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Lucky characters - your thoughts


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I know that drop is completely random but I feel that some of my characters are more lucky.

Like my sith warrior, on first planet he found about 15 medals, about 20 green 3 blue and one pink item, on the other hand my trooper found only 2 green items. I’m not superstitious but I’m curious if this character always will be so unlucky or its random and on next planet he will find lots of rare items. Did you have similar situations, like one character was always more lucky in finding rare items, while the other was poor in this.

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My thoughts exactly! I also noticed that Typhon gives loads more commendations than Ord Mantell (can't even buy the comms jacket if you don't choose comms as awards for your heroics on Ord). I noticed this for the fact that I created quite a few twinks and ran them through both planets!
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It really varies a lot with each character. I've left Korriban with a Jacket both for one of my SWs and one for Vette, while I've also grinded for an extra 15 minutes on my Inquisitor just to get that 8th commendation for my own jacket.

One inquisitor had 2 lvl 9 darkside lightsabers drop (unmoddifiable ones, but still, lightsabers) and a variety of statted light armor pieces, while the other inquisitor only had heavy armor and even some medium cunning armor drop.


All these differences matter a lot in survivability. Where a geared character could pull 2 or 3 groups in a row without breaking a sweat, the rewards-only geared one had to replennish health after every fight. Overall, it took maybe 40 minutes longer to get through Korriban, so it's not that bad. Especially whle playing, you actually hardly notice, you just play a bit more carefully.

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