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Best tree for solo PVE?


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I would say Watchman is best for solo...it's the highest DPS and the sturdiest with the self heals incorporated. Plus the Focus management is the easiest on Watchman. The only thing Watchman is less good at than the other 2 really is PVP...as most of our damage can be cleansed.


If you don't intend to PVP though...Watchman is the best...

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Sorry for the snarky comment. I too would give Watchman an edge in solo PvE as well. Combat would be a close second with its burst at higher levels with Focus not far behind for its abilities to handle multi targets. Edited by Ryat
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Currently, it's Focus. It has the most useful lowbie abilities low in its tree, and as it progresses it deals with packs extremely well (obviously). It's also the best spec for running trash content@50 (i.e. dailies).


In 2.0 Stasis won't build Singularity anymore though and you don't get the other Singularity builder until the top of the tree - So Watchman.

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If you can handle a lot of keybinds, it's Watchman. If you can't, Focus or Combat is probably better for you. I'd actually probably take Focus over Combat since what you're going to be doing a lot of as a solo player is killing standard/weak/strong mobs, and not a lot of multi elite/champ groups.
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