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Looking for a Guild to join- Casual


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I am looking for a guild to join to do flashpoints and dailies with and sit and enjoy conversations on TS or Vent at times. P.s if you didnt catch it in my name in Canadian and from Southern Ontario.


I am a casual gamer..meaning I don't play every day (work seems to interfere :rolleyes: ) I play mostly on weekends and can sometimes be found tinkering around during the weekdays , but only for a short time when things are slow at my office. Lets not take Casual for not being a serious gamer though..I have been gaming since Pong came out in 1975 and enjoy every minute of it and aside from walks and hiking its my main hobby. (damn sounds like a singles ad i'm writing,lol). Long walks on the bea...............forget it..


any ways..if there are any casual Guilds that i could join please get in touch with me. I was always part of clans for fps games and would like to enjoy the same friendship and enjoyment in this game as well.


I have 4 toons on Shadowlands.. and mainly play as DPS with them for flashpoints ..but can respec 2 of them into healers if need be.

Edited by CrazyCanukk
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you should check us out! we are a casual multi-gamming community. We have our own voice chat server as well as an innovative website. We have a large PVE presence as well as a rapidly growing PVP presence. With countless alts, open raids, all night PVP matches, as well as 3 raid groups, there is something in Morningstar for everyone.


I also am a semi-hardcore gamer stuck in the life of a working family man, and i still manage to be the raid leader here in morningstar. check out our website, main page has not been updated but the groups(different games) are active. http://www.mstargamers.com/

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If you are republic you should look at our guild as well. We are a Guild of fun loving, relaxed adventure seekers! We enjoy both PVE and PVP. We run weekly flashpoints/operations and daily PVP. We are running weekly hard mode Explosive Conflict operations. We have completed Terror from Beyond story mode and would like to start Terror from Beyond hard mode when we have mastered EC hard mode. (we are on Kephess on HM ec).


Most of us tend to be in Team Speak every night, even on nights we dont raid.... Take a look if you are intrested



Edited by Lacavabill
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