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2094 dps FB / SC NiM EC....on a 3% wipe :(


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Was just a domino effect...He was on the ground, so when he died the circles started landing on other ppl, and between both tanks taking damage and the damage from DD ppl started dieing one by one with only 1 healer up. **** happens haha
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Man having a healer down on FB/SC boss is rough. my guild is still with our kinda mixed Ops group (mixed gear between uber people and people still in Colu/Rakata) is still trying to finish FB/SC HM... the issue with FB/SC is that you need an extra tank on the ground kiting all the flak on the ground so that it does not come up on the tank so that the DPS can do its job. and there's not really a good place to heal safely... Especialy for the High threat gain Mercs...
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Was just a domino effect...He was on the ground, so when he died the circles started landing on other ppl, and between both tanks taking damage and the damage from DD ppl started dieing one by one with only 1 healer up. **** happens haha

I'd slap your other healer a bit tbh. I've had my co healer die at around 10% in the final burn and I just jumped down immediately and kept doing my job, because, well, duh. I lost a tank in the last few % but we managed the kill.


But yeah, **** happens :o Things can go wrong in a great hurry.

Edited by Aurojiin
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