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Cartel Market needs more content less fluff


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The cartel market may be making money for now with the new influx of people, but give it a few months and TOR will be in decline again. The problem is you aren't adding new content, just "stuff". I think the F2P should be similiar to DLC. I would happily pay for a new PvP map pack or bonus mission instead of just waiting for another update.


PvP map pack would add new pvp maps for players.

New bonus mission on current planets like Korriban and Tython aimed for player @ level 50.

New flashpoints and ops.

New companion story missions


This well keep the game going for the long run, no a pod racer mount. But don't try to short change us and charge 1400 coins for one new PvP map, make it reasonable. I would pay 600 coins (month supply for subs) on a new bonus mission every month.


Also game content should be free to people with subscriptions.

Edited by Dyvid
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Horrible ideas. You should NEVER segregate your community based on what real money purchases you've made.


Plus if they charged for all of that stuff, what exactly would we be getting for free? What would be the point of a sub?

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You've hit the problem dead on but your solutions are impracticable. Making new content takes way too long to churn out in a way that makes them money over the long term. Just look at how long its taking Makeb to be released.

What they should be doing with the Cartel market is selling fun stuff to A) Personalize your ship and B) Use for RP. Making a Rakata Mindtrap or some sort of interactable computer terminal appear somewhere would be incredibly useful for RP. Similarly for the ships you can do something as simple as putting art or banners on the walls or something as complex as re skinning the interior. These sort of little things are more fun than a million and one silly outfits(given that most of the cartel outfits are just recycling existing outfits into adaptable non faction attire) and speeders.

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First off, you already pay for section X and rise of the hutt cartel. Secondly I think subs should get all expasnions free. DCUO does this for thier subs. The main point is trying to get the team to develop content in a F2P market.
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Letting PvP players pay for new maps is a great idea to let Bioware make money, just see how many people pay for map packs in games like CoD and BF3.... And this game is filled with competitive players, so I would not be surprised if this could earn them a lot of cash. Cash they could use to make more content that could maybe focus on what makes this game different from other MMOs, and that is story based content.


Will never happen, but one can dream :) Mu ha ha ha!

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I'm paying a sub fee monthly for them to give me real content updates (with the exception of expansions which I will judge when its released, but not before then). The cartel market could use more useful "fluff" instead of recolored speeders (like faster speeders but less resistant to knock off) and ugly armors (like dye packs and barber shop options instead of armor recolors).
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PvP map pack would add new pvp maps for players.

New bonus mission on current planets like Korriban and Tython aimed for player @ level 50.

New flashpoints and ops.

New companion story missions



Unlike non-subscription based games the monthly fee we pay is supposed to pay for that content. I myself would be less inclined to sub if we were pretty much forced to pay more on top of what I already pay just to play that content.

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