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Snap Shot not proc'ing?


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Does anyone else have the problem where Snap Shot (100% Snipe instant activation) does not happen when rolling to cover? It isn't always and it definitely is not within 6 seconds of the last one. Just occassionally happens; maybe because of lag? Only happens to me when I roll in to a 'green' pre-generated position and never when i crouch in place. Might just be me.
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Do you mean that there is a slight delay between pushing the key and the ability happening?


Or is the cast/channel for snipe still occurring in spite of the proc showing up in your buff bar?


If the first one, I have it too. Not sure what the delay is, but it's still shorter than cast time. But sometimes it happens instantly, sometimes it takes a millisecond or 2 to fire off

Edited by Stressfire
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No - The Snap Shot simply isn't triggering. I roll in to 'greeen man' cover and press my Snipe key and it takes 1.5 secs to cast. No instant-cast. It's not been 6 secs since the last one and I have 2 points in Snap Shot. The ability just seems not to happen. Seen more of it tonight; from all I can tell it happens when rolling in to cover thats not very far away (< 2m). It always triggers when I crouch in place though. Must just be me!
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Yeah, I have it happen quite often. Well quite often when I play MM. It seems to me to happen when I first start combat. If there is a prolonged engagement, I do seem to get it every 6 seconds when I reset dampners but that first shot a lot of times is me channeling snipe.
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Hmm, I may have just never noticed.


I tend to toss a Frag Grenade when I first take cover and follow that with the Snipe freebie, so as not to squander the energy that would be recharged while casting.


So...FG, Snipe, Snipe - then some other stuff


Will pay closer attention tonight, see what happens

Edited by Stressfire
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  • 2 weeks later...
It just got much worse for me tonight out of nowhere. I take cover and expect my snap shot to proc. Instead I take aim and start my cast time, and when the bar counts all the way down I start mashing my followthrough... but it didn't light up. fourth or fifth time this happened I was actually paying attention enough to figure out what was going on. at first I just assumed cover was bugged or something and somebody somehow interrupted me. But it only happened when snap shot should have happened, but didn't. So it would start the animation of a regular snipe, and at the end realize it shouldn't be casting snipe so it just wouldn't. 1.5 second cast time, still triggered GCD too, but no snipe at all, no damager and no followthrough proc obviosuly.
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I'll confirm some things which were already said:

- Only happens to me when I roll in to a 'green' pre-generated position and never when I crouch in place

- It seems to me to happen when I first start combat

- I usually make sure that I do not roll into pregenerated cover as it only has a chance to not proc there


And I will also add one observation which contradicts with one said thing:

- it happens when rolling in to cover thats not very far away (< 2m)

In my experience, the reverse is true - the farther the green pre-generated position, the higher chance (I would even say certainty) that the Snap Shot will not proceed.


Try it and watch your buffs. The Snap Shot icon will actually appear when you start rolling, but it disappears a moment later while the rolling animation is still processing/ before you land in cover. When the distance between your position and the pre-generated cover is short, the rolling animation is short too and hence the Snap Shot icon/buff stays.


My personal opinion: Snap Shot triggers immediately as you start rolling, but since it only works while you are in cover, and you actually aren't there (yet) while rolling to it, it almost-instantly disappears again.

Edited by Danylia
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if you just go into cover in place as opposed to rolling you get the proc 100% (6 second cooldown still applies), rolling seems buggy if you dont get the cover mark, I would suspect a change in original idea and terribad code.
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  • 4 weeks later...
This bug still exists. When I roll to green man spot for cover, snap shot won't proc. Bioware please fix!


I just stopped using roll into cover some time back. It's got advantages, but it's also problematic when you are forced into a location you don't intend. I dunno. I like the new skill because you roll where you intend.

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  • 5 months later...

Bumping to note that this bug still exists.


Better than half the time I roll into a green outlined cover spot, Snap Shot does not properly trigger. The icon shows up while I'm rolling and then disappears when I actually stop in cover. This seems to happen a lot more with long rolls than short ones.


My best guess as to why - longer rolls seem to trigger the "cover" condition when they start, and then again when they end (cover, roll, cover), where shorter ones simply roll and cover.

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