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Question about HM False Emp.


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Just tried to do this HM FP (False Emperor) and both times we wiped because he enraged as soon as we burned down turrets.


Is this a bug?? I know we did not take long to do this both times.


Just curious because I have never seen HK enrage so fast before. And I mean he enraged fast.

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He's talking about the HK fight, not the Malgus one.


OP - just kill HK and leave turrets alone until after he's dead.


Ya a strong enough group can ignore the turrets and heal through them, but it sounds more like your dps was lacking. At least I've never seen that happen

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If the dps is modest it actually isn't too hard to hit the enrage on hk. I've had a few times on my healer where tionese/columi blend groups have hit the enrage, though my scoundrel out gears it enough that it isn't a big deal to just heal through aside from his stealth instagibs.
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