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Transfer of Set Bonus to Adaptive, Cartel and Legacy Armor


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I recently hit Level 50 with my Sith Jugg.


In playing this toon, I wanted to make sure he was dressed with the Revan outfit from the Cartel packs.

After receiving the Revan Chest plate and Robe through multiple Cartel Pack purchases, ( I won't tell how much I spent but I did need counseling through Gambler's Anonymous :eek: ) I then spent 2 million credits on Revan's Mask.


Now, so armored with my Revan gear, I proceeded to play from level 1 through the entire Sith Warrior story. I enjoyed it thoroughly. One reason being my toon was geared as Darth Revan! When i hit Level 50 and received my Tionese Gear, I knew immediately that I wanted my toon to remain in my Revan gear and so I went ahead and pulled out the mods to bring the Revan gear up to the same specs. I even went so far as to make sure the Tionese head piece mods went into the Revan mask, the Tionese Chest Piece mods went into the Revan Chest piece, etc., etc. What did not transfer though was the Set Bonus.


I would really like to see Set Bonus transfer over to whatever armor we choose to wear. This is how we want our toons to look, we shouldn't be penalized because we are not physically using the Armor set we are given at End Game. If we take what makes that armor as powerful as it is, (i.e. mods) the Set Bonus should transfer as well.


Thank you for reading,


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Seems to be no end of these threads springing up.


First of all the 99 Tionese commendations you get are free! I think that deserves an exclamation mark ;)


So this is free gear that opens up quick access to being able to do Heroic Mode Flashpoints (HMFPs), in fact just after getting your free gear you should automatically get a mission pointing you to HMFPs on the Group Finder (GF).


Do a random HMFP using the GF daily to recieve 5 Black Hole Commendations (BH coms).

Once a week do a full clear of Black Hole and Section X for a further 12 BH coms.

All solo content (and by solo I mean you do not need any guild support, you will need to party up for a couple of Heroic quests in the weeklys and of course for the HMFPs)

In one week of fairly casual play you can get 32-47 BH coms. (4-7 daily HMFPs and the 2 weeklys)


Purchase the Campaign Armourings from the Black Hole vendor in supplies section of fleet (class specific). These cost between 36-44 BH coms each. These carry the set bonus. Minimum of effort to get 4 armourings to give 4 slot set bonus.


TBH, the set bonus is not needed for doing these daily activities. It is not missed, and for some advanced classes the set bonus is far from outstanding anyway.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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Seems to be no end of these threads springing up.


First of all the 99 Tionese commendations you get are free! I think that deserves an exclamation mark ;)


So this is free gear that opens up quick access to being able to do Heroic Mode Flashpoints (HMFPs), in fact just after getting your free gear you should automatically get a mission pointing you to HMFPs on the Group Finder (GF).


Do a random HMFP using the GF daily to recieve 5 Black Hole Commendations (BH coms).

Once a week do a full clear of Black Hole and Section X for a further 12 BH coms.

All solo content (and by solo I mean you do not need any guild support, you will need to party up for a couple of Heroic quests in the weeklys and of course for the HMFPs)

In one week of fairly casual play you can get 32-47 BH coms. (4-7 daily HMFPs and the 2 weeklys)


Purchase the Campaign Armourings from the Black Hole vendor in supplies section of fleet (class specific). These cost between 36-44 BH coms each. These carry the set bonus. Minimum of effort to get 4 armourings to give 4 slot set bonus.


TBH, the set bonus is not needed for doing these daily activities. It is not missed, and for some advanced classes the set bonus is far from outstanding anyway.


Pretty much this.


Any gear in the game that you actually want to admit to owning is capable of transferring its set bonus to any other piece of custom gear.


I began stripping the free Tionese gear as soon as the cartel market opened. Most of the time it looks hideous and I can do better skinning ewoks and jawas and stitching random parts together. Furthermore, the set bonuses are completely hit and miss depending on class and spec. So much so as to be worth dumping altogether. None of the content that the gear is suitable for is going to be adversely impacted by the lack of these bonuses anyway.

Edited by althene
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I should have also said, that with your 3 cartel pieces equipped it still leaves you the Feet (hidden by the robe) and the Gauntlet slots available. This will att least allow you to have a 2 slot set bonus while you gear up to get the other Campaign Armorings :)
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