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Anyone Still Having Success (in non-ranked) PVP as Annhilation?


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Hey guys,


So I leveled my marauder mostly through PvP and LOVED it. I played all of the specs, and had some fun with all of them but definitely loved the consistency and 1v1 ability of annihilation the best. Here's the problems I have with the others:


Carnage - In a 1v1 against a competent player, I feel as though carnage's burst can be relatively easily countered, as the burst is very predictable. Just watch for the gore buff, then stun/kite/blow a defensive CD. In team fights, it was awesome jumping someone and bringing them from 80%-0 in 4 GCDs, and I think this is where it definitely shines but in a 1v1 being almost completely reliant on gore really weakens the spec.


Rage - Again, in a 1v1 against skilled players this spec can be countered. Most of the people that complain about rage complain about the fact that its main burst is AoE. IMO, and I think most people would agree, Carnage has much better single target burst than rage. I haven't really put my finger on exactly why (if I had to guess, I'd say carnage is better because of the previous statement, and annihilation because of its higher sustainability) , but I really have just not had as much success 1v1 with rage as with the other specs.


I'm not saying that these specs are underpowered or useless at all; they are definitely very strong, but they have very glaring issues (in my opinion) in 1v1, which is fine as I realize the game is not (nor should it be) balanced around 1v1. However I normally (actually always :( ) solo que, so I do often find myself in 1v1 situations. So my question, as the title states, is: are you guys still having success in unranked, solo que PVP with annhilation?

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A skilled player will always have success with any spec.




From today....wasn't solo as I qued with a healer friend but it was unranked.


Regardless I still love solo / unranked pvp as annihilation

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Holy ****. I have to say that is impressive. You scored almost 3x your closest teammate's damage. Pocket healing obviously helps but even with that is still very impressive. My biggest problems with annihilation is I feel almost useless in team fights where the direct damage of either of the other specs will outclass me, and a LOT of our damage is cleansable.
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