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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Kaon Lightside/Darkside Points Bugged.

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There are some weird allocations of light/dark points in that flashpoint. For example, when that guard captain guy gets infected you get light side points for letting him live, suffer a transformation and then killing him. On the other side, you get dark side points for putting him out of his misery.


The last conversation, with the pilot girl, is a bit weird too. Choice 1: you tell her she can go and get LS points. Choice 2: you tell her she needs a physical just to make sure she's not infected and you get DS points. Makes no sense whatsoever.

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There are some weird allocations of light/dark points in that flashpoint. For example, when that guard captain guy gets infected you get light side points for letting him live, suffer a transformation and then killing him. On the other side, you get dark side points for putting him out of his misery.


The last conversation, with the pilot girl, is a bit weird too. Choice 1: you tell her she can go and get LS points. Choice 2: you tell her she needs a physical just to make sure she's not infected and you get DS points. Makes no sense whatsoever.


I've always assumed (more so now after getting an agent to 50) that if you let her live then tell her she will be interrogated by intelligence that she will be executed and incinerated immediately following the questioning.

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There are some weird allocations of light/dark points in that flashpoint. For example, when that guard captain guy gets infected you get light side points for letting him live, suffer a transformation and then killing him. On the other side, you get dark side points for putting him out of his misery.


you got it wrong. you get light for killing him as ending his suffering, and dark for letting him transfer just to kill him as a sport/fun

Edited by Atramar
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Yeah, I just picked all three light side choices, a total of what should be 250 lightside points, and I recieved a wooping 100. Nice how this place has been out for a year and it still doesn't work right.


This might happen if you were at 100 LS points from the maximum.


Was this the case?


Or did you see in the "quest complete" dialog box that you only received 100 LS points?


To further explain: if the "quest complete" dialog box shows 250 LS points, but you only received 100 LS points then that is because you could only "receive" 100 LS points before being maxed out. (Same happens with companion affection. If they are 10 points from being maxed out, and you receive 15 points for completing a quest they only receive 10 points.)

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you got it wrong. you get light for killing him as ending his suffering, and dark for letting him transfer just to kill him as a sport/fun


Actually, you're the one that has it wrong. I've been pressing 1 for a year now, getting LS points, him transforming and subsequently getting killed along with some mobs that pop up after the cutscene.


You're welcome to run Kaon again if you don't believe me.

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Actually, you're the one that has it wrong. I've been pressing 1 for a year now, getting LS points, him transforming and subsequently getting killed along with some mobs that pop up after the cutscene.


You're welcome to run Kaon again if you don't believe me.


you are, but he will change if person who choose dark side won convo roll.

if you select light side and win convo, you will kill him.



pressing '1' will leave him to suffer and give dark side points.

also, you you take 100 DS and 150 LS, at end you will get 50 LS points




actualy, googled republic side Kaon video, you are correct too.

weird republic ways are... weird.

Edited by Atramar
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actualy, googled republic side Kaon video, you are correct too.

weird republic ways are... weird.


I always found the faction differences odd with this decision.


Even the paraphrase on the wheel is different. For Empire, you get something like "End his suffering" (LS points) and "Watch him suffer" (DS) while on the Republic side it says "Kill him" (DS) and "Let him live" (LS) even though the outcome is the same (you either end his life or stand there and watch him turn).

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