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Just resub and...


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So I just resubbed about 15 minutes ago and tried to log into my jedi guardian. I got a message that he is inactive and I can't reactivate him because I only have 4 character slots availible. I thought if I resubbed I was suppose to have any limits.
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You have 12 per server. With server merges, you could be over the limit. You may have to delete a few. Never had this problem as I always keep my character least pretty clean.


I only have 8 characters 4 imps and 4 pub.

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My sub dropped for like an hour at one time. I re-subbed but it took I want to say about 90 minutes to get the full effect in the game. Might just have to wait a bit. Also, and this sounds strange, might want to change your password and relog to the web site and game. That fixed one of my weird problems too.
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It says that I'm subbed. There are actually two threads in the CS forums with people (that have been continuous suscribers) having the same problem, I wasn't smart enough to check there first lol. Hopefully it will get fixed soon. Certainly a strange way to welcome people back.
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