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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Major bug, has anyone else seen this?


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In huttball, me on my shadow, I was on the high up ledge of the metal paths where there is a straight shot to the goal.(I can't think of a better way to describe my position) I was passed to by a guildie, a gunslinger, and as soon as I received the ball we scored. (It was also the 6th point that was scored) Keep in mind that i never went over the end zone line. I was fighting an Assassin and from his perspective he would probably think I was cheating. I never made it to the end zone and when I thought i had received the ball I used force speed to run to the end zone. Has anyone else seen anything like this?
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Could it be just out of time? or you were force pushed or pulled but animations dind't kick in? after 6th score sound should start, and then stun in 3 secs. Never seen this sort of bug (I mean way you described it, I did had miss animations who said I was in a different place I really was)
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I have heard of it happening, though I haven't seen it. A score is registered every time a certain individual receives the ball.


If I remember, it was something to do with after someone scores, the game then thinks they're still in the endzone. Maybe getting killed just as scoring does it.


Yes, it happens. No, haven't seen it. No, it's not common.

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Have had this happen a number of times since launch. I have no idea under what circumstances you need for this to happens but I am sure its 100% random but it does not happen very often. The worst thing is the hate tells after and you get accused of being a hacker.
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I had some odd stuff happen to me on my vanguard where I stormed to a marauder who was leaping at me, and I ended up on a completely different ramp than he was when I stormed. He was in the middle lower ramp, and I ended up in the middle upper ramp with no opposition. I'm sure it looked bad.
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I had some odd stuff happen to me on my vanguard where I stormed to a marauder who was leaping at me, and I ended up on a completely different ramp than he was when I stormed. He was in the middle lower ramp, and I ended up in the middle upper ramp with no opposition. I'm sure it looked bad.


That happens when there is s delay in the synch between the server and client determining the current positions of the two players involved. Your client still thinks that player is in one place, and when someone leaps, the game doesn't resolve the new position until after they land. If you both activated at the same time, your ability would have registered to their old position, while they were actually at their new one. It's not lag per se, it's just a desynch issue and can usually be fixed by resetting the UI quick to force the client and server to resynch.


This is actually a common issue and can even happen in things like FPs and Ops when NPCs move while an instant travel like leap is being used on the NPC - you'll find yourself landing in the space the NPC used to be at.


I blame it partly on the "fixes" they put in to front-load the damage/stun calculations from things like Force Leap to address the animation delays the abilities had.

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