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TOR Redo Roleplay Interest Check


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Hey guys, I had an idea today and I thought I should put it out there to see what you thought. The idea is a TOR ROLEPLAY. Now, I don't know how many of you on this forum like that sort of thing and how many think it's rather weird. If you are with the latter group, don't bother with this. However, if you're with the former, please read!


Now, I imagine there are already several forum roleplays out there for TOR or for Star Wars in general, but I'm not talking about your normal "character” roleplay. Well, it will be a lengthy explanation, but I hope you like these ideas.




Okay, so the idea is that the RP is set in the TOR galaxy and includes all the planets that feature in the game. (There may not be very many of them, but having more could make it too complex and, besides, is there really another real map that we could use?) Now, it’s during the time when all the guys in the galaxy have just got Hyperdrive. A perfect time to form factions!




Factions would be the core of the roleplay. A player forms a faction and has to design everything about it: detail is important, for this reason among others: there would not be just one person in a faction! Say I created a democracy. Other players could be my fellow senators. Or, I could create an absolute Monarchy and make myself the supreme dictator. Then other players would instead be officers and the like. I’m not sure what the rules would be when creating a faction, but I think the best way would be for a faction to start off with a single home planet. Anyone want to take over the Twi’leks or control Korriban? Then you could form larger factions by either conquering others and forming empires or making friends and becoming, say, yet another space faring democracy-republic-federation-alliance-whatever you want to call it.




It wouldn’t be Star Wars without the force! As well as factions, players could create and join orders (like the Sith and Jedi.) You would chose your ethical and moral alignment which would influence what kind of powers the members of your order have. There aren’t really rules with what you want to make your order like-whoever said a force user can’t be armed with a blaster? Headshots every time! The more detail the better-what colour lightsabers do you typically use? Do you have some kind of code? What’s your rank system? (e.g. Padwan/Knight/Master.) Up to you.

Orders will be significant in different ways. You could get involved with a faction: do you want to become a faction’s guardians and protectors or their ruling class? Up to you, and the faction’s leader of course. Unless you force it on them. Geddit? The way, factions and orders benefit from each other (a partnership obviously gives them both more power.) A strong order of force users could tip the scales in a conflict.

On the other hand, you could also go it alone and be a separate entity, doing your own thing. Maybe you can build up your power to rival the great factions...But that is not an invitation to god mod!


Okay, I haven’t gone much more in depth than that. Obviously, the mechanisms would be much more complex and there would be more rules to make it workable. But what’s the point of thinking all that through if for all I know everyone’s going to hiss at me for posting this and ban me from the forums forever?


If you’re not interested, than reading this has been a total waste of time. If, however, you are interested, please tell me so! If this is gonna be a real thing (and I hope it will be, because I think we could have a lot of fun with it,) I’ll need lots of help to make it happen anyway. Heck, I have no idea how to set up a forum!


So, if you want to be a part of it, drop a reply. If you have any ideas, now is the time to put them out there! If you want to get involved in setting this up, even better! And please, if you know that this would be completely ludicrous or couldn’t work, don’t just tell me so. Tell me why! WHHHY?

Edited by Nerdymidgetkid
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I saw that section but I assumed it was already set up as one single rp-no point asking people who were already involved in one. if I did set this up, I think it would be independant from any existing ones.
Nope, it's a forum full of different RPs.
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Well, fair enough then, but considering my ideas I think it would have to have a lot of different mechanisms (faction pages, order pages, events, alliances...) But would anyone actually be interested in joining this sort of thing? If not, I don't wanna waste my time. Don't just tell me if you're interested, also tell me if you're not, because I need to know.
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