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Back off of the PvPers, please


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I've finally had a couple nights to check out the new pvp area. I think the FFA zone kinda ruined it for me. I want old school Ilum back where pubs fought imps... you know like they do in Star Wars. Its lame seeing 2 or 3 groups mixed of pubs and imps teaming together to clear out mid.



I've been in a couple of those mixed groups - but in every case it was Project Mayhem and Inconcievable/Team One... because we're the same guild. A few of us gravitate toward our imps for pvp mostly, and PM has always been a pvp-centric guild, so what tends to happen is two or three of us will be on our Empire toons (most notably myself and Ragnak/Tinniq) while a few others are on their Republic toons, and we end up in mid together and will clear out the competition for turning in the orbs.


Note that Ragnak and I do not discriminate any longer, and we attack anyone and everything - except our guildies. We are constantly leaping into piles of enemies without care for how badly we're outnumbered, and welcome all comers to try to take us out. Many people have failed, and some have succeeded, some more spectacularly than others.


Earlier Ragnak jumped into a group of about seven who were waiting to turn in their orbs. As the first one fell, it set off a chain reaction that left everyone in the vicinity, Ragnak included, reduced to smoldering corpses on the ground. As the lone survivor, I had to supress my giggling fit long enough to run up and rez him before the two newcomers to the pylon area took advantage of my massively reduced health.


That is the type of chaos we love to sow, and we intend on taking as much advantage of it as we can. We cooperate with our guildies because we love them and they have orbs to turn in too :p Everyone else is fair game. I haven't seen much of these large groups made of 2-3 smaller groups that you speak of, but if we do, I can promise you we'll be right in the middle of them smashing their faces in :p

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I have gotten to hate pvp in all forms. I have gotten ganked so many times out in the open by lvl 50 players it has sickened me. I wont go and que for a war zone even with my guild. Forget it. I am geared for PvE cause i like the story.


I am going to be looking at moving all my toons to this server once it comes around to transfers.


Why is it that people think its ok to gank a lvl 30 player when they are 10 to 20 lvls higher than the poor guy or gal.


What sport is it? NONE! it might be fun but hell you just piss to poor person off. Ruining the game for him. I get that the area is a pvp area but BW ruined the Illum quests for me. I will never go on that planet again. I went once and got no where with the new gree area. Even trying to complete the quests outside of the pvp area was so stressful I quit and did an emergency fleet pass. I must have died 10 to 15 times in the hour I was playing there. For what? Not a damn thing.

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Sport? Honor?


That is something the Jedi can contemplate when my sith is standing over you or my Bounty Hunter is spending his credits.


Just an FYI if you watch a game of thrones there is a scene you should recall it goes like this.


Game of Thrones: A Golden Crown (#1.6)" (2011)

[in the duel, Bronn has killed Ser Vardis Egen and threw him out of the Moon Door. Lysa is furious]

Lysa Arryn: You don't fight with honor!

[bronn turns to face Lysa, smiling mockingly]

Bronn: No...

[bronn points to the open Moon Door]

Bronn: ...he did.




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Thats fine if you dont like what we are saying about PVP and why we have come to hate it then stay out of this servers forums. Its an RP forum for a reason. Stay out and stop bashing us for it.


I for one if i am in the open world fighting a boss that is twice my HP don't appreciate being ganked by some snot nose brat kid that thinks he is the God of the stupid server. Hence my reason for wanting to come here. Too bad if you don't like PvE or RP go to your own servers forum and complain about it there.


We don't want to hear your reason for not liking us so how about we go and complain on your server forum? How would you like that?

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It's also an open PvP area for a reason. If you don't like that, stay out.


I agree with this to a point...it's a pvp area, but most groups I've seen don't really treat it the way it was intended. If everyone respected the free for all, groups of 4, red they're dead ... I think the area would be more fun. Last night there were about 12 people at center from various guilds(Inconceivable/Team One/Space Magic are the ones I remember) teaming together to kill anyone that came mid. That's not really the way the area was intended to work and it kinda ruins it all IMO.


I still think and Imp vs Pub area would have been better.

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Thats fine if you dont like what we are saying about PVP and why we have come to hate it then stay out of this servers forums. Its an RP forum for a reason. Stay out and stop bashing us for it.


I for one if i am in the open world fighting a boss that is twice my HP don't appreciate being ganked by some snot nose brat kid that thinks he is the God of the stupid server. Hence my reason for wanting to come here. Too bad if you don't like PvE or RP go to your own servers forum and complain about it there.


We don't want to hear your reason for not liking us so how about we go and complain on your server forum? How would you like that?


I never said i didn't like what you said about PVP I wanted you to understand how warfare is fought. Warfare cares not that you are fighting an epic beast, it will snatch any opportunity it can to catch you at a disadvantage. In fact your rage fuels my desire to continue my war efforts and to demoralize those that do not have my resolve in support of the empire and ultimately my ascension to a living deity!


I look forward to dragging your body with my speeder as a warning to all those who would stand in my way!

Edited by Barantos
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Thats fine if you dont like what we are saying about PVP and why we have come to hate it then stay out of this servers forums. Its an RP forum for a reason. Stay out and stop bashing us for it.


I for one if i am in the open world fighting a boss that is twice my HP don't appreciate being ganked by some snot nose brat kid that thinks he is the God of the stupid server. Hence my reason for wanting to come here. Too bad if you don't like PvE or RP go to your own servers forum and complain about it there.


We don't want to hear your reason for not liking us so how about we go and complain on your server forum? How would you like that?


This guy has a point. It's a RPPvE server. You'd have to be brain dead to think no one would complain if you attempt to turn it into a PvP server. It's mostly why I never side with non-RPers when it comes to certain arguments. After 6 years of playing MMOs I still can not see the logic in people complaining about RP on RP forums and servers. I mean there is literally no defense if you willingly went onto a server made for RP and then started complaining about it. Last I checked no one forced you to get on one. Bottom line.


You're on their turf. You're out numbered and fighting against it is not only futile, it's kinda dumb.

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It is an RP server first. It happens to have a PvE ruleset, which is largely irrelevant to the activities that take place here.


In addition, even on PvE ruleset servers, Outlaw's Den and the Ilum PvP zone are both auot-flag PvP free-for-all zones. To say that PvP should not happen in either location just because of the overall ruleset is about as stupid as saying operation instances shouldn't exist on a PvP ruleset server because the overall ruleset isn't PvE.

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Last night there were about 12 people at center from various guilds(Inconceivable/Team One/Space Magic are the ones I remember) teaming together to kill anyone that came mid. That's not really the way the area was intended to work and it kinda ruins it all IMO.


Wrong wrong wrong! Space Magic was absolutely not allied with anyone last night. Inconceivable had about 12-18 people camping out at mid and we were mainly trying to kill them. Space Magic has a strict policy of 'red means dead' mainly because we hate all of you. There are no exceptions.

Edited by TheHeat
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Wrong wrong wrong! Space Magic was absolutely not allied with anyone last night. Inconceivable had about 12-18 people camping out at mid and we were mainly trying to kill them. Space Magic has a strict policy of 'red means dead' mainly because we hate all of you. There are no exceptions.


Which is why we love you. More like this, please.

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I agree with this to a point...it's a pvp area, but most groups I've seen don't really treat it the way it was intended. If everyone respected the free for all, groups of 4, red they're dead ... I think the area would be more fun. Last night there were about 12 people at center from various guilds(Inconceivable/Team One/Space Magic are the ones I remember) teaming together to kill anyone that came mid. That's not really the way the area was intended to work and it kinda ruins it all IMO.


I still think and Imp vs Pub area would have been better.


We would never team with Space Magic, try again.

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It is an RP server first. It happens to have a PvE ruleset, which is largely irrelevant to the activities that take place here.


In addition, even on PvE ruleset servers, Outlaw's Den and the Ilum PvP zone are both auot-flag PvP free-for-all zones. To say that PvP should not happen in either location just because of the overall ruleset is about as stupid as saying operation instances shouldn't exist on a PvP ruleset server because the overall ruleset isn't PvE.


Thats what I mean PvP areas fine no problem. I came here because i am tired of getting ganked on a PvP server. Its fine to PvP in an area.


If you dont like it then stay off it. I stay out of the PvP areas. I Feel it is stupid and not nice to hit someone when they are fighting a damn boss. Its ignorant and the person that does it and Kills someone while they are fighting a boss or a group they are jerks.


War zones and the like fine its meant to be PvP to the max. I dont go into war zones at all. I hate PvP. SO that is my opinion if you don't like it shove off. I respect yours if you like it fine. But don't come here and complain about those of us that don't.


Most instances are not PvP So i use all of them i can. For now peace to all. See you on Ebon Hawk.

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wow, you have to love all of the wrong information on here. A) there were nowhere near 12-14 people form inconceivable and team one camping last night, we didn't even have that many people online. B) the only people we were killing were Space magic and anyone who came after us or got in the way of us killing space magic. And Finally C) the only reason we kill space magic to begin with is because they repeatedly come after us. We still let other people turn in orbs so long as they didn't start anything.
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wow, you have to love all of the wrong information on here. A) there were nowhere near 12-14 people form inconceivable and team one camping last night, we didn't even have that many people online. B) the only people we were killing were Space magic and anyone who came after us or got in the way of us killing space magic. And Finally C) the only reason we kill space magic to begin with is because they repeatedly come after us. We still let other people turn in orbs so long as they didn't start anything.


Aw shucks. Don't take it personally, we really do hate everyone. It's not just you guys.

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Must've just been an odd turn of events. I went after one of your healers and got jumped by two Space Magic. They didn't attempt to finish off the healer after they killed me so naturally it looked like you were teamed up.


The only real time you'll see incon/team one 'teaming' with someone from the other faction is if its someone from our guilds.


You're more likely to see something like PM and Hex teamed in the middle than you are to see Incon teamed with any other Imp guild other than PM.

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Must've just been an odd turn of events. I went after one of your healers and got jumped by two Space Magic. They didn't attempt to finish off the healer after they killed me so naturally it looked like you were teamed up.


I'm not sure I remember the exact moment you're referencing, but I can see how you could mistake it for that. We were extremely outnumbered there and it was sort of like a drunken bar room brawl. But at the end of the day numbers can't save you from Space Magic's hatred. Even if we can't kill all of you we will at least drag some of you down with us. Space Magic hates all.

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Yeah, I know this is a Rp-PvE server but the developers saw fit to add open PvP areas to the game. The rules of such areas are made clear to you as soon as you enter the area. Complaining about getting attacked there is really no different than walking into a yard with a "Beware of Dog" sign and complaining about being bitten. And the whole, "I was minding my own business" line doesn't work either. Everybody is minding their own business until they aren't. Should the PvPers just stand there and wait for you to get the first shot for free before they engage? Entry into the zone is implied consent to engage in PvP. If you can't accept the fact that you might get ganked, do quests elsewhere...there's plenty of them to be done. But once in a great while Bioware throws the PvP dogs a bone...let the dogs eat. And FYI you don't die in real life....just move to another instance.


BTW I am not in Guerrilla, Empire, Game Genie, or Hex and have in fact been ganked by all of them there....and you will never EVER see or hear me complain about it.


I've only read your post, so I'm replying based on that.


You left out one item.


Not all of the Gree live event was in an open pvp area.


In fact, most of it wasn't. Only two quests if memory serves required one to go into the open pvp part of that area. The heroic had spawn points in both the pve and pvp. The other quest could be done easily in the pve area as well.


So it's not like every part of the overland zone for that event was in the pvp area.


May wish to consider that.

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All this really boils down to is the real PvPers are tired of getting lumped in with the gankers and the PvErs trying to quest are not making distinction. All I know is Panopticus and a bunch of his guildies ran an instance like pros and roflstomped the rude folks. It's an event that might be recurring but won't last forever, so sure, kill one or two people from the enemy team, but if you just camp all the quest zones, not actually needing anything there? Well, you're kind of a bag of feminine hygiene products.


Love you Animosity! =D

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