaters and hackers do? As for the quitters, I suppose the quitters would quit for good, and maybe for the better? But in the end, I don't believe that Bioware will be able to change an entire culture with a simple debuff.



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For what little it is worth, in my opinion the quitters take most of the fun from the match with them when they quit. I'll take a "bad" over a quitter. I wish more people would just gut it out. How will the bad's get better? How are they going to earn enough comm's to gear up and trade in their sticks for rocket launchers? IMO, not by repeatedly quitting. And as the saying goes, "You can't win 'em all."


No, you can't win them all.


The issue that I have always had with a quitter debuff was the hypocrisy of those demanding it.


Those that ask for one always have the same basic argument: "Quitters ruined my fun and I think they should have a debuff to keep them from quitting."


They also never seem to be able to see past this argument to others like an example that I've used with players not contributing to the WZ ruining my fun.


But yet, my fun never enters into their equations because it has nothing to do with them. Which is exactly the same type of personality that they claim to hate. Someone that is putting their fun above that of others. This game is all about the fun of the people paying to play it and if someone is willing to argue about someone ruining their fun, for whatever reason, then they should at least be willing to admit that other players are ruining the fun for still more players for totally different reasons.


If they are willing to demand a debuff for their fun being ruined, then I can demand one for mine as well.


It's all about the hypocrisy.

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Wrong, statistics don't mean you want get the title bad.


Anyone that quits for elitist egotistical reasons is a bad.




If Kobe Bryant in any game threw his hands up and walked out the LA stadium, then tells the media he quits cause the other team was better, or his team wasn't good enough, the whole NBA and the world would call him a lazy egotistical bum knowing he was still a Hall of Fame Champion.


Quitters are bums, it don't matter who you are or what you have done in your life.


Those facts are undisputed.


The real bums are the people who level alts and don't have them at least at 1200 expertise when the alt hits 50. Yes, I understand there are 'some' first time 50 levelers, but that percentage is low, and continually decreases as time goes on. We shouldnt' still be seeing 2-3 14-16k's in warzones. Seriously I pulled 4 straight warzones last night with 2+. I couldn't believe it. You better believe I quit each warzone - well before the start. I don't get paid to carry bads, unlike Kobe Bryant.


There's NO excuse to not have an alt at least 10/14 WH geared the second you enter your first warzone. One is either ignorant to legacy gear, or just lazy in which case I'd rather not queue with them.


Ultimately what I find is the people who cry about WZ quitters typically suck at pvp and they can't get carried if the actual PvPers up and leave them.

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Ultimately what I find is the people who cry about WZ quitters typically suck at pvp and they can't get carried if the actual PvPers up and leave them.


You sound like a real tough guy, here is your award,




It's an issue of a WZ starting and some people being armed with sticks and the others have rocket launchers.


If you don't get that, then you don't get the core of the problem.


I know people can suck bad in Wazones, and yet again for the 100 time quitting never solves nothing, and adds more problems.


Providing backfill and being unsportsmanlike is not cool.


29 pages!!!! Wow.


The only two truths I find here are:


1) Certain players among us cannot abide quitters. It reminds them of the guy who explodes during a game of Monopoly, flinging the board into the air and scattering the pieces. When you leave a war zone, we have to pick up the pieces.


2) Certain players among us realize that this is just a game, for which many of us pay to play, and not only are we allowed to leave war zones (for WHATEVER reason), but we can re-queue and hope for a better match. If you're playing a game, you want to have fun and it's not very fun when your teammates suck.


For what little it is worth, in my opinion the quitters take most of the fun from the match with them when they quit. I'll take a "bad" over a quitter. I wish more people would just gut it out. How will the bad's get better? How are they going to earn enough comm's to gear up and trade in their sticks for rocket launchers? IMO, not by repeatedly quitting. And as the saying goes, "You can't win 'em all."


But in the end, if that guy wants to throw a tantrum, and fling the gameboard into the air, who are we to stop him? After all, it's just a game. And if the elitists among us want to bench the lesser's among them (ironically by leaving the bad's in the game while the elitists quit), that's fine. It's just a game.


It would be great if some rule could suddenly impose a certain ethic upon all players. But then, what would all the so-called cheaters and hackers do? As for the quitters, I suppose the quitters would quit for good, and maybe for the better? But in the end, I don't believe that Bioware will be able to change an entire culture with a simple debuff.


+1 To you sir


Just to add I think your right, Bioware won't be able to change the entire culture, but hell they could least do something.

Someone that is putting their fun above that of others. This game is all about the fun of the people paying to play it and if someone is willing to argue about someone ruining their fun, for whatever reason, then they should at least be willing to admit that other players are ruining the fun for still more players for totally different reasons.

You make good points, and I understand what you mean, bottom line is its not funny dealing with quitters and it seems to be a epidemic now where every other game is backwash and backfill.


I end up losing more than I win it seems due to quitters, its retarded.


I am not asking to ban a quitter, or even cut their head off, I am asking for a solution not a excuse.


I got a six year old and I understand real life comes first, but making excuses and quitting warzones is a personalty flaw I don't like or want to deal with playing these games.


Why should we deal with quitters dictating games?

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I suppose when someone DC's, which happens frequently in this game, they should be given a harsh consequence?


Lemme just make this simple for you: TOR will never implement a system you're asking for, simply due to the easiness of escaping/ejecting/DC'ing from said WZ's. We're all glad you will never abandon your Jedi code of ethics, but please do us all a favor, don't paint brush your standards onto anyone else by comparing RL issues with a video game. It makes you sound like a basement dweller.

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I suppose when someone DC's, which happens frequently in this game, they should be given a harsh consequence?.


No, that is a separate issue so some form of leniency should be worked out on it.


I assume Bioware could think of something if someone disconnects.


Lemme just make this simple for you: TOR will never implement a system you're asking for, simply due to the easiness of escaping/ejecting/DC'ing from said WZ's.


You fear people pulling the power plug on purpose if a deserter buff is added, and believe me some will.


But way more people will deal with it and suck it up, like children do when punished and they try to rebel at a parent.


After awhile the child knows the parent isn't budging and the rules are not being changed.


We're all glad you will never abandon your Jedi code of ethics, but please do us all a favor, don't paint brush your standards onto anyone else by comparing RL issues with a video game. It makes you sound like a basement dweller.


I can't help to notice you enjoy trying to make me look bad, and only witty argument you got is this jedi code or basement dweller crap.


Pistols, actually talk like a adult instead of some internet child when dealing with a adult like me, it would make me proud if you actually could do that in one of your post.


Didn't you get banned from the forums acting the way you do, didn't you learn your lesson yet?


Do you need another spanking dear child?

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You fear people pulling the power plug on purpose if a deserter buff is added, and believe me some will.


No, most (if not everyone) will, which is why EA will never implement what you're asking for. And the ones that don't DC on purpose? Well, they'll go sit AFK at a node, while you harp in Ops chat to the other 7 about "picking up the slack".


Seriously, it doesn't getting any more clearer than this. You will never have the option to force players to stay inside a WZ with a penalty of leaving, when such a thing can be easily bypassed.


Welcome to TOR.

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No, most (if not everyone) will, which is why EA will never implement what you're asking for. And the ones that don't DC on purpose? Well, they'll go sit AFK at a node, while you harp in Ops chat to the other 7 about "picking up the slack".


Seriously, it doesn't getting any more clearer than this. You will never have the option to force players to stay inside a WZ with a penalty of leaving, when such a thing can be easily bypassed.


Your suggesting no punishment because you think people will act like children if punished?


Afk at nodes, what are you talking about, if someone gets a deserter buff they won't be able to get into a warzone.


That means no afk, they can't be in a warzone.


And if someone unplugs on purpose I assume some form of 3 strikes you are out put can be in order.


When you disconnect on purpose in League of Legends and log back in, your in that same match until it ends, if people decide to not come back on purpose and wait it out, then log back in then a deserter buff would be in order.


Another words children will be punished no matter what, so if you disconnect it gives you plenty of time to get back to the match, if you don't make it, well tough cookies deal with it.


And if afk players decide to sit still they can be kicked from the match, weeding out the excuses and people acting like children should be implemented in the game.

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I answered everyones excuse, again I am the other side of the coin.


Except...you didn't.


On Page 20, 3rd post down, I posited a question, one which you have avoided answering for 10 pages (I do not know if it was deliberate or the fact that it just didn't register, but I am not going to speculate).


Since we are dealing in facts, I will post some of the ones I know to be the case:


1. EAWare does not want to antagonize people, at least not consciously.

2. To take your debuff suggestion will antagonize more people than it will soothe.

3. Antagonized people vote with their wallets, in many cases.

4. EAWare will do whatever it takes to make money. Or avoid losing current cash intake.

5. EAWare will not institute a deserter debuff, for these very reasons.


Your views on ethics/honor in an MMO are...interesting, to say the least, but in the end, they are your own, and only yours. You have the right to advocate them as you see the situation, certainly, but ultimately, that is all it is. It does not mean that it is the ultimate pronouncement of fact concerning these issues. Others here have voiced ideas and concerns that are every bit as valid as your own, considering your proposed punitive measures on the issue at hand.


Take other threads, such as same-gender romance or the APAC issues, for example. The threads are long, pretty much everyone is 'on the same page', and...nothing. EAWare has pretty much ignored them. So I hope you will understand, given that this thread is all over the map, if I opine that you're essentially spinning your wheels.

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1. EAWare does not want to antagonize people, at least not consciously.

2. To take your debuff suggestion will antagonize more people than it will soothe.

3. Antagonized people vote with their wallets, in many cases.

4. EAWare will do whatever it takes to make money. Or avoid losing current cash intake.

5. EAWare will not institute a deserter debuff, for these very reasons.


I fear you are right, I can only hope your not.


Except...you didn't.Take other threads, such as same-gender romance or the APAC issues, for example. The threads are long, pretty much everyone is 'on the same page', and...nothing. EAWare has pretty much ignored them. So I hope you will understand, given that this thread is all over the map, if I opine that you're essentially spinning your wheels.


I do understand, and thanks for being understanding on my points as well.


I know I am spinning my wheels here, my attentions is genuine and honest and I have hoped for some form of reaction while this thread has been moving to get some form of acknowledgement from Bioware.


At the same token I am trying to educate people about the issues from someone that pays a sub as well and hates the way games are geting ruined from quitters.


Quitters exist because there is no rules, we would have less of if rules was implied.

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I never leave a warzone unless something IRL happens that interrupts me. But 2 things I never do, Huttball and in-progress. As soon as a Huttball pops I exit before it ever begins. If I enter an in-progress wz I'll exit immediately regardless of whether we're winning or losing. If BW does put in some sort of deserter debuff, there should be a timer once you enter a warzone. Once you've been inside a warzone for a certain amount of time, say maybe 10 or 20 seconds then activate some sort of deserter detection so that after you leave a warzone after the timer has run out then you get a deserter debuff. Edited by Kailaurius
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I never leave a warzone unless something IRL happens that interrupts me. But 2 things I never do, Huttball and in-progress. As soon as a Huttball pops I exit before it ever begins. If I enter an in-progress wz I'll exit immediately regardless of whether we're winning or losing. If BW does put in some sort of deserter debuff, there should be a timer once you enter a warzone. Once you've been inside a warzone for a certain amount of time, say maybe 10 or 20 seconds then activate some sort of deserter detection so that after you leave a warzone after the timer has run out then you get a deserter debuff.


I understand leaving right at start, hell that isn't bad in my eyes cause the game isn't even in progress.


Also quitting being a backfill is understanding as well, nobody should like geting a already in session match, its the whole reason why rules need in place when people quit.


I like your idea about some form of deserter detection, that would warn everyone and lets face it rules would provide structure and less backfill games.


Not to mention quitters would be punished. :)


Off-topic: I love your guild name Old Republic Dads, sounds like a mature guild of adults. ;)

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I understand leaving right at start, hell that isn't bad in my eyes cause the game isn't even in progress.


Also quitting being a backfill is understanding as well, nobody should like geting a already in session match, its the whole reason why rules need in place when people quit.


Well...took someone else to ask the same question, but at least I got the answer I was looking for ten pages back. :p


There are just some warzones that don't deserve to be played. For me, it's Civil War - immediate drop is always my response to being put there.


And I'll agree with the gent you were responding to - backfills are usually not worth sticking around for.


Regardless of whether they institute a debuff (and as I have said, I just don't see it happening), I will otherwise stay and finish out the warzone, regardless of outcome. I still do not see a debuff as being the best idea, though, not without some positive changes to how the warzones work. If they do that, or perhaps offer some positive incentives (also to backfillers) to stay, then the debuff concept could have its place at the table. As things stand now, just dropping in a debuff and nothing else would do more harm than good.

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As things stand now, just dropping in a debuff and nothing else would do more harm than good.


You may be right, but people would get used to it after awhile and games being determined if people are going to stay would go down less.


Hell 10% less quitters would be wonderful, I think rules could provide that %.

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