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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level 35 and seriously considering rerolling a trooper


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Sentinel isn't particulary strong at 20 in PvP and he is doing well. He'll be doing much better at his rises to 50 and he's got all his tools.


or, he just got lucky with the draw of good teammates/bad opposition.

How many times have you played a healer in pvp? Had to chain heal some blind war/knight for 5 min, while he superstared around, oblivious to you and 3 other people chain healing him?

Edited by MBirkhofer
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Well, lets just put it this way.


I had a 1 v 1 with a 34 sentinel on my 29 trooper and i got the jump on him in Tatooine. Well, I basically smashed him down to less then 1/4hp, no problem. I probably only lost 1/4hp. I kited him to crap as best as I could (commando is not a very good class for kiting too well with all the cast times). I would have killed him but he managed to stealth and get half his hp back, probably through a medpac.


If it wasn't for that medpac, he would have died, no problem. The thing is, once the sentinel got on me, he did considerable amount of damage. The problem is that he couldn't actually stay on me and I'm not really much of a kiting class. I can only imagine it against others...


So basically if you can get on them, you're going to wreck because you can hit so hard. Just try to time your force leap and what not properly to close gaps. Also whatever that like force cloak thing he did, helps a lot. Breaks my rotation, my thought process and makes me start panicking about trying to heal myself. Use that to your advantage.

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Well, lets just put it this way.


I had a 1 v 1 with a 34 sentinel on my 29 trooper and i got the jump on him in Tatooine. Well, I basically smashed him down to less then 1/4hp, no problem. I probably only lost 1/4hp. I kited him to crap as best as I could (commando is not a very good class for kiting too well with all the cast times). I would have killed him but he managed to stealth and get half his hp back, probably through a medpac.


If it wasn't for that medpac, he would have died, no problem. The thing is, once the sentinel got on me, he did considerable amount of damage. The problem is that he couldn't actually stay on me and I'm not really much of a kiting class. I can only imagine it against others...


So basically if you can get on them, you're going to wreck because you can hit so hard. Just try to time your force leap and what not properly to close gaps. Also whatever that like force cloak thing he did, helps a lot. Breaks my rotation, my thought process and makes me start panicking about trying to heal myself. Use that to your advantage.


His mistake was that he wasn't breaking your rotation enough.


In a 1 on 1 against a Trooper... I don't lose as a Combat spec.


Start the match by rushing, don't Force Leap. Lay down the pain and keep them snared. If they knock you back, force leap if you can, if you can't use Blade Storm as you run back in. Also use Crippling throw especially if you have specced so that it roots your target.


You want to save your CC break as long as possible, and use it, preferably if your resolve gets high. The same thing for Force Camo so that you can break a root or simply stop them from hitting you with a power with a large charge up period providing you have specced it so that you can do that.


Interrupt them. Use your kick when you can, when your "pseudo-rotaton" (as we don't actually have one) has run its course use Force Stasis to buy yourself precious seconds for cool downs to near completion or to break a channeled or charging ability if it is going to hurt.


You have a "rotation of death" if you can get enough focus (one Zealous Strike and almost any other builder will get you enough) you can use it. Just be sure you'll be able to complete the rotation. Note: You also have had to spec Master Strike so that it roots the victim as well for this to work to the maximum effect.


The "Rotation of Death" is as follows and if specced right is nasty as all heck:


1. Precision Strike


2. Blade Rush


3. Blade Storm


4. Strike (because you'll be short on Focus if you don't.)


5. Cauterize


6. Master Strike


If this whole thing goes off, it will burn through more than 50% of a Trooper's HP (tank spec or not)

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Commenting as a veritable newbie to the MMO world (played a lot of them, just never seriously) so please keep an open mind.


When some guys mention keyboard binds, that are not macros, how do you do them? I assume you have non-standard keyboards, or is it really just literally control scheme binds? I struggle with interrupting as I just highlight it with my cursor as my left hand manages the skills on my numbered quickslot, and literally mouse click my interrupts (or the other skills that I can't fit onto numbers 1-9), so any way to at least prolong my carpal tunnel would be much appreciated.


I've levelled 2 characters almost simultaneously, my combat sent and my infiltrator shadow, and I have to say I'm finding the sent much more fun, although it's only at 21 and my shadow at 20, that does mean I haven't even gotten to the meat of my skills, but it seems as time passed, my shadow got less and less interesting, and the sentinel more fun.


Anyway, any help with Combat sents would be appreciated as well. I've followed a lot of Maefly's advice in the Combat spec and it has helped loads, although again being a lowly 21, I won't really know how to properly play it once I at least hit 30-35.

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I honestly dont see the problems you describe. Im only lvl 24, so I know I dont got the full overlook of the class yet, but so far it feels great.

I played this far as combat, only having problems vs strong elites, but managed after two or so tries (I love how easy it is to respawn and recover ind this game. Dying in WoW was a *********** big deal in some zones). Now that Ive respecced Watchman, and upgraded my gear, its much easier. And I wasnt even complaining before, I just wanted to try another spec.


Im not saying the game is perfectly balanced, but try to enjoy playing a class that takes a little skill and quick thinking. Example: try quickly shifting target to a caster, silencing him, to quickly return and kill your main target when fighting a group of mobs. And then try to not do it, and see the difference. Im not saying thats brainsurgery, im just saying that this class takes more than others.

If you want to just stand back and hit 5 keys randomly and win, its cool. But then this class is not for you. You cant faceroll this class, but maybe thats a good thing. It'll keep the amount of "Skywalker"s and "Kenobi"s at a minimum.

Edited by Juicebooze
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