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Final Wave Sent!


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3am now in europe all servers empty.. no invites being sent,

next morning will be monster queues..


I wish they woulda thought this out better.


rather would have had a 6 hr que to log in, then at least i know what i'm waiting for.

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because 60% of the invites that were sent out earlier were to people who were at school/work. and this evening there will be massive amounts of people logging in.


Have u looked at the server pop's they are empty. this also allowed people to que up for pvp and level way faster then they should have been able to..

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Seriously... how can you complian about a launch roughly 14 hours into it. Would you prefer that everybody here logs in now with you, crashes the whole system and puts everything a month behind schedule? Overloading the server day or week 1 - now that would be reason to say "bad launch"


Then you obviously didn't experience WoW's launch. Day 1, just a few hours in and a server, literally, blows up. The whole thing fried and it took 4 days for Blizzard to buy a new one to get the servers affected back up. With such a successfull stress test beta, where BW invite over 2M people, they should be able to do more than this crap.

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Congrats! Hopefully this is a sign that our concerns have been heard. Any twitter updates on this? Or are they pulling epic stealth invites?


Not at all, from what I could gather at Twitter the info still states:


"The final wave of emails have been sent. We will be sending another wave tomorrow starting at 8am CST."


Which was 6h ago, last update 1h ago included:


"Going live at 7pm CST for a webchat with James Ohlen, Daniel Erickson and Gabe Amatangelo!"


So they didn't received their invites unless they pre-ordered in July 21st and just saw the e-mail after getting home.

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Then you obviously didn't experience WoW's launch. Day 1, just a few hours in and a server, literally, blows up. The whole thing fried and it took 4 days for Blizzard to buy a new one to get the servers affected back up. With such a successfull stress test beta, where BW invite over 2M people, they should be able to do more than this crap.


Umm... I believe you are saying the same thing as me....

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now I understand the "waves" concept. but seriously, why didn't they send them all out since the beta, with an "appointment time" so that you could know when your time starts.


i've seen quite a few people that scheduled time off work to be here on day one.

i've seen that quite a few more didn't even use their invite till hours after.


for anyone that hasn't figured it out yet, the "waves" have the advantage of keeping the start zones from being bogged down, not the server itself. keep in mind that a game like this transmits the information of nearby people to each client. so if the entirerty of a server's population is in one zone. boom goes the server.


all in all, making people wait by the "phone" (email) to get the call to arms is rather anoying, and short sighted.


but it is "Star Wars" so i guess if we will sit in the cold and rain to get the first tickets to the midnight showing of a movie, then who really needs to worry about customer service. which has been seriously lacking all along. imho.


And let's not forget they arranged a lot of the servers with the guilds. I knew what server my guild would be on and it was full today with not half of the people to come.

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Anyone who still has their pre-order after what they're doing in BB chat, in addition to the deleted forum posts, and the community that is livid over how they're staging access, is a fool.


I'm still trolling the boards to vent my frustration because I'm stuck at my desk because it's patch tuesday. I gladly cancelled my copy at 3:01 today.

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My inbox is lonely it says this:


Wow, you've got a very clean inbox! (Did you know you can receive messages from other email accounts?)




Mine is similar, but says HA HA HA all your friends and associates do not like you anymore....jerk


I kinda deserved it if you ask me, one too many drinks at the office halloween party and everyone takes things to the extreme

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now I understand the "waves" concept. but seriously, why didn't they send them all out since the beta, with an "appointment time" so that you could know when your time starts.


i've seen quite a few people that scheduled time off work to be here on day one.

i've seen that quite a few more didn't even use their invite till hours after.


for anyone that hasn't figured it out yet, the "waves" have the advantage of keeping the start zones from being bogged down, not the server itself. keep in mind that a game like this transmits the information of nearby people to each client. so if the entirerty of a server's population is in one zone. boom goes the server.

yea but i think whats got people stumped is that some of the starting areas look pretty EMPTY

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anyone who still has their pre-order after what they're doing in bb chat, in addition to the deleted forum posts, and the community that is livid over how they're staging access, is a fool.


I'm still trolling the boards to vent my frustration because i'm stuck at my desk because it's patch tuesday. I gladly cancelled my copy at 3:01 today.


awesome i just mved up a place in line......thank you!!!!!

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Oh no, I don't think you're a troll. I was just pointing out that q looks really similar to g XD it confused me a sec and I was like "Oh god, it's gettin bad out there." I'm sure EVERYONE here read the fa... I can't even finish that -_- anyone complaining without reading the FAQ is complaining for the wrong reasons...


O sorry i misunderstood then , HERE HERE.

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Well at the end of the day, only they know how many people they have invited.


Some people probably had to work today, or can't play till the weekend.


Bioware just needs to look at how many preorders there are, stretch that out to the 19th and divide accordingly.


Not everyone who got invited today was able to play today I am sure. But they have maintain course.


I will agree a "XX% of preorders have been invited." would have been decent.



Also I take into account, this is biowares first MMO so expect some issues with communications.

As well EA is involved, which to me instantly says there are going to be even more issues.


But I have faith this will blow over, and within a month no one will even remember this.

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