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Standard Items No Longer Have Icon Border


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This is extremely trivial as far as urgency, but I noticed this after the patch. "Standard" or white quality items used to have a white border around the icon of the item in your inventory. Now there isn't one which was associated with cheap or "junk" items.


Just a heads up if you're wondering why your "junk" isn't all selling lol.

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Are you kidding? The items look so much better this way. I wish they'd remove the solid color border from other items too and replaced it with something more subtle.


There's a "sell junk" button on vendors now that automatically sells all junk items which used to have a grey border. Use that and there's no danger of confusing junk with medpacs or crafting materials. Besides, even if you do accidentally sell something you shouldn't have, there's always the buy back option.


As for the standard quality armors, which are pretty much junk as well, you don't encounter those after the starter planet, so I don't see that as much of an issue.

Edited by DataBeaver
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