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No Reason to Craft


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Except for Artifice, Cybertech and Biochem there really is no reason for crafting in this game. Armstech can make barrels but that is about the usefulness of it. Crafting Greens, Blues and Purples are relativly useless as EVERYONE uses modible gear! Artifice and Cybertech make the mods and Biochem for stims really why is there anything else in game?


Really you need to add in COOL looking armor and weapons to be crafted by Synthweaving, Armormech and Armstech to entice people to do these and feel like they made the right choice! OR redue the armor and weapons currently craftable to BE modible. You craft a green it is a green modible with green mods, reverse engineer for blues and purples just like we can except they are ALL modible!


THEN make Orange Armor give a SET bonus that IS NOT as good as PvP or PvE sets but makes it nice to craft a SET.


ADD in POST endgame items that can rival a endgame piece that really makes the Armor and Weapons crafting viable, yet modable so mods can be min/maxxed to players tastes.


All these "cool" items from the Cartel Market hurts the game economy and crafting professions!

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just because YOU don't like the look of player made mod'able orange armor/weapons, does not mean it's useless for everyone else. also you forgot Armormech, Armstech, Synthweaving makes Augments and Augment kits, which EVERYONE needs. I've made more money selling augments and kits than i ever have with Cybertech and Artifice. at least i think i have, kinda lost track after the first 35 million, lol.
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Some of those crafts are useful for keeping companions geared decently w/o maintaining mods on them as well as you.


As for needing more sets; second that.


Appearance slots would be awesome too.


Just saying.


Yes leveling up perhaps but what do you do endgame? leave them in 45-48 armor? There really is no endgame "high" with these crafting professions.

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Of course not, you put them in 50 gear.


You're OP stated no lvl specifics, just that there's "no reason to craft." I'm just pointing out there there are a few reasons to use the various crew skills. They aren't required to enjoy or do well in the game, but they aren't completely useless either.


After you hit 50, then there's the no win situation where people wonder why to bother with crafting, which is a better complaint then why bother with FP's, Ops, Pvp, etc. because those things = playing the game. Maybe there's some balancing to do, but it would seem counterproductive to MMO's to make crafted gear too close in power to gear gained from kiiling BBEG's or people would just settle for slightly inferior stuff. Kind of like Elite WH vs WH.

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You used to be able to make some money but that's pretty much not the case anymore unless you have access to operation level schematics, which 90% of the players do not. If it was an easy way to make money then supply has driven down the prices. Augment kits used to be that way but now you'd easly find 50 pages of them and prices down to like 30K, making it hardly worth the effort. You could go solo a mid level flashpoint or run dailies and probably make more unelss you have an army of dedicated companions. The only real money makers for average people are pretty much rich people twinking alts or selling cartel items. Real money for credits.


I agree. The cartel market and the addition of cheap plentifull adapative gear had seriously screwed over crafting and I don't iomagine it will get better. Imagine the day they make things like slicing or underworld trading obsolete. You think it's not a real threat? Ask the people that used to make things like armor, ship parts, color crystals...etc.

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You used to be able to make some money but that's pretty much not the case anymore unless you have access to operation level schematics, which 90% of the players do not. If it was an easy way to make money then supply has driven down the prices. Augment kits used to be that way but now you'd easly find 50 pages of them and prices down to like 30K, making it hardly worth the effort. You could go solo a mid level flashpoint or run dailies and probably make more unelss you have an army of dedicated companions. The only real money makers for average people are pretty much rich people twinking alts or selling cartel items. Real money for credits.


I agree. The cartel market and the addition of cheap plentifull adapative gear had seriously screwed over crafting and I don't iomagine it will get better. Imagine the day they make things like slicing or underworld trading obsolete. You think it's not a real threat? Ask the people that used to make things like armor, ship parts, color crystals...etc.


There is a lot of truth here. Crafting is one of the few "sandbox" elements in the game that can keep people playing for hours and hours and there are a lot of people who like to craft.


There is no crafting at endgame for the 90+% and crafting pre cap has been much hurt.


Pretty sad IMO and self defeating for a gaming company that wants to keep subs.

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sorry, i have to disagree that Augment Kits are not worth the effort at 30k each. i can still make 700k a day when i'm crafting. i farm my own zal/durasteel. i've got 2 400 scavengers and 4 400 slicers. i'm still making a huge profit at 30k. actually i'm still getting 35k for them. and 20k for the MK-5s. Edited by Holinyx
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I have to disagree as well.


Although I don't pvp, my guildmates who do, say that in the lower level pvp bracket, your gear scales up, so that a level 15 Purple will scales up to a level 49? Purple.


My Syntheweave and Armormech makes Purples and they sell like Popcorn at a movie theater :p

Both my Syntheweave and Armormech have over 500 Purple schematics each.


Here is my Syntheweaves schematics ( pics taken last November, so I have a little bit more now )

Syntheweave Heavy Armor schematics

Syntheweave Light Armor schematics , Page 1

Syntheweave Light Armor schematics , Page 2

Syntheweave Medium Armor schematics

Edited by nattodaisuki
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sorry, i have to disagree that Augment Kits are not worth the effort at 30k each. i can still make 700k a day when i'm crafting. i farm my own zal/durasteel. i've got 2 400 scavengers and 4 400 slicers. i'm still making a huge profit at 30k. actually i'm still getting 35k for them. and 20k for the MK-5s.


Are you taking into account how much you could sell those materials for? Because if you could sell the materials for more than what you make on crafting the kits then you are selling yourself short. Self gathered materials are NOT free. Believe me, I used to think like that. Suffice it to say, that looking at materials and crafted goods pricing on the WoW auction house changed my mind. And this was after 5+ years playing various MMOs with the "self gathered materials are free" mentality.


Getting back to the OP's assertion...augments are VERY profitable. Even the blue quality augments crafted by my synthweaver and armormech sell VERY well and VERY consistently. It is by no means millions over night, but it is a steady source of income for my legacy.

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  • 1 month later...
I have a 400 of every type of profession. And I don't find anything crafted that would earn me more than the mats alone. This stems from everyone having the same crafted items that I am trying to make. At least 85% of the "girl" character companion are in orange purchased gear leaving only the cybertech the beneficiary skill. There are many low level looks I absolutely love but they need to be replaced after 3 levels or I'm limping myself. And there is no equivalent at the higher levels.
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I always thought that the best gear in the game should be unmodable and only obtainable through crafting recipes that drop from high end raiding with very hard to come by materials.


Modable should be just one little notch under, but not BiS.

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We really do need more Level 50 crafting stuff. Not just random (and WAY too rare) drops, but schematics you can buy with Tionese crystals and BH/Tionese/Daily commendations. All of my armor and my companions' armors are adaptive. My Consular has all War Hero and Elite War Hero mods (and I'll augment like crazy). Why? A lot of the high-end Consular armor looks completely ridiculous. I managed to cobble together something that looks like a nice, sensible jumpsuit. I'd like to keep my nice, sensible jumpsuit but have the means to improve it as opportunity permits. Ditto with my companions; Tharan saves my butt too often to put him in bad gear.


As it stands, my new Bounty Hunter is going to have her "mysterious benefactor"/"friend of a friend of Braden's" sending her blaster crystals and enhancements. And my Bounty Hunter is going to learn Cybertech for mods and armoring to keep her own gear up to date.

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Well I flat out dropped Artifice today. I'd been considering it for awhile and had 400 since launch.


Going forward it just doesn't seem to be worth it anymore. Especially with the color crystals being up on the cartel shop.


I'm changing to biochem because it looks like the only profession that will always stay viable. :confused:

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Well I flat out dropped Artifice today. I'd been considering it for awhile and had 400 since launch.


Going forward it just doesn't seem to be worth it anymore. Especially with the color crystals being up on the cartel shop.


I'm changing to biochem because it looks like the only profession that will always stay viable. :confused:




Crafted one of the fancy sabers for personal use, and got nothing high that I actually need that can be crafted , also evaluating a re-vamp to biochem, despite the lack of criticals and efficient companion bonuses, I'd rather have a boost in fights to farm credits and buy whatever saber-related stuff I require from the than just have the skills sit there crafting again and again advanced 22 mods which get rapidly outphased anyways :( ( assassin tank )

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Well, i wish there was a reason to craft so players that love to craft, can actually get off their asses and actually craft, the main problem right now is that players that do not craft don't buy crafted gear because they charge way too much for the items they craft.


I just mean that if you sell for a REASONABLE price, where you still make a profit, but its also not overpriced that it would seem worthwhile buying.


I tend to find the best looking set of upgradable gear and put mods in it, but when i look for blue quality armorings, there is either none there or loads, but at a price of 5-10k each and i am level 11 at the time and its just insulting to pay that much for an item that isn't worth anything near that price.


Also, guys, i am thinking the crafting is all about pre-50, the gear that you can make even for level 50 is enough to get by, though that changed when bioware gave all players level 50 gear at the end of the class stories, which they did only because that there was a lack of gear due to crafters not crafting because you couldn't make any profit and that was only because you were overcharging severely.

Edited by JamieKirby
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This is getting ridiculous how many items that should be craftable just end up as parts of cartel packs... They are so desperate for money they would chase people away from the game with the way they are treating the cartel market and "free to play".
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Well, i wish there was a reason to craft so players that love to craft, can actually get off their asses and actually craft, the main problem right now is that players that do not craft don't buy crafted gear because they charge way too much for the items they craft.


I just mean that if you sell for a REASONABLE price, where you still make a profit, but its also not overpriced that it would seem worthwhile buying.


I tend to find the best looking set of upgradable gear and put mods in it, but when i look for blue quality armorings, there is either none there or loads, but at a price of 5-10k each and i am level 11 at the time and its just insulting to pay that much for an item that isn't worth anything near that price.


Also, guys, i am thinking the crafting is all about pre-50, the gear that you can make even for level 50 is enough to get by, though that changed when bioware gave all players level 50 gear at the end of the class stories, which they did only because that there was a lack of gear due to crafters not crafting because you couldn't make any profit and that was only because you were overcharging severely.

Whenever I'm leveling an alt, and want to purchase some blue armoring/mods/etc I rarely see this ridiculously overpriced gear you're complaining of. I may occasionally log on and see some low-level blue selling for 10k, but then I exercise my right as a purchaser and don't buy it.


Because I try to obtain the armoring/mods a few levels ahead of when I'll need it, if there aren't any cheap items on today, I can check back tomorrow and usually find what I'm looking for at a decent price.


I think you just need to be a bit better at working the GTN.


Sometimes I'll just scan ahead for barrels/hilts and find a great price on purple gear that I won't need for another 10 levels, buy it, and stick it in my cargo hold for later. Just the other day I found two level 43 purple reflex barrels selling for <13k, which is an excellent price.

Edited by Khevar
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Also, guys, i am thinking the crafting is all about pre-50, the gear that you can make even for level 50 is enough to get by, though that changed when bioware gave all players level 50 gear at the end of the class stories, which they did only because that there was a lack of gear due to crafters not crafting because you couldn't make any profit and that was only because you were overcharging severely.

There was no REASON to supply with boring crafts at all.


Look at how much time (RE and missions) it takes for a 49/50 artefact piece of gear, by the time you'll have finished your work, you could as well have made some 100k creds for what you won't be able to sell for some thousands "margin", at most.


Well, the freshly 50 potential customer could run some flashpoints or even ops and get better gear in the same time you'll need to craft a single piece, for free.

Edited by JMCH
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There was no REASON to supply with boring crafts at all.


Look at how much time (RE and missions) it takes for a 49/50 artefact piece of gear, by the time you'll have finished your work, you could as well have made some 100k creds for what you won't be able to sell for some thousands "margin", at most.


Well, the freshly 50 potential customer could run some flashpoints or even ops and get better gear in the same time you'll need to craft a single piece, for free.


I tend to not bother with purple quality stuff pre-50, they really do tend to be a waste of resources to gain, i mean if you loot it or get it via a quest, then go for it, but crafting it is not really worthwhile, the blue quality gear and mods are worth crafting and selling.


I understand that it can be expensive to level up crafting skills, but one of the issues that i see going on is that crafters that overcharge seem to be trying to get back the spendings they did to level up faster then they really need to.


For example, a level 11 blue quality Armoring, regardless of stats, (they all cost the same) costs 2 silica, 4 Desh and 2 Terenthium


Those resources are easily gathered, which techically costs roughly 500cr to gather the resources, craft the item and then place it on the GTN for 1500-2000cr per armoring, the price dependant on if you had any mission failures.


Obviously the cost of gathering will increase with the higher grade resources, so which results in higher selling price, it really is a pity that no one tries my suggestions, most of the players tend to prefer their 6 figure profits over helping the server economies develop, while taking in a solid profit, though less then 6 figures.

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Obviously the cost of gathering will increase with the higher grade resources, so which results in higher selling price, it really is a pity that no one tries my suggestions, most of the players tend to prefer their 6 figure profits over helping the server economies develop, while taking in a solid profit, though less then 6 figures.

You keep nattering about crafters preferring profits instead of "helping the server"


Are you doing this yourself? Are you doing crafting in the way you suggest?

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It's a solid approach, Jamie. Unfortunately, most peoples' minds are made up already, and they just aren't willing to hear (or try) it. If there are buyers out there willing to pay the asking price, you'll always end up having those that ask for the moon.


I gave up selling blue-level stuff, as nearly all of it came back to me unsold (even at very reasonable prices), so I just reverse engineer those and stick to selling the orange and artifact goods. For the level 10-20 stuff, 3500 - 5000 ($2,000 more than standard for those that have an augment slot) a pop seems to keep them moving within twelve hours of listing. And, my total credits keeps going up slowly but surely as I continue leveling underworld trading and archeology. :cool:

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