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Dark Side Corruption and Light Side Purity


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I feel like the light side is a little cheated in this aspect of the game. You can show dark side corruption, but what do the light side people get? One of the things I liked about KOTOR was bringing up the character screen and seeing either a statuesque character, head high with a blue white glow or a angry, fist balded up and breathing hard character you would cross the street to avoid. Here we have the corruption for the dark side showing on the face as veins and eye color changing. How about we have something like that on the light side? Maybe a golden glow or tint to the eyes. Something you can toggle like showing corruption.


I would love to see the KOTOR character screen on this character screen here. A copy and paste of that would be about perfect.

Edited by Draaconis
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I agree with you. I also think that companions should be asigned based on dark side or light side affinity. Whereas we now have companions that goes along with either a dark-, light- or neutral style of play I think there should be an even greater effect of chosing dark or light side. A companion could team up with you at certain points based on your affinity for the dark or light side respectively. For example, we could have 2 potential companions aiding us or involved in a mission story somehow and at the end of this story we'd be asigned one of them based on wether we have a darkside or lightside affinity. We would then get companions that are more in line with our chosen path for each character and the lightside/darkside choise would have a real significance other than cosmetic. Edited by Kaerwolf
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