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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Jugg problems...


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Hi guys and girls,


I was searchng thru forums but didnt find the answers... :)


I was over leveling very planet for about 4-5 levels, now im on begining of Belsavis i have 45lvl. I have advanced might hilt 20 in my saber, and 44-42 mods in adaptive armour, every one is violet. i'm questing wih Jessa.

My question sa: why can i be almost beaten to death by 4 mobs ( 2 strong and 2 normal) ? they are on 41 level i have decent gear, im using def abilities. Im starting with normal mobs and then going for stronger one. Fight always is short but i get lots of damage. im vengeance with some talents from rage, im using right rotations to proc and etc, but still i get huge amount of damage from low level mobs ( 4,5 lvl lower than me )... is it normal or maybe im doing something wrong? I geting hit from any mobs for 250-400 hp. it was happned on all the plantes i was questing.


I know i have Quinn, but i dont like him :),


...pls explain it to me....



Maybe im used to WOW too much, but anyway...


Maybe its because im light sided sith... is it punishment? :D Good ppl always have hard Times :D

PS Sorry for my English, im not native English speaking person

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Well, 2 strong and 2 weak (that's like 2 packs) should be a problem for 2 dps composition. you are probably doing nothing wrong. I guess you kill weak first with smash (to stun weak for less damage) and have all skills of Jaesa available? are you both attacking same target (I mean for strong).

Is Jaesa also up to date with gear? and are you sure you have right rotation :p


there is no punishment for being a LS (I know you meant it as a joke)

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are you both attacking same target (I mean for strong).

Is Jaesa also up to date with gear? and are you sure you have right rotation :p )


Well.... Im doing my Job and Jeesa doing her job... actually i never thinking about what shes doing, unless she stuck somewhere :) but as i remember she always attack my target which sometimes drives me crazy :)

She has decent gear, much better than quest rewards for her...

I'm trying to use rotations from noxxic.com guide


Regards :)

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Well.... Im doing my Job and Jeesa doing her job... actually i never thinking about what shes doing, unless she stuck somewhere :) but as i remember she always attack my target which sometimes drives me crazy :)

She has decent gear, much better than quest rewards for her...

I'm trying to use rotations from noxxic.com guide


Regards :)


Use Jaesa as a 'tank'. I don't mean gear wise but manually send her in to the strong enemies first before you leap in. (ctrl-1 is the default). Then do what was already suggested; kill weakest to strongest yourself, use smash to stun normal and weak enemies as an opener. Worst case Jaesa dies, you have most of your health (and probably all your defensive CD's) and only have one strong left to deal with.


Then use the dismiss/recall companion trick instead of rezzing her back up to full.

Edited by Ridickilis
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I dont die in these fight, but i hate that after each fight i have to recover my health, but apparently you guys just visualize me that im spoiled by WOW easiness...


Thanks again guys for clarify me that... :)


Best Ragards

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