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I Liked 1.7


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I enjoyed 1.7. I enjoyed the PvE and Heroic Centric Quests in the Norhern Area and the Imperial Versus Republic Open PVP that went on there. I really like the Free For All PVP Centric Quests in the Southern Area, it's the best thing that has happened to SWTOR's PVP, something perpetual and doesn't have to worry about faction balance affecting the quest mechanically. I like the Reputation system, all in all. I like the rewards possible via the event. And I am not much for Cartel Market stuff, but the first time I saw the Jawa "I Love You" bit, I, out loud, said, "Awwww."


I look forward to boarding the Gray Secant, and defeating the Operation Bosses. I love the new world design of Ilum. I was even cool with being ganked by tons of Republic players in the Northern Area while doing that Heroic Quest, it was a nice skirmish.


HOWEVER, I think that the reputation should go faster. People should be able to get the top-tier of the Gree Reputation in one period of the event UNLESS it is very consistent, something akin to Darkmoon Faire. I would love it if the vendor stayed after the event so those who saved their Rep Trophies cleverly can get their rewards in one stroke. And while I haven't seen all of the content of the event, as I have been mostly PVPing in both the Northern and Southern Areas (Galactic War feels alive again, finally.), I want to see a more story driven gameplay. I haven't even had the chance to speak yet.


But besides my gripes, I like it. The zone, the questing, the Faction PvP incentivized in the North, and the FFA PVP erupting in the Centre with the Pylon. The Gree are actually finally becoming cool, a storyline I thought would not (Up until this point I found the Gree rather uninteresting). And I will proceed to play it. TY.


P.S.- The Legacy Unlocks and new Perk for a Priority Transport for the Personal Starship was a nice, unexpected touch.

Edited by dankat
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