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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Does sniper have any counter now?


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You must have missed the part where I said my counters were tank spec sins/shadows. Selective reading? And no, you don't counter melee. We counter you. Snipers are easy kills, and that's that. Think you can prove me wrong? Then take me up on my challenge. Otherwise keep telling yourself whatever helps you sleep at night. Ill be watchman, and just like the top sniper on my server who thought he was a counter and could kill me, I'll let you try all 3 specs on me.


So you admit to contradicting yourself?


Saying you know how to counter EVERY class, and then saying a certain class counters you is just plain terribad lapse in logic on your part. Why should anyone believe what you say about anything if you can't even form complete thoughts?


I can make baseless claims too: "Guys I dueled the best mara on my server on my commando and beat him every time. He even tried every spec, but I still beat him."

Edited by Smashbrother
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So you admit to contradicting yourself?


Saying you know how to counter EVERY class, and then saying a certain class counters you is just plain terribad lapse in logic on your part. Why should anyone believe what you say about anything if you can't even form complete thoughts?


I can make baseless claims too: "Guys I dueled the best mara on my server on my commando and beat him every time. He even tried every spec, but I still beat him."


I admit no such thing. Just because I know how to counter the mechanics of a tankasin doesn't mean I can beat the good ones. Just like any other class I know what they're dependent on, and what they're going to use to counter me, but due to class matchup its impossible to beat the ones who know what they're doing. Same with snipers vs sentinels. If you think you can beat us, you're fighting the bads. A little suggestion, try dueling the ones who aren't fotm. Oh and Im still waiting on you to accept my challenge since you're so confident you can beat us. :)



I'm always shocked Polite Assassin has problems with tankassins on his sent. They aren't hard to kill. But yeah he totally beat the best sniper on his server.


A tankasin can kite effectively while dealing pretty good damage, snipers cannot. They also have self heals, which can be interrupted only so many times. 3/10 you can do better I'm sure. ;)

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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I'm really finding it hard to see how a good jugg/guardian/assassin in the right spec (tanky) is still not going to be our bane. Or a very skilled scoundrel/operative for that matter. You can't compare specs of sniper because all three specs are unique, and have different strengths and weaknesses.


Truth be told, we can't test jack squat on PTS right now being it's busted all to hell. I look forward to seeing it fixed so I can go see if it's as grossly OP as you alarmists claim it is.

Edited by islander
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No. I'm just surprised he tries to concede he has problems with tankasins who he at least can engage from range, but snipers no problem.


Don't worry PA. Their new roll just made them that much harder to kill. Enjoy!


Not quite. As I said above an assassin can kite well, while healing. Snipers cannot. B for effort though! :D




We don't play on the same server dude.


Which is why I said the PTS server and gave the terms, "bro".

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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Not quite. As I said above an assassin can kite well, while healing. Snipers cannot. B for effort though! :D






Which is why I said the PTS server and gave the terms, "bro".


I can't copy my chars to PTS. Plus, that wouldn't prove anything. PTS has all the new changes implemented. We're talking about the two classes currently.

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Behold the new FOTM class....good job Bioware.

What is the counter class to snipers/gunslingers? Oh wait, there's none! All other class are simply free kills.

And don't talk to me about LOS.When you LOS you not gaining any advantage over a sniper, you just escaping death.

LOS has never killed any sniper/gunslinger.


Truly disappointing


DoT then LoS


A good sorc/sage is the counter to gs/snipers....always has been.

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I can't copy my chars to PTS. Plus, that wouldn't prove anything. PTS has all the new changes implemented. We're talking about the two classes currently.


Yeah I beat my servers best sniper a couple weeks ago on the PTS. Not to me mention all the other snipers I've killed. :rolleyes: Live, and 2.0 you're going to die. And wasnt 2.0 supposed to make you guys so awesome? Quit making excuses and allow me to demonstrate what you're so eager to see. I'm assuming you consider yourself a good sniper yes?

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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