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Deploy More Companions


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I've always wanted to be able to do missions with more than one companion. It rarely feels like the whole crew is working together as a team.


My suggestion is a purchasable unlock that would allow the player to bring out up to three companions when in a heroic instance (not zone) or SM flashpoint.

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  • 8 months later...
I've always wanted to be able to do missions with more than one companion. It rarely feels like the whole crew is working together as a team.


My suggestion is a purchasable unlock that would allow the player to bring out up to three companions when in a heroic instance (not zone) or SM flashpoint.


Back when i was beta testing this game on day one, i was looking forward to companions battling aside you, going up against over whelming odds, way beyond just you, the player and 2 other companions, Like IN "KNIGHT OF THE OLD REPUBLIC 1 & 2". It was you, the player and 2 companions, or if i recall, just one companion, you had a choice, i believe. (Do correct me if i'm wrong on that ). But i was so Disappointed when i got in the beta game that first day, and finally get my companions up from 1 to 2, and could only use one at a time, just So Disappointed. Then heard they would most likely will never implement more then one companion at a time.


It would be great if they did allow more then one and even 4, for those times when a group won't allow you to enjoy a full ops or sm or hm or fp, or just isn't sufficient enough to get your full SWTOR Experience and Adventure in......

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Yeah. I want my bad-tempered kitty and my sexy Imperial blonde to follow me. Why choose?
Same here. I have matching uniforms for them too, so it would look more like a squad, right?


/agree & /signed


I don't know about having 3 companions out though; because, it might gimp the experience a bit too much. But, definitely would like to have the ability to summon a 2nd companion usable in instanced areas only. That said, It might be unfair or game-breaking if it were allowable in the open world (e.g. OWPvP: you have 2 companions out and the other guy only has one -- y'know, p2w and all that). However, in phased or instanced areas, it would make for more advantageous situations to better enjoy this game:



Examples of Use:


1.) You're in an H4 while leveling and one guy is being a jerk, so kick ... and then another party member DCs. You do the kind thing and wait, but ... Oh well... and then the the last guy leaves. Okayyy... well I have my 2 companions, let's get them out. A healer and tank companion, and me as DPS. Holy trinity achieved. Time to salvage this H4!! Clear it to the last boss and pop my Heroic Moment mid-fight, down the boss, and clear the H4. Done.


1. a) I just want to get this one H4 on Tatooine done, and just - for the life of me - can't seem to find any willing souls to do it wth. I'm un-guilded (I know, sucks to be me), so I have no one to call on for a quick assist. But wait, I bought this unlock in my Legacy window (was it with credits or CCs? I don't remember - but anyways...). Enter the instance, summon my 2 comps out and hit it with my holy-trinity hammer-fist! Or...maybe I'm tank-mode, have Treek, and want double heals...so, T-H-H Crowbar combo multipass FTW!! ... Challenging. Fun...and... Done!


2.) Just for challenge's sake (and not having to go with a very specific AC, spec & gear build that I don't have leveled to max), I'm going to try and solo level 55 HM FP: Athiss! With just one companion, it's pretty much impossible, but with two; may actually be doable, but extremely challenging -- and fun!! Don't know how I will fair on the last boss with his fire balls and all, but it would be interesting to find out: win or lose!


3.) Those infamous instanced areas on Oricon that're *ahem* supposed to be solo-able. Well, some ACs can, but others can't. But wait... I will just summon my 2nd companion. And - boom - the big ugly goes down. Yay!! Working as intended :)


4.) I like to solo stuff. Yes, even in an MMO. I'm weird that way. Call me antisocial - idc. I like challenges and trying out different things, and being greedy with loot -- since I run solo, it's all mine :rak_04: So, this is the Holy Grail to Soloists like me!! But in all reality, sometimes, I really just want to do it solo. y'know?


The only disadvantage would make grouping a bit harder, but... EF it. It's already hard to get a group to do leveling H4s as it is now. But then, that's what guilds are for, and for those who stick only with one companion, or want the social aspect.


Also, there is the Social ranking on your character sheet, and Social gear that may serve as a motivator to get grouped up to do FPs. So, that's not gonna hinder much in the way of grouping for Essels or The Black Talon -- Social, leveling or otherwise. It's all good.


In the end, it's the players choice. Now, some naysayers will criticize this as a p2w. Well, they also said Treek was. But wait, you can buy the Treek mission thing with with CCs (yes, I know...) or with in-game Credits (something that everyone can earn). Likely for many, this will be a perk to allow for repeat play-ability; because, you've got a 55, earned a cool mil, and decide to re-roll, and do it all solo (or at least try to) with your new "2nd Companion Ability." More options. More challenge. More fun! And, keeping it in instanced areas would ensure as to not interfere with other players' enjoyment of the game; It would only affect your own -- in a very positive way.


All said and done, it's all about options and having them. We players can choose to do Heroic grouped content, the traditional way, with a group, OR we can choose to challenge ourselves and attempt it solo with a 2nd companion!


So, please Bioware, can we have this option in a not too distant update... soon™?

Edited by PifferPuff
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hey there ,

just to have a malus for having more comps deployed at a time the developers could cut the xp gained,

say one comp ... full xp

2 comps ... 1/2 xp

3 comps ... 1/3 xp

4 comps ... 1/4 xp


and so on

so there would be no free lunch and most ppl would be happy.


have fun



oh, getting some social points from interacting with your comps would be great too.

i love the look of the social gear one could get on voss but woooo woooo that's not gona be that soon

Edited by Tslok
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