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Flashpoint idea!


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Would it be cool if they made a Flashpoint that was exactly like the first cinematic? What if, while progressing through the "dungeon" you have to split up and work as a strike-team to accomplish a goal.. Break the stupid MMO concept of run to this group of mobs, kill... run to this group of mobs, kill... rinse and repeat. What if, instead, the Smuggler and Trooper has to go secure the ship to escape while the Jedi Knight has the epic showdown with some Sith Warrior to hold him back. Now you could easily substitute any class for any of these roles but I think the idea would be cool.


The one thing that I had really hoped this game was going to deliver is that way back in the development they said that it wasn't HEROIC for 4 guys to beat up on one guy (as in any other MMO dungeon). I really thought they were going to do something different but... behold as two Sith, a bounty hunter and an Imperial agent gang up on some little twi'lek padawan. Did anyone else feel like a total jerk killing tiny little Yadira Ban?

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That would be cool, I hope that they will introduce something like WoWs Cavern of Time, at some point, make it as a virtual history lesson for the heroes, and please do not distract me with your logic that if it is only a virtual experience and a lesson than the bosses shouldn't drop any loot, it's a game ppl. Splitting the group would be nice aspect, reminds me of this one fight in Naxx in WoW where you had to split group into to parts of one room that at the start of the fight became sealed off, on the other hand they would need to make those parts easier since most groups have only one tank and one healer, but why not.


And no, I didn't feel bad about killing her after she beat the crap out of me and my girlfriend the first time we went on BT.

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