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No New Warzone?


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As I said in the other thread: I'm not even sure yet if Makeb itself is already on the PTS or not, or just the level cap increase, new hardmode FPs, a new Nightmare mode and a new Operation.


I do not think we have seen everything yet.


And to be ahead of anyone claiming: yeah but they never announced a warzone with Makeb! Neither did they announce new Hardmodes, a new Nightmare mode and a new Operation. So yeah, already the PTS has more than was announced in December.

Edited by Devlonir
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I think the current number of warzones already provides alot of variety in gameplay.


Except Huttball, most of the Warzones offer pretty similar play experiences. They're all cap and hold, with a little twist. If you look at WoW's first three battlegrounds, each one had a distinctly different play style.


Warzone Gulch: Capture the flag

Arathi Bason: Capture and Hold

Alterac Valley: Massive melee with an NPC objective. Eventually they added a reinforcement track so that it ended with enough kills (I don't miss the 13 hour games...)


What we need is another WZ like Huttball. Not in that it should be a Huttball type WZ, but that it should offer a play experience that is different from the others.

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Ranked matches improvements, getting premades out of every match and into premade vs premade games, cross server and anything I forgot is more important thant a new Warzone.


honestly the pvp is fun, the way it is done could use an improvement. The game has changed but the pvp has not yet. Hopefully we will se something new besides another warzone this year.

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What we need is another WZ like Huttball. Not in that it should be a Huttball type WZ, but that it should offer a play experience that is different from the others.


There's two obvious things we're missing, a death match style with no objectives other than kills with quick return to action after death. This is obviously what a ton of people want since they ignore objectives anyway.


King of the hill - self explanatory but we don't have it.


Yes these both require less strategy, but they'd be easy for pugs and help narrow the coordination gap against premades.

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There's two obvious things we're missing, a death match style with no objectives other than kills with quick return to action after death. This is obviously what a ton of people want since they ignore objectives anyway.


King of the hill - self explanatory but we don't have it.


Yes these both require less strategy, but they'd be easy for pugs and help narrow the coordination gap against premades.


I don't know I think it may magnify some issues. Right now a brutally effective group can still functionally yield decent results. A good example of this would be mid control in the newest wz where I see a lot more 2-4 medal counts on the losing side then one normally sees in any others save a huttball 2-3 minute passing chain.

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