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Covert Head Energy Armor

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The Covert Head Energy Armor acts like the Covert Torso Energy Armor, but has the added bonus of completely disabling the hood of the player's equipped chestpiece, if any is present.


This is to provide a temporary solution to the lack of a hood toggle, until BioWare can implement it. This piece would be available from the Cartel Market, the same way as the Covert Torso Energy Armor, and would be about as common. The rarity of the item would be entirely up to BioWare (and EA), however.


The addition of an item like this would provide a solution to the current hood issue until BioWare can implement their hood raising and lowering tech, so that players anxiously (or angrily) awaiting the new tech could have an alternative until the new tech makes it in.


Once the hood raise/lower tech is in, while it would make this item rather moot, it could still be used to remove the hood completely instead of lowering it. This would mean that it would still have a use even after the new tech goes live.

Edited by Nichos_Ketra
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  • 2 weeks later...
i rather have them include the toggle hood up and down option.


We all would, but the OP suggestion provides a workaround.


I would also like to see Covert Head armor because most hats, hoods, and helmets remove hair which looks awful. I just want an empty piece to put mods in. Hide helmet works fine, but this would be a final solution for me.

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The only thing I wouldn't like is the fact that it looks weird to have a cloak with no robe at all. Not having it hooded up is fine but it looks kinda silly when there is just no hood at all, not even a downed hood.


Although I suppose it wouldn't be a big deal to those of you who don't mind the hood going poof.

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  • 2 months later...

Just want to bump a good temporary solution.


Still want a real hood toggle but this would work somewhat, and a perk some robes seem to have a second hood included, so it does not look that bad when using some tiara's :p

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