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Help with gearing/crewskills.


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Hey there, I'm new to SWTOR, but have played a few other MMOs in the past. I've been playing about 2 weeks and I'm hooked, but I've been having a problem in the past few days with wanting to up my gear.


Let me skip to the point here, someone told me as a Sage I would want to take Artifice as a crew skill to get the most gear wise, and so I did. Now 3 days later my Artifice is 400 and I don't see any enhancements, crystals or offhands that improve willpower, so was this a mistake? Can I instead make money with Artifice and simply buy the mods and gear I need? Do I need to Re Engineer things/buy schematics to be able to make willpower crystals and enhancements? Would it be better to drop it and simply consider it a waste of 3 days and get Synthweaving or Something else? Thanks for the response.


A different question now, thanks for staying with me. As for leveling I'm only 38 at the moment. I've heard WZ is faster than Questing for leveling and even if that's true would I be better off questing?

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I have been around the block a few times (*whistles*) so I might be able to shed a bit more light on this. Teliks is partially right. Crystals (as of yet) never increase any main stat. They buff secondary stats such as power, crit, and endurance. Enhancements for moddable gear can add willpower if the original schematic lists it as a stat boost. If the original schem. (usually green) does not, then no amount of RE'ing will make it otherwise.


As for making creds; unfortunately Artifice isn't what it used to be. You can still make some from the lower lvl stuff but the real "meat" is in the 26/27 enhancements (provided you can get your hands on the schem.) Other than that, there isn't much for it. If you are looking to make creds try rolling with all gathering missions like Diplomacy, Underworld Trading, and Slicing. All have some valuable drops. If you want to be able to craft more gear, then try your hand at Synth or Armstech. As a Sage, I would stay away from the other armor crafting professions as they don't really add much to you. Personally I find a different alternative to be more viable. Biochem. It isn't what it used to be either but you can craft reusable stims and medpacks. Plus the top end Exotech stims go for around 17k a piece on my server (Jung Ma) so you can make serious bank there.


On to your next question though. WZ's don't really lvl all that much faster than questing unless you get the legacy perks and use a exp boost. If you do those, you will net around 10k+ exp per match on average. A word of advice though... Learn what the objective is for each match (Huttball, Voidstar, Civil War, Ancient Hypergate all operate slightly different) and plan accordingly. Everyone loves a great healer but sometimes dps is more needed as the enemy tends to single target the healers and if you die; you cant help at all. Also if you spec dps, make sure to assist with the objectives. Nobody likes "that one guy" who just stands around and kills the enemy in Huttball while they could be helping score.... Seriously you should see the comments people make when someone does that.


In the end its all up to preference though. Just play the game, have fun, and may the force be with you.


P.S. Just a heads up... Once you hit 50 WZ's are a whole new ball game so it's best to come prepared and ready to get your face smashed a few times before you get the WH/EWH gear.

Edited by LHRFreak
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Just to add to it a little, artifice also makes hilts which can be very expensive and vrery profitable. One of the best ways I have found to make money at lvl 50 is to buy bh gear (with comms) then reverse engineer the armoring, mod and enhancement. This should give you between3_6 molecular stabilizers and 1 or 2 energy matrix among others. Worst case scenario this will be worth around 450k creds, best case around 1 million.
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