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Pre-made vs. PUG


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But... if they are concerned about a weekly or time then they shouldn't be Solo Queing and/or Que dodging..


(Not directed at you Ybi) Sorry, I just can't excuse it. If you want to be on team, be on the team and quit screwing it up for everyone else...


Sounds good if you already have a bunch of friends or a decent sized guild. I think some people are too intermittent in their play they can't commit to a group so they only solo. I don't group often for that same reason. But I've gotten used to the idea that you're going to get a few in recruit that don't know how to click turrets, or don't know how to throw the huttball. There'll usually be someone there to be mad about it because they just _need_ (lol) that one win to get their weekly done and it frustrates.


It would be nice if they didn't bail, I'm sure there are some occasions its crashes, disconnects or the dog puking on the carpet they have to tend to. But I'm betting more often than not they're bailing to try and get better odds, because a lot of times it'll be as soon as there's a second cap, the leaving happens and it kills the morale right away. If you're lucky you'll get someone to queue in quickly that's frisky and gets everyone going again.

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This needs to never happen. It ruins the entire pvp aspect of this game. If there aren't enough premades to insure they play each other, then make them sit... if you do so, you have annoyed 8 people. Sticking them into the PUG queue pisses off the rest of the server. It's simple math, you will keep more subs if you disallow premades to fight pug's.


U mad bro? I don't even need comms anymore, I just q with my premades to see people like you cry. Your tears... mmm, delicious.

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There it is, the "Premades are scared to queue solo" angle. Usually closely followed by the "premaders are actually terrible players, who would fail hard if they didn't have the magic of Vent propping them up" angle.


Premaders queue solo all the time. And we lose a lot more often. And it is just as frustrating for us. The DIFFERENCE is that we think "My God, I wish a couple of my guildies were on" NOT "My God, I wish Bioware would make it so the people who beat me, werent allowed in the same queue as me..."



^^ this

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There it is, the "Premades are scared to queue solo" angle. Usually closely followed by the "premaders are actually terrible players, who would fail hard if they didn't have the magic of Vent propping them up" angle.


Premaders queue solo all the time. And we lose a lot more often. And it is just as frustrating for us. The DIFFERENCE is that we think "My God, I wish a couple of my guildies were on" NOT "My God, I wish Bioware would make it so the people who beat me, werent allowed in the same queue as me..."

hahahhahaha if premaders are terribad players then how is grouping up multiple terribads in the same team gonna own ppl is it magic? good laugh ty love ur post, I pvp alot everyday and during the day i`m usually solo or doing a 2man while at nights doing 4mans, fun fact when i`m solo i still finish nr 1 on the scoreboard above all the enemy team even if I lost.


Also 1)ppl in premades->actually care of what`s going on in that wz and play for the team and will gladly sacrifice themselves for it if needed;

2)PUG->recruit gear ofc he`s going straight to mid and doesn`t give a fck about side nodes he`s gonna leap into a crowd of enemies die in 2 seconds then come post threads on the pvp forum, no calling inc, no responding to inc calls,not seeing the healer behind the guy he`s trying to kill, not passing the ball(seriously why can`t noobs understand in a game like huttball each class/spec=different role for u and actually help the team instead of trying to walk ur way to the enemy goal line with the ball no matter what class u are and ignoring teammates in an advanced position w8ing for a pass)


Ow and 1 more thing while into a 4man in huttball 8 minutes into the game we scor for 4-0, then out of nowhere 1 of the other 4 random pugs on our team said "OMG NOOBS U SCK!" and left the game instantly at which point everybody is like *** was that? while me:"prob such a big noob that 8 minutes into the game he did not realize that the enemy never reached our goal line and that he most likely was seeing that bug where u see the scoreboard and colours reversed" u can imagine how much of a help he was for the team:D if after 8 mins he didn`t have a clue of what everybody is doing in that wz and yet had the guts to write crap with capslock and run away from a free win. I fear ppl such as this guy actually start threads like OMG GEAR GAP or PREMADES ARE RUINING PVP or NERF PT`s because sorcs have no chance againts them!:rolleyes: ofc i own jugs/maras/sins/snipers but them PT`s need NERFING! oh and after that NERF Operatives because they always kill me when they open on me:rak_04:

Edited by iDraxter
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This needs to never happen. It ruins the entire pvp aspect of this game. If there aren't enough premades to insure they play each other, then make them sit... if you do so, you have annoyed 8 people. Sticking them into the PUG queue pisses off the rest of the server. It's simple math, you will keep more subs if you disallow premades to fight pug's.


I agree with you, the premades really seem to suck the fun out pvping.

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There have been countless threads on this topic for over a year now. You would think Bioware would at least attempt to better optimize the matchmaking system in some way to better group players based on whether they queued as a group or solo. It's clear people are unhappy on both sides, but more so on the solo side. I have no doubt they have already lost subs over it.
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This needs to never happen. It ruins the entire pvp aspect of this game. If there aren't enough premades to insure they play each other, then make them sit... if you do so, you have annoyed 8 people. Sticking them into the PUG queue pisses off the rest of the server. It's simple math, you will keep more subs if you disallow premades to fight pug's.


Your math doesn't add up. If the double premade faces the full pug then the full pug got to play a game, which they probably lost horribly.


Number of people annoyed: 8

Length of annoyance: 20 minutes


If the premade is forced to sit until the right people show up if ever, then they get to sit around on fleet twiddling their thumbs.


Number of people annoyed: 8

Length of Annoyance: potentially hours or they decide to stop playing the game altogether.


Seems same number of people are annoyed either way, but one is annoyed for a lot longer and for little reason.


I agree the matchmaking needs work, but srsly you do know you're allowed to form a premade of your own.

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There have been countless threads on this topic for over a year now. You would think Bioware would at least attempt to better optimize the matchmaking system in some way to better group players based on whether they queued as a group or solo. It's clear people are unhappy on both sides, but more so on the solo side. I have no doubt they have already lost subs over it.


or its because those members of the community crying about it are just a really, really, really loud and obnoxious minority?



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