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update on the solo rated warzone situation please and thank you.


Honestly why would you want solo q? The concept behind the ranked system is for TEAM PLAY and competitiveness. Not for people to randomly pug people for ranked coms. There is no reason for elite warhero gear and for them to EVER EVER make solo q. People need to stop posting such nonsense. If you want ranked solo Q well then please just SOLO REGULAR Q since it will be the same thing but no ranked coms. Also you seem to have this concept that having a "rank" will mean something. It will be meaningless in this way because you never got to pick your team or even pick your strategies as a team or from people just down right quitting. Once every one would get a deserter buff then no one would get to play. This is why regulars do not have it currently. Sorry to burst your bubble for the 100th time it will not happen. Bioware said in LIVE STREAM THAT THEY ARE NOT GOING TO DO SOLO RANKEDS EVER! SINCE THAT DEFEATS THE PURPOSE OF WHAT THEY ARE! So stop asking about this since it is beyond just redundant and plain out right stupid. Lets ruin ranked warzones even more now!

Edited by MrFrezzer
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so basically you just want a way to queue as a PUG, play terribly, and get RWZ comms?


yeaaaaa, no


Yea.. Why not? Why would the pro rated teams care if the bads pug it out for ratings/comms? You pros hang out in your elitist team rated WZ's.. Theres no need for you to be bothered with what happens down in tthe puglife. Don't worry, we pughettos can't infect your little club unless you let us in, so no need for any panty bunching at the OP's request.

Edited by DarthXout
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I think op means a ranked system where only pugs are allowed.


So you mean the current regular system? Since the current rating system is being thrown out and a new one is going to be put in they said. COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! So just q up for regulars since you are so pro and in casual that you should be fine. Seems like bads just collect in certain places.

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