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Content (RP)


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So, i like the new stuff that seems to be coming out. The Cartel Market is starting to open up new avenues for me to get the sort of clothing and various other little bits i would like. But, lets forget the Cartel Market for a second...


When it comes to new content coming out in general, i feel that the bulk is aimed at players who enjoy PVE and PVP. I dont really want this to turn into a whine. But, i have hardly ever PVP'd (out of a roleplay situation, that is) Or PVE'd in the normal sense. mainly because i play this game for both its great storylines, the sociability of its players (and, yes there are some, despite the bad eggs ;) ), And a good bit of roleplaying.


Perhaps i am jumping the gun here a little, as there is an expansion pack to come (new storylines). But where are the little things? The expansion packs description has nothing that i would class as roleplay material other than the new planet, perhaps.


I dont want the devs to neglect the PVP and PVE crowd, because they have as much a right to new and good content as anyone else. And i respect why they enjoy those pursuits. But where are the roleplaying things. Chairs that can be used (out of your ship) Speech bubbles (perhaps. Although not something i am too bothered about) All those little things that would make roleplay a little more fun. Roleplayers dont need new planets to roleplay, or anything else that is big.


Anyone else have any input on this?

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As roleplayer I would be more than happy, if they simply deleted these damn red barriers in front of story and class quest instances. Behind those are some of the most interesting designed areas and rooms the game has to offer and they lock it away, as soon as one is blazed through the content ...


How unspeakably stupid is this?

It's almost a criminal act, ffs. Cutting content / immersion / the world for no good reason.

If I were the designer of this stuff, I would cry. Hours of work behind some freakin' walls ...


Anyway, I also would love housing. BW could expand the ships with this, or give us apartments on the capital worlds or Nar Shaddaa (or both). Oh and of course Guild Housing - e.g. a battleship for the guild (that would be something a guild can work together for - finally!). A real color option for armor would be nice too.


Little things as well. The mentioned usable chairs and sofas. And emotes... god dammit, emotes! What's the problem with implementing already EXISTING emotes? Take them from NPCs and put them on our characters. Crossed arms? Hands on hips? Hands behind back? Leaning on a wall? ... Come on BW, it can't be that hard.



And get rid of the 4 player limit on ships... -.-

Edited by lokozar
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As roleplayer I would be more than happy, if they simply deleted these damn red barriers in front of story and class quest instances. Behind those are some of the most interesting designed areas and rooms the game has to offer and they lock it away, as soon as one is blazed through the content ...


How unspeakably stupid is this?

It's almost a criminal act, ffs. Cutting content / immersion / the world for no good reason.

If I were the designer of this stuff, I would cry. Hours of work behind some freakin' walls ...


Anyway, I also would love housing. BW could expand the ships with this, or give us apartments on the capital worlds or Nar Shaddaa (or both). Oh and of course Guild Housing - e.g. a battleship for the guild (that would be something a guild can work together for - finally!). A real color option for armor would be nice too.


Little things as well. The mentioned usable chairs and sofas. And emotes... god dammit, emotes! What's the problem with implementing already EXISTING emotes? Take them from NPCs and put them on our characters. Crossed arms? Hands on hips? Hands behind back? Leaning on a wall? ... Come on BW, it can't be that hard.



And get rid of the 4 player limit on ships... -.-


While not a RPer per se...I do agree I would like to be able to see some of these places again {even if, worse case, they Red became yellow and allowed reentry/entry to all [something like that]}. I would also love to see the return of some content that was removed before live {for whatever reason}....like my favorite H4 Heroic in the whole game "Ravaged Reconstruction" on Taris...

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As roleplayer I would be more than happy, if they simply deleted these damn red barriers in front of story and class quest instances. Behind those are some of the most interesting designed areas and rooms the game has to offer and they lock it away, as soon as one is blazed through the content ...


How unspeakably stupid is this?

It's almost a criminal act, ffs. Cutting content / immersion / the world for no good reason.

If I were the designer of this stuff, I would cry. Hours of work behind some freakin' walls ...


Anyway, I also would love housing. BW could expand the ships with this, or give us apartments on the capital worlds or Nar Shaddaa (or both). Oh and of course Guild Housing - e.g. a battleship for the guild (that would be something a guild can work together for - finally!). A real color option for armor would be nice too.


Little things as well. The mentioned usable chairs and sofas. And emotes... god dammit, emotes! What's the problem with implementing already EXISTING emotes? Take them from NPCs and put them on our characters. Crossed arms? Hands on hips? Hands behind back? Leaning on a wall? ... Come on BW, it can't be that hard.



And get rid of the 4 player limit on ships... -.-


Some of the instanced places in the Jedi Temple would be great for RP. And there are a lot of other places in other areas. Perhaps have it so, as long as you have either completed that mission, or turned off the mission in the journal the instance is removed. or something similar.

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