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New 50 Jedi Guardians questions


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Greetings, dear Star Wars community,


i just hit 50 with my Jedi Guardian. It is not my first toon on 50, so i can say, that this class - compared to my other toons - gives me some headache and you might be able to help me a lot.

I am mainly a full time pvper (meaning i like to play pvp more then other ingame activities, not that i play 20 hours a day)


In sub 50 PVP i tried out a lot of different specs and ended up with a 31 - 0 - 8 spec. This was the only spec i felt usefull for my team. I was getting used to deal less then 50k total damage in an average match but i survived long enough to defend a voidstar door or an alderan turret long enough till reinforcements arrive.

On the other hand i start getting dscontent with the role of usualy being the low end of the pvp achievemnt list and it feels kinda sad, to experience the own attacks to be rather negelagiable on the enemys health bar.


What i am trying to say is, that i havent found my final specialization yet. But now i am at a point where i have to spend my stockpiled warzone commendations on some war hero gear. So i am looking for gear that is equaly useful for a dps and a tank spec.

The question is: What gear should i go for?

I read a lot on the forums and studied some guides who adviced to avoid the "+crit" attribute. Others stated, vindicater armor i the thing to go, even for a tank spec:


What do you tink about the idea, going 4 piece Vindicator (4 piece bonus), one piece war leader - and bulkwork earpiece/implants?


Any help is appreciated. I apologize for my imperfect english. I am a non native.


Thanks in advance!

Edited by HawkMarshal
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go for 18/23 hybrid. need 2 sets of gear, dps (vindicator?) with (power or strg) auguments, and tanking set (leader?) with endurance/power (18/12) auguments for defending objectives and huttball.

can prodobly start with tanking gear.


edit: advices about ignoring 'crit' attribute are for rage juggs, which is nice to do numbers, but in full vindicator dps set, you may be quite successful on 1vs1 when you’re good, and in crowds you are about control and stuff.

Edited by Atramar
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tank stuff for huttball and defending objectives/defense in voidstar, and dps for attack voidstar , attacking objectives , etc.

better to make auguments your self, cheaper.

if you realy wanna go with just one, go tank gear I guess. 4 pieace vindicator for that extra damage, and healing, and rest tanking stuff.

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Thanks so far, Atramar!

i am still interested in second opinions.

How do you gear you PVP Guardian and why?


Care to explain why you recommended the hybrid between Defence and Vigilance?

Any more clues how to be more effective in PVP as a guardian?


Thanks for your help, guys, i read a lot guardian class guides but still i am missing some essentials i think. Help is greatly appreciated.

Edited by HawkMarshal
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18/23/0 hybrid tank in tank stance has more mitigation (well, full tank has 4% more absorb and 4% more shield, but hybrid hains 4% more flat dmg reduce + 15% more on focused defence which can be used while stunned (and drops aggro, so pvp only)), you get unstoppable (cc immunity for 4 seconds after jump), so you jump to a target, master strike, smack him a bit, and arount 15% push, jump (10% more damage kicks in) and use finisher for big last hit. also, immunity makes you briliant ball carrier and superb cap stopper (unles there are snipers caping heh)

I personally have 2 gear sets, one dps vindicator with str 18/endu 12 auguments for every thing that required me to do damage.

and tank gear with 18 endu/12 power auguments for ball carrying, guarding.


getting 2 sets might be time consuming, but with dps gear you can always switch to smash monkey if you have premade with pre determined node guards or just to many tanks, but I prefer to stay 18/23 since you can still pull out some not so bad dps while being durable (healers can concentrate on some one else)

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Thank you for this quite enlightning post!

What i found out to love about the 18/23 spec is, that it reduces the cooldown of blade storm, which is by my experience, the most solid defensive skill the guardian has (combined with blade barrier).

I do miss hilt strike a lot, since i loved to have a 2nd 4 sec stunner ability.

But at the end i realy come to appreciate your advice, regardng this setup.


I am still gratefull for more advice on gear and pvp gameplay.

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