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How much does lightside/darkside impact later gear?


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Hey guys, I'm still pretty low-level and I don't want to gimp my character for later on. How much does light-side or dark-side affect gear choices for later? Will there be viable gear choices no matter which way I go? I have heard that some items require certain dark-side/light-side levels and am just wondering how important these choices really are. Also, is there gear that is only for pure neutral? I am rolling a Smuggler and was thinking about making him sort of a neutral character. So far, I have done everything light-side, but I still am early enough on that I could easily go back to neutral.
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The LS/DS req gear is mirrored through the tiers. So if you find an awesome chest piece that requires Light Side 4, there will be an equally awesome chest piece that requires Dark Side 4, each having identical stats/mod slots.


The only other place that I have seen LS/DS impact is in the color stones.


So basically you're screwed unless you go full light/dark? Or is there neutral gear as well?

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So basically you're screwed unless you go full light/dark? Or is there neutral gear as well?


Yes, I would like to know the answer to this as well. I think that players shouldn't be penalized for choosing to make a character to be true neutral. There are plenty of characters like this in the Star Wars universe.

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Yes, I would like to know the answer to this as well. I think that players shouldn't be penalized for choosing to make a character to be true neutral. There are plenty of characters like this in the Star Wars universe.


ATM there is NON for being netural BW has said though they are working on it and we will ahve it soon

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