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2.0 Skill trees


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This will be one of the best pvp dps sage specs out there, bar full telekinetics becoming complete faceroll with the alacrity changes.

Edited by Bronaimeth
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The 2.0 Guardian PvE tanking build will, imo, be: http://pts.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/guardian/225/?build=023212110212120220122100023000100302302000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000&ver=20


I put one point in Battlefield Command and one point in Guard and Thrust because I still have not decided which I like better, they both seem a little meh at first glance.


But overall I am very happy with the changes Bioware made to Defense to actually make it worth using.

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What I might be using on garak for both pvp and pve.. http://pts.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/operative/230/?build=000300000000000000000000000000002300010100000000000000000000000002320021012222012120301103200100&ver=20


Right now concealment is in no real good shape on the test server in terms of effective damage. CG now hits 5 targets and no longer has a cool down. You can cull more thanks to the new shiv talent, the roll is amazing, you have better survivability with new shield probe, and when you roll you can proc our now uber heal+hot. Also, you have almost a permanent 50% movement speed with Hit and Run.


I'm hoping that concealment is brought somewhat in line in the next pts update tho. makes me rather sad that they have neutered the spec that I love into the ground and forcing us to play "dot and run"

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