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Can't seem to break 5K HiB hit as Assault Vanguard


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as usual I was completely off base lol


I see now that my cc break is called tenacity, (i key bind cc break right away...so never really hovered over it) so the 2 set bonus does help. I was confusing it with the eliminator 2 set bonus....I'm gonna go with that's why I chose the combat tech gear over the eliminator (also because I also said to myself "the internet is wrong, I will be good in 50 pvp with supercommando gear and 31 points in SS" and already ground out full WH SuperCommando gear with EWH belt, bracers, relics, mainhand, offhand before realizing in fact this is bad for pvp).


Glad it is fun to pvp as a vanguard as I may now be grinding a 3rd set of WH gear to try out that set bonus.


So changing topics a bit...every dps vanguard I see is Assault, is tactics not viable currently?

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as usual I was completely off base lol


I see now that my cc break is called tenacity, (i key bind cc break right away...so never really hovered over it) so the 2 set bonus does help. I was confusing it with the eliminator 2 set bonus....I'm gonna go with that's why I chose the combat tech gear over the eliminator (also because I also said to myself "the internet is wrong, I will be good in 50 pvp with supercommando gear and 31 points in SS" and already ground out full WH SuperCommando gear with EWH belt, bracers, relics, mainhand, offhand before realizing in fact this is bad for pvp).


Glad it is fun to pvp as a vanguard as I may now be grinding a 3rd set of WH gear to try out that set bonus.


So changing topics a bit...every dps vanguard I see is Assault, is tactics not viable currently?


10/31/0 is the only viable tank vanguard tree tbh I sometimes enjoy that more than assault (Basically its Tactics but you can guard people) Running full tactics is.. meh you may as well be full assault

Edited by Jakev-
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yeah very confusing.. Oh well Lol.


yes...I have been bouncing all over...maybe I should pay more attention to the work I'm supposed to be doing instead of forum cruising.


I currently have full Combat Tech pvp gear, but am spec'd into assault (full assault now, for awhile the 8/5/28 build tho)....and I have learned through your sage advice that I am fail, and should've grabbed up the eliminator gear.


Would be sexy if bioware had named the gear "Shield Specialist" "Tactics" "Assault"....but then noobs like who buy stuff before reading would actually get the right gear.....maybe

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10/31/0 or 8/31/2 can be beast obviously but I pretty much only play it in regs. Apparently some use it in rated on other servers but with the current set up and tactics on Bastion I don't see it being viable.

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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so would it be this: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801GMhZMsrborfkds.2

with Ion cell active?


using the Combat tech gear? or SuperCommando?


Yes in Ion cell with mostly DPS gear or full DPS gear and a Super commando off hand.




Some people spec 2 points that I have in rocket punch into the ion cylinder, or into rebraced armor. Those can be moved around.

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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cool might give this a go when I have a healer in the party


Check the edit but yeah... without a decent healer it's not nearly as useful. You won't be tanky enough to make the guard useful without decent heals. And over all DPS is simply better with pyro obviously so again, without the healer... you're better off pyro.

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Drop expertise to approx 1200 and you can afford to drop crit and accuracy as well. Play around with it but I believe my accuracy and crit rating by itself is below 200 for both atm. (and I'm not done) But my aim is near 1500 and power is approx 1200-1300 I believe. Buffed and stimmed my tech bonus damage is approx 950 and you should be worried about that more than rail shot. Better bang for the buck.... take a look at how much white vs yellow damage you're doing.


You're already squishy... why bother worrying about expertise and damage reduction, plus you get a better damage increase by dropping expertise for power. In competitive PvP your damage will out weigh your survivability if you have competent tanks and healers.


Thanks for this detailed info, in this post and your later one where you point out about tech vs. white dmg attacks. I was kind of thinking this when I put 3 points into Steely Resolve (+9% Aim) i.e. more dmg over many attacks better than more dmg from one (esp. with so many (suprisingly) people bubbling or shielding as soon as they get a DoT from a PT/Van because they know what's coming). Did you put any points here? And if you did, would aim > power because of this boost? I wasn't sure if you are running an assault spec or one of the tactics builds you posted. I guess for power are you using the 51 Aim / 39 Power War Hero Mod? There doesn't seem to be an elite version of this, unless I missed it. I guess for augments you are also going power over aim?


Thanks again.

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