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Thank you, but...


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I don't have any problem with someone helping me out with my elite monster, even though indeed it clearly shows his impatience.

However, I find it annoying that far too often someone jumps into the group of enemies I am fighting against and helps me out, either with the intention to help or to claim the kills for himself. This happens to me especially on my low level alts.

Depending on my class and the situation I don't always manage or bother to hit them all at the beginning, so they kinda steal those monsters from me ( it was me who was taking the damage in the first place and it was me who started to fight them... they could just choose or wait for another group of enemies). That's what I am annoyed about.

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People complaining about players helping them out!?!


If, for some reason, I come across a lower-level player in a fight I may throw a lightning bolt their way to help them out. I generally don't do this unless the enemies are grey (so I'm not stealing anything) and I won't stick around unless the player looks like he/she will lose the fight.


I don't see anything wrong with that in principle.


- Arcada

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The only time I 'assist' anyone, is if I'm on one of my healers, and then sometimes I'll just altruistically give people heals while in battle. Sometimes, if it looks like someone else is working on the same quest as I am, then I'll invite them into a group so that we can get XP bonuses and not make completing the quest harder for each other. If the person declines, though, as far as I'm concerned it's every man for themselves, seeing as how it's not my fault said person or person(s) declined to cooperate with me and get more XP along with it.
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This topic seems to come up every few months....


I totally agree with you OP regarding leveling.


You don't mention, though, if the situation that sparked the post was while levelng or, say, Dailies. I've found as I've started to do Dailies there's a completely different dynamic involved, where people usually do jump in unannounced and unasked to do things like take down Final Stage boss-types. Those are frequently triggered by a switch and only one can exist at any given time, so having everyone waiting around with their thumbs up their bum waiting for me (or anyone else) to solo it is a frustrating waste of time.


Yeah, I can solo them (and frequently do), but I get no benefit from doing so.


In those situations, I will jump in and help if I'm one of the ones waiting. And if someone has helped me, I'll usually stick around and help them in turn. It's kind of a glorious thing to see 4 or 5 toons and their Companions turning one of those into slag.

Edited by AlixMV
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I want to say a thank you to all those who attempt to help me in game, seriously. I know your intentions are good.


But, its also an annoyance. If i need help, i'll ask for it. Most of the time you are either taking Exp, loot and/or objective targets from me. And i notice this is happening to a lot of people.


Please, if someone looks like they are handling things okay, leave them to it. If you really want to help, ask or wait to be asked. Otherwise help by casting buffs on players, or, if you see someone in a battle and their health is getting low, heal them (if you are capable). All of those things are no intrusive.


Otherwise if you are only 'helping' because of impatience when waiting for someone to defeat something or things that you need to get to or whatever, shame on you. Have a little patience.


I'm sure there are other posts about this out there, but it needed to be stated again.


Happy Gaming!


Last night I was on Hoth with my wife, she created a Jedi and soloing it... I use my 50 sentinal at times to assist her on Heroics. I saw a group of 4 who had just had 2 peeps die and the last one, with companion was running away to try and stay alive... so I jumped in and saved them... Not sure if they wanted that help or even said thank you, but I felt good in that situation helping them.... I do have to agree though, in a situation already under control, we also prefer to NOT have help.... It is a MMO, so it will happen anyway, I just roll with it.

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If i need help, i'll ask for it.

How will you do that if you are being wailed on?

Do you plan to stop fighting/ healing to target the nearest player, select whisper and type out "Would you please help me?"

or do you plan to scream in general

"Halp plx being beaten up and ppls all lookings at me not helpings...ugh dead... srsly guys? could nobody have halped me instead of just watching?!!!111"


Most of the time you are either taking Exp, loot and/or objective targets from me. And i notice this is happening to a lot of people.

Que? :rak_02: Nobody can take your loot or exp if you have tagged the mob... Seriously...


People have helped me out as I have helped people out. I welcome it as long as I have tagged the mob.

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I want to say a thank you to all those who attempt to help me in game, seriously. I know your intentions are good.


But, its also an annoyance. If i need help, i'll ask for it. Most of the time you are either taking Exp, loot and/or objective targets from me. And i notice this is happening to a lot of people.


Please, if someone looks like they are handling things okay, leave them to it. If you really want to help, ask or wait to be asked. Otherwise help by casting buffs on players, or, if you see someone in a battle and their health is getting low, heal them (if you are capable). All of those things are no intrusive.


Otherwise if you are only 'helping' because of impatience when waiting for someone to defeat something or things that you need to get to or whatever, shame on you. Have a little patience.


I'm sure there are other posts about this out there, but it needed to be stated again.


Happy Gaming!



While running dailies, our group will usually help defeat the champions spawned. Especially if there's a line of people waiting to do it - not only to save the player time, but others as well. I've never considered it to be potentially annoying, as I know I don't particularly enjoy soloing a champ with 9 people waiting for their turn. It seems a bit rude to sit and watch someone apparently struggle. Good to know, thanks for sharing your perspective.

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I've been irritated when a sage/sorc jumps into my pack of alreday tagged mobs and blows them all over the place. Not enough to be rude, just sighing to myself.


That is THE WORST. I play a sage and a sorc. I don't get how other players do not understand that pushing a mob is not helping. ESPECIALLY if the class is melee. Additionally in FPs, blowing the mobs away from your tank is a pain in the ***.



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your are a example of what the op is talking about. sorry for slowing you down a few secs in bh on the end boss for the area quest on my healer. (for me this is the most common occurrence i have seen.) when on my fresh 50s you guys just watch me but when i am on my bis dps/healer with a healer/dps companion having over 22k hp and better geared than you, you feel a need to shave a few secs off the kill now. go figure.


More like you're encountering the players who don't help, and the players who do. You're displeased with both.

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It wouldnt be so bad if someone joined me in a fight from the beginning. But, no. They always run along and take the last one or two guys who are part of the group i am fighting. They get the loot, experience, and, when they very rarely need it, bonus or objective item.


Just to reiterate, If you have done damage to the mob, with an aoe, conal attack, etc., they're grey to other players. They do not get loot or experience. Not every mob drops items - in a group of five or six, it's normal to get loot from only two or three of them.

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