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Take the Satellite Dish off 2.0's Elite Trooper Helm


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A lot of the helms... well, let's just say they don't do it for me (what in the world is going on with the Ultimate BH???), but the Elite Trooper Helm could easily slide from the "***" category into the "Good" by simply taking off the random Satellite Dish on it.


The body/legs/gloves for the most part look good on all the sets, and the Elite BH and Ultimate Trooper helms are already pretty cool, so props for that!

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I find it funny that people complain when they recolor already made Gear but then complain when they introduce NEW Designs.


Well if the new designs didn't look like someone grabbed a bunch of random stuff from a swap meet and weld it onto some armor then people probably wouldn't ***** about the new designs.


To the OP, oddly enough I was thinking the same thing about the helmet.

Edited by Hyfy
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i like the looks actually ... maybe the satellite dish could be scrapped but still the armours are going on the right direction. (war hero was total fail only the trooper and BH escaped)


In fairness, 95% of the new armor in the sets look decent but the helms in everyone of those sets look like ***.

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What's up with the mask on the Consular? Bwhaha! Also I agree that the satellite dish needs to go. Hell that set would be one of the better looking ones if it didn't have the dish. Edited by Gaff
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