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1 v 1 Champions Tournament Official Sign-up


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I'm not going to sit here listening to people ***** about nerfing seeth healing. If you don't ****in like it don't enter this. A good shadow doesn't need to be a complete ***** in a duel.


You also don't need to arbitrarily change a mechanic that has been in the game since release a week before a tournament because you don't agree with it. Does this mean smashers can't smash and sorcs can't bubblestun? I think those are broken too.

I've never heard of a dueling tournament that doesn't allow sap seething because it's stupidly simple to counter: save breaker for sap.


I was kind of looking forward to the tournament but I'm not going to throw my credits away to get **** on. I trust Insanus will represent the sins just fine, and I eagerly await the news of Psirebral winning the tournament.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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You also don't need to arbitrarily change a mechanic that has been in the game since release a week before a tournament because you don't agree with it. Does this mean smashers can't smash and sorcs can't bubblestun? I think those are broken too.

I've never heard of a dueling tournament that doesn't allow sap seething because it's stupidly simple to counter: save breaker for sap.


I was kind of looking forward to the tournament but I'm not going to throw my credits away to get **** on. I trust Insanus will represent the sins just fine, and I eagerly await the news of Psirebral winning the tournament.


Because we know damn well Spillfy, and chukles are going to have a ball chasing around Psi with their stupid voltaic slashes. Just because you guys are bad @ dueling in darkness doesnt mean you have to ruin it for the rest of us. Lol. It is a 1v1 tournament to test the skill of other players if a Smash monkey is stupid enough to brake my spike then he should in fact be sapped, and then seethed.


For the record I don't need to sap seethe to solo a infiltration shadow... You guys are @ the bottom of my list..

I'm worried about hybrid juggs, and sorcs who basically have two lives as well.


And Chukles the vulgarity of your statements doesn't make you correct... Just because you a cursing doesn't mean you are right.


Anyways, Plaje we should attend none the less.

Edited by PeteyLo
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Because we know damn well Spillfy, and chukles are going to have a ball chasing around Psi with their stupid voltaic slashes. Just because you guys are bad @ dueling in darkness doesnt mean you have to ruin it for the rest of us. Lol. It is a 1v1 tournament to test the skill of other players if a Smash monkey is stupid enough to brake my spike then he should in fact be sapped, and then seethed.


For the record I don't need to sap seethe to solo a infiltration shadow... You guys are @ the bottom of my list..

I'm worried about hybrid juggs, and sorcs who basically have two lives as well.


And Chukles the vulgarity of your statements doesn't make you correct... Just because you a cursing doesn't mean you are right.


Anyways, Plaje we should attend none the less.


Thats funny i seem to recall you needing to sap seethe Cloud alot in order to beat him and he was infiltration spec,and he still killed you alot without sap seethe!. But anyway Chukles Subzero and Cloud are in.








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Thats funny i seem to recall you needing to sap seethe Cloud alot in order to beat him and he was infiltration spec,and he still killed you alot without sap seethe!. But anyway Chukles Subzero and Cloud are in.









i cantz wait.

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Because we know damn well Spillfy, and chukles are going to have a ball chasing around Psi with their stupid voltaic slashes.


Funny that you say that yet last night I won 4 out of 6 duels against him on his sage and I was in infil. Great duelist as a Sage I won't deny that but I did it without the need of sap seething! (Go ask him and I'm sure he'll say the same thing.) Like I said to you today Infil is not horrid and actually can perform, it's just the baddies behind the character that can't do it and reroll as a tank hybrid for easy mode dps.


For the record I don't need to sap seethe to solo a infiltration shadow... You guys are @ the bottom of my list..


If that's the case I hope to see you at the duels and not stun lock me to full resolve watch me CC break right after, then combat stealth and wait for my resolve to go down for you to sap seethe and pull considerably the biggest ***** move in dueling. (I could counter it by doing the exact same thing as you but what about the others that don't have combat stealth?) Hell if you're so good at the class you wouldn't need to use sap seethe against me, chukles or anyone. (which I'm not gonna hold my breath for)


Thats funny i seem to recall you needing to sap seethe Cloud alot in order to beat him and he was infiltration spec,and he still killed you alot without sap seethe!


I wish I was there to see that. Good job to Cloud for that one!

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Thats funny i seem to recall you needing to sap seethe Cloud alot in order to beat him and he was infiltration spec,and he still killed you alot without sap seethe!. But anyway Chukles Subzero and Cloud are in.









Insanus here and I approve of this message.

Edited by PeteyLo
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Good luck to those participating in it. I wish I could but work trumps it. Is any one going to broadcasting the fights on twitch? Wish I could see how I fair against some/most of you...missed the last one and this one (I work every other sat and with a 50/50 chance, lost both times) maybe third time a charm.
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