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Why do we have free 4 all pvp


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First of all , I agree , no one asked for it , we already have outlaws den , which nearly nobody uses it.


The only valid reason for them to put free 4 all is that most servers have a significant faction unbalance , thus if we had a faction based open pvp area the side with least pvpers would get squashed ( then i bet people would be begging for the devs to do something about it on forums) .


However I think that now that we all know what is coming from the event there is no reason to not make it faction based pvp and develop a way to help handicapped factions and put it on PTS for testing. Something like making npcs stronger and help the weaker faction on the fight or bolstering up the weaker faction within the pvp zone. Since this is a recurring event it would be a reasonable thing to do and would appease most complaints about the new ilum.

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First of all , I agree , no one asked for it , we already have outlaws den , which nearly nobody uses it.


The only valid reason for them to put free 4 all is that most servers have a significant faction unbalance , thus if we had a faction based open pvp area the side with least pvpers would get squashed ( then i bet people would be begging for the devs to do something about it on forums) .


However I think that now that we all know what is coming from the event there is no reason to not make it faction based pvp and develop a way to help handicapped factions and put it on PTS for testing. Something like making npcs stronger and help the weaker faction on the fight or bolstering up the weaker faction within the pvp zone. Since this is a recurring event it would be a reasonable thing to do and would appease most complaints about the new ilum.


Stationary NPCs (however strong they are) will never equal real, mobile, thinking players. In SWTOR faction based OWPVP is just asking for trouble. Bioware had a year to think of a balanced, massive, faction-based, open world PvP system and in the end, all they came up with was the fact that it's simply not possible to do. Why?


1. I'm sure Hero Engine still has problems handling a lot of people in the same place. OWPvP (by limitations of the engine) needs to be relatively small scale for acceptable performance.

2. Large faction vs faction battles were zergfests between two ops groups. Melee characters are severely disadvantaged in such a situation.

3. The weaker faction inevitably gets frustrated and will leave the place or switch to an opposite faction alt. Either way, the stronger faction won't have anyone to fight.


We already have faction vs faction battles, called warzones and open world areas on PvP servers on virtually every planet except for the starting ones. If large scale faction vs faction battles were feasible in this game (they are not due to the abovementioned reasons) it would have occured on planets during the past year.


So as much as we want something that is possible from a lore standpoint, it's simply impossible from a technical and mechanical standpoint.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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Why no body is in outlaw? Because there is no reason for that.. On ilum you have a quest=reward. Bioware should follow this way. We want better rewards. Something what everyone wants and will fight for it. Thats all about this.
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Why no body is in outlaw? Because there is no reason for that.. On ilum you have a quest=reward. Bioware should follow this way. We want better rewards. Something what everyone wants and will fight for it. Thats all about this.


That same quest reward could have been applied to faction vs. faction.


They could have made the area spawn elite and gold NPCs to accomodate any player im-balance i the area for the appropriate faction.


Bottom line is that BW is not willing to commit to what they promised to deliver. Star Wars is supposed to be about the Sith Empaire vs. The Republic. Not delivering that in OW-PVP means it is not a Star Wars game.


A good design team could have implemented a system to handle the balacne. A bad and lazy design team just says lets make it FFA.

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Why no body is in outlaw? Because there is no reason for that.. On ilum you have a quest=reward. Bioware should follow this way. We want better rewards. Something what everyone wants and will fight for it. Thats all about this.



God I am sick of players complaining about lack of rewards.


I've played many MMO's. From SWG to City of Heroes to WoW and even obscure failures such as Matrix Online. I've played good, i've played bad.


However in every single game I was attracted to the PvP. But this is Star Wars. It's the Empire vs. the Republic. You shouldn't need an incentive to test your skills against other players. You shouldn't need rewards, and you shouldn't need a carrot on the end of the stick.


MMO's these days are full of entitled players that need rewards to play. Your reward is killing the enemy. Get in a guild, group up, and go looking for trouble. If that's not your thing, I can point you to the nearest PvE server so you can stand in your line instead of complaining about PvP'ers PvP'ing in a PvP server in a PvP zone.


Am I the only one that feels this way?

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God I am sick of players complaining about lack of rewards.


I've played many MMO's. From SWG to City of Heroes to WoW and even obscure failures such as Matrix Online. I've played good, i've played bad.


However in every single game I was attracted to the PvP. But this is Star Wars. It's the Empire vs. the Republic. You shouldn't need an incentive to test your skills against other players. You shouldn't need rewards, and you shouldn't need a carrot on the end of the stick.


MMO's these days are full of entitled players that need rewards to play. Your reward is killing the enemy. Get in a guild, group up, and go looking for trouble. If that's not your thing, I can point you to the nearest PvE server so you can stand in your line instead of complaining about PvP'ers PvP'ing in a PvP server in a PvP zone.


Am I the only one that feels this way?


:) qfe :)

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I am with you Hakek but MMOs force you into the drive for comms etc with the ultimate goal of gear as you well know. It is a trap that most fall into. I want to be successful in PVP so I do need good gear but I refuse to "grind" for anything!


If you honestly believe the current system for acquiring pvp gear is a 'grind' you probably haven't played many MMO's.


As I said, it's absurdly easy to get WH PvP gear. Shouldn't take long at all.



Again, just another case of an entitled player asking for handouts.

Edited by CaptainCornbread
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-populations are out of whack, larger side draws in even more people, larger side gets more queues, gears faster, lower side suffers. In OW there is potential for zerging

- Nobody goes to outlaws den because it's an empty pit with no tactical significance. Everyone lines up at Ilum because it gives 100 comms and isnt worth hours of zerging when we only have <2 weeks for the event Soon it will be an empty out of the way Big pit

- Players rarely cross paths because our quest areas dont often overlap till very late, if ever. Tatooine for example. Imps have south we have north, and we never need to go south.

-Even if you love pvp for the kills and thrills, there still isnt much reason to do it. Because you have to go so out of your way to find enemies, if you do they may not feel the fight is worth it without a reward, so you end up camping npcs. So you need to find likeminded enemies, form a group, determine a place to fight, and make up objectives on the forums

EASY Solutions:

- we need Bolster buff to jack up the lower populated side's stats

- We need Mercenary comms again to trade in for warzone comms (requiring different kills on a timer so you cant kill trade) That's reason enough to kill someone even for the most frugal mind

-We need Faction Bosses in major cities, (no loot, maybe BH comms, pvp+ bh on pvp servers) with allot of hp, high attack and requiring an operation or more to fight. With Strong defending lvl 50-55 Guards throughout hotspots to protect the cities/ bases. Opposing faction could fight through the guards and players to kill the bosses.

- perhaps a weekly for collecting nodes on ilum, outlaws den, or near enemy bases that rewards pvp comms- gives a reason to cross paths

More invested fixes"

-buffs to the whole faction of winners for hourly pvp raids on Ilum. Buffs could be just about anything you think is fair

- Put WoW's wintergrasp on Ilum

- Faction base buildup period on certain planets (or just Ilum) with dailies that actually improve your base's defenses, turrets etc. and an hour or so where the bases are destroyable. Winner's get a faction wide buff to something (valor? social? xp gain, repair cost? etc.


All but the last 3 solutions require an extremely low amount of resources for high gain that IM sure would bring back thousands of people that left for lack of meaning in the PVP

Edited by supafreak
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people have asked for free for all OPVP. people also asked for small group sizes for PVP. people asked for BW to give reasons for people to go to OPVP areas.


BW did all that with this event and what has the result been? people NOT pvping in PVP area, lol. most times people are just lined up at pylon waiting their turn and no pvp is happening.


the funniest part of all this is, i have seen a number of people who i know have been moaning about lack of open world pvp waiting their turn in line instead of fighting over the pylon. im not going to name and shame but you know who you are. :p

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