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Yes, that's right. What is the point of paying for a game that that consists of a server queue window? WoW has 10 million players and only the few fanboy realms may have queues. At least i can play that game. So farewell at least untill they manage to fix this utter crap. :p


PS: Nice try Bioware, but no cigar.

Edited by Zakuras
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Yes, that's right. What is the point of paying for a game that that consists of a server queue window? WoW has 10 million players and only the few fanboy realms may have queues. At least i can play that game. So farewell at least untill they manage to fix this utter crap. :p


PS: Nice try Bioware, but no cigar.


You'll be missed!

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look at the thread "since this is everyone's first MMO launch".



first off wow has been out for 6 years. Some realms still have queue in wow . On every expansion day all realms are full. So shut up you cry baby. Go back to wow that's were all the kids go.



ps good luck with your pandas. And don't forge to catch em' all!

Edited by Xtremee
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Yes, that's right. What is the point of paying for a game that that consists of a server queue window? WoW has 10 million players and only the few fanboy realms may have queues. At least i can play that game. So farewell at least untill they manage to fix this utter crap. :p


PS: Nice try Bioware, but no cigar.


Pokemon, Pandas and Recycled content... OH MY!

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you wow players are spoiled!!! wow has also beeen around for HOW LONG!? they didnt get 10 million over night retard and half those 10 mil are second and 3rd accounts as well as all those chinese gold spammers. It is a new game it will have ques it will need time to adjust now that it has gone live!! 1 day and you guys already cry its not to the standards of a game that has been actively played for 6+ years to work on graphics and server issues. Grow up WoW babies have fun with your pandas.
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Yes, that's right. What is the point of paying for a game that that consists of a server queue window? WoW has 10 million players and only the few fanboy realms may have queues. At least i can play that game. So farewell at least untill they manage to fix this utter crap. :p


PS: Nice try Bioware, but no cigar.


Woohoo, my queue moves forward one place...thanks!

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Yes, that's right. What is the point of paying for a game that that consists of a server queue window? WoW has 10 million players and only the few fanboy realms may have queues. At least i can play that game. So farewell at least untill they manage to fix this utter crap. :p


PS: Nice try Bioware, but no cigar.


Funny. I was just in a 30 minute Illidan server queue last week.

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Yes, because WoW never had queues on launch day for any of its releases... :rolleyes:


Seriously, when cata came out, i got home from gamestop at 12:05, done installing by 12:25ish, already a very long que on my server. It's gonna happen on launch day, and will keep happening for another few days, get over it.

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Coming from a vanilla player, have fun with that terrible game


Isn't SWTOR a futuristic version of WoW with voice overs? Not saying its a bad game, but when you call WoW terrible, you're calling this game terrible because both games are pretty much identical - most of the classes in SWTOR feel like the clunkier versions of the WOW classes / BGs / dungeons - everything has a "WoW" feel to it.


Not saying I hate SWTOR, but it is a clone.

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Yes, because WoW never had queues on launch day for any of its releases... :rolleyes:


The point is not that it's just released. The point is that i want to actually play it in the release. How can i do this if im stuck in the queue? And since my WoW subscription is still up i'd rather play that, for the sake of being able to play it with friends.

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