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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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Quesh is listed as being level 36/37, and the storyline quest leading to the planet (for Jedi Sentinels anyway) is level 37.


I tried to get there on my 32 sentinel this evening, however the inoculation quest NPC is only showing a dim quest symbol over his head, indicating to me that I need to level up more before it unlocks. I could have sworn I've unlocked it before at 32, but I guess I was mistaken.


Verified. I hopped in my ship on a character that was level 30. Greyed out quest symbol for the injection quest. To double check if it was needed I clicked on the shuttle door to go down to the planet. A message popped up saying I needed to be inoculated to take the shuttle. :cool:

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Minimum level for the Injection mission on the Orbital Station is level 31, IIRC, so no you can't, even on another player's ship because you can't get the injection that allows you to use the shuttle to go to the surface.


The only reason I can think someone would want to is to get the Social outfit available there, a Hutt Bodyguard style Bounty Hunter suit. It's a kool look for companions and it only requires Social III, so I can see wanting to get that earlier.




Or the speeder... the Dagger.

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To land on quesh you need to be at least lvl 33. At this lvl the NPC that gives you the inoculation becomes available. This was still true when I last ran a toon through there recently. I am not sure if you are grouped with a 33+, and are below that if they can initiate the dialog for both of you....as I have never tried this {any time in the past when I went there with a lvling conjugate we were the same lvl or both at least 33}.


Reguardless of how you fly there {as another eluded to}...you are still deposited at the orbital station. So aye...the poster above that said 33 was spot on. I can personally confirm this as having lvled many toons....later toons always got there lower than earlier ones as I stopped doing every possible side mission. I also tested it at lvl 32 and it was a no go {this was when I discovered first hand it had to be lvl 33}.


If there are any other tricks to bypass this I am not aware of it. The only concept I can think of is teaming with at least a 33 that is going there for the first time and see if they can initiate the inoculation npc for you both. Suffice to say you cannot land without the shot that I know of.


You can land without the shot as I already said , I was just about to send my containment armor to my level 29 alt to try but I realised it would cost a fair amount to remove all the mods so I decided wasn't worth the effort. The OP didn't say he/she had said armor anyways. When I landed I spoke to the shot giver but he never gave me the shot , so after reading Urael's post about the shuttle door then I'm guessing you can land before level 33 with the armor on.





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