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Sad. that i think Mercs gonna get nerft


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Every game that has a heal / dps hybrid class is able to heal low level instances as dps. That's the way things have always been because you just don't have the tools to do it otherwise. It doesn't mean that its OP.

I tried to heal that 4 player heroic on Nar Shaddah (the one where you kill the Jedi's) as aresnal and we got rolled. I think part of it was my group didn't use proper CC and maybe with a good group and a powerful tank we may have been able to clear it but it would have been tremendously difficult.

I just didn't have the tools to keep everyone up. Higher level healing is going to need a full time healer. Our heals at 20+ if you are dps suck.

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Up to the point I am (20s), there's very little differentiation between roles. Talents are relatively weak, so in truth, there is not that much difference between a dps and healer merc. A healer merc can dps ok, a dps merc can still heal fine. Heck, we had a healing merc tank athiss (we ran athiss with 4 healers). I ran the mandalorian raider flashpoint with 3 healers and a tank.


I think this is intentional though, it makes running flashpoints much easier to find a group for when you can slot someone in on an off-role. And its nice not having to heal or dps all the time.

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You start to see a more defined separation of roles higher up, the first few flashpoints are designed as a get your feet wet.


I'm currently level 43 and there is no way my arsenal spec'd merc could heal well enough in any heroics let alone flashpoints. Trust me you'll see what I mean in a few more levels.



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Every game that has a heal / dps hybrid class is able to heal low level instances as dps. That's the way things have always been because you just don't have the tools to do it otherwise. It doesn't mean that its OP.

I tried to heal that 4 player heroic on Nar Shaddah (the one where you kill the Jedi's) as aresnal and we got rolled. I think part of it was my group didn't use proper CC and maybe with a good group and a powerful tank we may have been able to clear it but it would have been tremendously difficult.

I just didn't have the tools to keep everyone up. Higher level healing is going to need a full time healer. Our heals at 20+ if you are dps suck.


Looking at what I get from talents at that level, I can agree. I can tell you from the other vantage point (did that quest as a healing merc last night), it was super easy. We 2-man + 1 dps companion'd it, and never came close to having issues. I stopped CCing after the first pull, because even the 5 elite pulls were healable. I never had to even use vent heat, because the healing tools from the bodyguard tree are amazing.


Specifically to the OP's point, it should stop being that way before 50. As has been said in this thread, most games seem to allow dps specs to heal while leveling.

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Posted this earlier:


Unfortunately with my experience hybrids do WORSE at higher level flashpoints and I would suggest specializing in DPS or Healing because in later flashpoints you need dedication or you wont be as effective as you can be.


In beta I tried Hybrid every which way, arsenal+pyro, pyro+heals, heals+ arsenal.



In mercs at least if you want to do effective raid or PvP DPS you NEED NEED NEED Tracer missile which is at like...11 talent points(?) in the arsenal tree. To make tracer more effective you need its buffs and the 2 signatures on 1 which is around 17'ish (not looking at build map right now).


Now from this point if you wanted to heal youd make it around half way up the heals tree(or pyro tree).



Now from here we kind of branch off into 2 different sub categories.


You can Heal/DPS or DPS/Back up Heal


The difference is Heals buff out max potential of their main heal ability and just get to decent DPS on arsenal or pyro tree. Where as the other uses more in DPS area and is only effective healing as a backup.


Now I can say that when you hit max level at DPS you can already semi-back up heal but hybrid is better but full dedication to heals even better.


My point is when going into late flashpoints and raids you dont want to be that one guy that "Cant heal high enough." "Cant do DPS well enough." and gets booted regularly fromt he party instead of focusing on one or the other and doing exceptional at it.


I hope this helped a bit ><

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Dont get me wrong i have a lvl 35 merc. Love tha class. However...... I am dps spec and i Healed all the way through to tat. Yes including Flashpoints. soooooo. i was like man im a ******. untill i realize were prolly gettin nurfed. :eek:


Haha, you think Merc's who aren't spec'ed into healing are going to be viable end-game, that's cute.

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Dont get me wrong i have a lvl 35 merc. Love tha class. However...... I am dps spec and i Healed all the way through to tat. Yes including Flashpoints. soooooo. i was like man im a ******. untill i realize were prolly gettin nurfed. :eek:


NFI what you are talking about. BH is a crappy healer compared to other classes.

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NFI what you are talking about. BH is a crappy healer compared to other classes.


lol... perhaps bad ones? Or low level ones that cannot control their heat. Once you get Critical Efficiency no Merc healer should be crappy. You can pump out heals for quiet a while without any heat problems.

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Iam of the opinion that BH heals are not crappy, even if you dont spec for it. Sure its going to get a lot more tuff near end game unless you spec for it, true.


But if you nerf the healing then your going to dismantle it all and BH will truly become the worst healer out of the classes.


Healing is the last thing we are going to get nerfed.

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no, the early flahpoints are supposed to be easier to get people accustomed to it. I'm sure you're going to have trouble healing the flashpoints at your level with a full dps spec.



This here. I find that when just questing and such at low and mid level, i can heal just fine with my characters who aren't specced for it. This is just how it is in quite a few mmos until things really start getting gritty at the high end, when you really have to specialize and specifically gear to heal. Comparatively speaking, I'm sure few people opt into pure healing specs while leveling, some do, some like to wait, so being able to be an effective healer while leveling, without the point investment is a plus.

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If anything its the healing that's really nuts right now. I mean yeah, its early on, but I feel kind of awkward when I have no points in healing but am still healing Heroic +4 quests on Tatooine without any significant amount of pressure.


I'm sure the healing thing balances out. And if not then it'll be balanced out. Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go unload my blasters into my best friend in the name of a healthy life some more.

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Dont get me wrong i have a lvl 35 merc. Love tha class. However...... I am dps spec and i Healed all the way through to tat. Yes including Flashpoints. soooooo. i was like man im a ******. untill i realize were prolly gettin nurfed. :eek:


you healed a level 35 FP without talents? got a youtube of that?

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Dont get me wrong i have a lvl 35 merc. Love tha class. However...... I am dps spec and i Healed all the way through to tat. Yes including Flashpoints. soooooo. i was like man im a ******. untill i realize were prolly gettin nurfed. :eek:


Including Athiss?? that final boss gave serious headaches. I don't see Mercs OP at all... but well, maybe that's just me.

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Been able to heal all the heroic quests so far and im lvl 37 and in Taris atm. You just need to cc a few mobs in every pack and you don't even need a tank. Gotta admit though that it gets harder and harder as the levels go by and usually the players in the group are a few level higher than the quest recommends so that might explain it too.
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I kind of can agree with this.



I did the Foundry Flashpoint as a 34, which is around 4-6 levels below. I healed and could succesfully stack Tracer Missile debuffs and do some damage with other attacks. Then simply go back to healing.


But, overall its not really OP'd. PvP is much to fast paced to have a Merc DPS and Heal well, without having too much heat gone and dying.

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