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Animal Mounts in the Cartel market


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The problem I foresee with introducing animal mounts is the animations involved. Right now a given character on any given speeder simply sits (in one of three positions: sitting like in a car, straddle like a motorcycle, or squatting) on that speeder and glides along with no animation other than a robe (and hair/lekku) flowing behind the character in the flow of air. Further, all of these existing speeder animations work with the "taxi services." There are a handful of animal based taxi services but in all candor the animation is not very good - the body is static and the wings flap (not very convincing). Animal (ground) mounts would necessitate the introduction of a character bobbing up and down as the animal runs. While not difficult it is VERY time consuming.



So like almost every other MMO out there that has animal mounts? ;)

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Quote: Originally Posted by psandak View Post


The problem I foresee with introducing animal mounts is the animations involved. Right now a given character on any given speeder simply sits (in one of three positions: sitting like in a car, straddle like a motorcycle, or squatting) on that speeder and glides along with no animation other than a robe (and hair/lekku) flowing behind the character in the flow of air. Further, all of these existing speeder animations work with the "taxi services." There are a handful of animal based taxi services but in all candor the animation is not very good - the body is static and the wings flap (not very convincing). Animal (ground) mounts would necessitate the introduction of a character bobbing up and down as the animal runs. While not difficult it is VERY time consuming.



I would think that they would want to do it ,, all other MMO do this stuff to see if they can why not the DEV of SW .. bring it on SW DEV for us lets see what you really got ... :) ..



Maybe they should take a look at WoW .. :)







I want one and would do a month long mission for one if I had to ... hint hint

Edited by tanktest
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Wait... how is it that the speeders go too fast to be feasible with an animal mount??? We are running around in our speeders MUCH MUCH slower than they are capable of lore wise. Heck some of the speeders are used in the taxis and they certainly go faster in the taxis....


You people dont know your lore... Tauntauns run at 90KPH (55mph) http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Tauntaun


You "run" at lets assume 6mph... the 35% speed increase for sprint would be 8.1mph... the mount at 110% would be a measly 12.6mph... So why cant a TaunTaun keep up with 12mph again????


The real argument shouldn't be "OMG dont give us animal mounts!!!! IMMERSION!!!" and instead should be "OMG my speeders dont go nearly as fast as they could be IMMERSION!!!"

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As an aside, even if you assume we "run" at 8mph which may be more of a likely jogging/running pace, and sprinting at 35% that is only 10mph sprint... and then 110% mount speed would be 16.8mph...


Even if you over inflate the speeds because "we are jedi and we can run fast" (nevermind the non force users...) it would take us running at 25mph, sprint at 33.75mph, and mount at 52mph before you come anywhere CLOSE to the top speed of a tauntaun...


Im just gonna say... we do NOT run at 25MPH.... doesnt happen... and even if we did, a tauntaun could still keep up...


so where is your immersion argument now?


Edit: Just wanted to add, the other widely popular animal mount as seen in other parts of lore, dewbacks, can achieve speeds of 50KPH (31MPH)... so again, give our current "slow" speed in the game, it is highly plausible to use them for mounts, and NOT break lore.

Edited by Chickensevil
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Screw it... I took it down to good ole in game testing... run away from an object for 5 seconds and write down the distance... I only did it 5 times to get an average distance... but the numbers were not so far off that it really makes a difference here... do it with both sprint turned on and sprint turned off. Apply a bit of math and BAM you know how fast you run!

5seconds distance (avg): 28.414 normal / 37.59 sprint

mps(meters per second): 5.6828 normal / 7.59 sprint

kph: 20.45808 normal / 27.324 sprint

mph: 12.7121 normal / 16.9783 sprint


So whats the difference between the two values? about 35%? yep... The discrepancy is likely an error on my imperfect system to get the speed, and thus would throw the correct value off. But we can say we "run" at 13mph, and "sprint" at 17mph... So a 110% mount is 27.3mph.


So again, why cant animals known to run well over that speed be viable for mounts? That's a verified two species straight from wookieepedia: Dewbacks and Tauntauns which are also the most WIDELY known animal mounts...


Yes, I put way too much effort to discredit an angry few people "if you put animal mounts in the game IMA quit!!!!"... but don't go making baseless claims just because you want to complain... again... the better argument (if all you want to do is complain) is to argue why do our mounts go so SLOW... because clearly 27.3 MPH is far slower than my Lhosan Thunderbolt can take me.


Why if they dont increase the mount speeds SO MANY PEOPLE ARE GOING TO QUIT THE GAME!!!!!!111!ONE

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Screw it... I took it down to good ole in game testing... run away from an object for 5 seconds and write down the distance... I only did it 5 times to get an average distance... but the numbers were not so far off that it really makes a difference here... do it with both sprint turned on and sprint turned off. Apply a bit of math and BAM you know how fast you run!

5seconds distance (avg): 28.414 normal / 37.59 sprint

mps(meters per second): 5.6828 normal / 7.59 sprint

kph: 20.45808 normal / 27.324 sprint

mph: 12.7121 normal / 16.9783 sprint


So whats the difference between the two values? about 35%? yep... The discrepancy is likely an error on my imperfect system to get the speed, and thus would throw the correct value off. But we can say we "run" at 13mph, and "sprint" at 17mph... So a 110% mount is 27.3mph.


So again, why cant animals known to run well over that speed be viable for mounts? That's a verified two species straight from wookieepedia: Dewbacks and Tauntauns which are also the most WIDELY known animal mounts...


Yes, I put way too much effort to discredit an angry few people "if you put animal mounts in the game IMA quit!!!!"... but don't go making baseless claims just because you want to complain... again... the better argument (if all you want to do is complain) is to argue why do our mounts go so SLOW... because clearly 27.3 MPH is far slower than my Lhosan Thunderbolt can take me.


Why if they dont increase the mount speeds SO MANY PEOPLE ARE GOING TO QUIT THE GAME!!!!!!111!ONE


i don't carte the speed for an animal mounts. i want an animal mount for look awesome


So again, why cant animals known to run well over that speed be viable for mounts? That's a verified two species straight from wookieepedia: Dewbacks and Tauntauns which are also the most WIDELY known animal mounts...


Edited by lucotas
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I've been hoping for animal mounts as well (I want a thranta), but I really hope some can be earned, not just bought with Cartel Coins, as I only use my monthly allotment and am largely unwilling to buy them. Also, I would not care, and would prefer, if at least some were comparable in speed to mechanical mounts. Who cares if it's "unrealistic." Star Wars is a Sci-fi/Fantasy universe. There are animals in it that can survive the vacuum of space. Why wouldn't some exist within that can keep up with a speeder. Edited by KepavEgi
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Howdy everyone!


I wanted to pop in here and let everyone know that we are very much reading y'all's suggestions (and the ensuing debates :p). I figured the Animal Mounts discussion would be a good one to jump in and let you know that creature mounts are something we have wanted for quite some time now. Now, obviously I can't tell you anything concrete yet - mostly because there isn't anything concrete yet - but I can tell you that Hoth doesn't feel right without being able to ride a tauntaun.


please remember to add varactly

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Howdy everyone!


I wanted to pop in here and let everyone know that we are very much reading y'all's suggestions (and the ensuing debates :p). I figured the Animal Mounts discussion would be a good one to jump in and let you know that creature mounts are something we have wanted for quite some time now. Now, obviously I can't tell you anything concrete yet - mostly because there isn't anything concrete yet - but I can tell you that Hoth doesn't feel right without being able to ride a tauntaun.


Actually I would love to have the option to have special mounts which change looks according to planet/zone... Or heck.. even the option to reskin or re-color my speeders/mounts

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Actually I would love to have the option to have special mounts which change looks according to planet/zone... Or heck.. even the option to reskin or re-color my speeders/mounts


no dude. i want my varactly everywhere even in the imperial fleet

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Any animal which is currently already in the game or their homeworld is already explorable I believe should be available not in the Cartel Market but either as a mission reward or purchasable from a vendor. If not then I believe they would be cosidered acceptable as a Cartel Market item.


Those which are already in-game or have their homeworld explorable:









Those which would be best suited as a Cartel Item:






*Kashyyyk bantha



*Lava flea







Edited by Vitas
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Howdy everyone!


I wanted to pop in here and let everyone know that we are very much reading y'all's suggestions (and the ensuing debates :p). I figured the Animal Mounts discussion would be a good one to jump in and let you know that creature mounts are something we have wanted for quite some time now. Now, obviously I can't tell you anything concrete yet - mostly because there isn't anything concrete yet - but I can tell you that Hoth doesn't feel right without being able to ride a tauntaun.


Can we know when the animal mounts (varactly, taun taun, etc) are coming? maybe in 2.0?

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